
  • Episode 520 - LENS Model of Law Enforcement Negotiation
    Jul 10 2024

    Just showing up and winging it, destroys your confidence and ability to seal the deal. Preparation lays the foundation for a successful negotiation. Thorough preparation allows negotiators to understand their goals, identify their tools, and establish clear objectives.

    Scent of a friend: Similarities in body odor may contribute to social bonding

    Do you want a negotiation structure to follow during the negotiation? Have you done your preparation? It is essential to follow a formula for a successful negotiation. Join me for this week’s podcast on the LENS Model of Law Enforcement Negotiation. We will explore the proven elements that create that successful, win-win negotiation.

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    21 mins
  • Episode 519 - Military Interrogation (Influence) Techniques
    Jul 4 2024

    Military interrogators worldwide are like skilled chess players, understanding human psychology to uncover valuable information. They don’t rely on luck but on calculated strategy. Let's dive into the world of interrogators.

    Going to bed after this time could lead to poorer mental health, a Stanford study finds

    Can you use these techniques to persuade and influence? Absolutely.

    Join me for this week’s podcast on Military Interrogation (Influence) Techniques and discover how to adapt proven interrogation techniques in your daily negotiation or sales approaches.

    Find out other interrogation secrets that you can ethically use to persuade others. Remember, these techniques have ethical boundaries and must be adapted to influence.

    Whats your Presentation IQ? CLICK HERE to find out!

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    21 mins
  • Episode 518 - Double Dog Dissonance - Persuade Under the Radar
    Jun 27 2024

    The Law of Dissonance proves that people will naturally act in a manner that is consistent with their cognitions. What is a cognition? Our cognition is a mental process that uses thoughts, beliefs, experiences, and past perceptions.

    That means when people behave in a manner that is inconsistent with these cognitions (beliefs, thoughts or values), they find themselves in a state of discomfort. In this uncomfortable state, they will be motivated to adjust their behaviors or beliefs to regain mental and emotional balance. When our beliefs, attitudes, and actions mesh, we feel congruent.

    This allows us to live with our thoughts, manage our day-to-day activities, and allows us to sleep at night. Have you ever proved someone they were wrong? Have you ever backed them into a corner? What happened? You made the perfect case, but you never heard from them again.

    How do you use dissonance with your daily persuasion? How do you get others to persuade themselves? Join me for this week’s podcast on Double Dog Dissonance - Persuade Under the Radar. Discover ways to help people convince themselves.


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    21 mins
  • Episode 517 - Stand Out, Get Noticed, Get The Appointment Or Get The Job Interview
    Jun 19 2024

    We all need more appointments, and we all want more of them. How do we get more appointments or interviews? The key is to eliminate the things you are doing that are getting you that, NO, that dang rejection. These simple changes will improve your chances of getting that appointment/interview

    Nearly 4 in 10 employers avoid hiring recent college grads in favor of older workers

    A boss who uses a 'coffee cup test' to filter candidates in job interviews is being accused by some social media users of playing 'mind games'

    How do you break through all that noise and daily clutter that stops you from getting noticed and getting that appointment? You know you are qualified. Why aren’t they calling back for that job interview? So, how do you stand out? Tired of being ignored?

    Join me for this week’s podcast on Stand Out, Get Noticed, Get The Appointment Or Get The Job Interview. You will discover persuasion tools that make sure you are never ignored again.

    Can You Captivate and Close with Charisma?

    Click HERE to find out

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    21 mins
  • Episode 516 - Persuasion Mistakes, Influence Blunders, and Changes In Selling For 2024
    Jun 13 2024

    Do you repel people? Are you being offensive, pushing too hard, or saying the wrong things? As I interview prospects who have said no, the responses I get are interesting. They told you it was too expensive, and they toldl me I did not trust them. Statistics show that this is happening to you.

    Let’s get into some of these complaints and things you could be doing that repels the people you are contacting. What are those common persuasion mistakes, and sales blunders costing you money?

    Why Some Decisions Feel Right While Others Don’t

    These mistakes are silent influence killers. Most people will never say anything to you that will alert you to the fact they are feeling this way. They are more comfortable lying to you—so they don't hurt your feelings. They walk away and simply never deal with you again. The challenge is you don’t even know you are doing these blunders.

    Join me for this week’s podcast as I discuss all the mistakes you could be making, and how to fix them.

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    21 mins
  • Episode 515 - Who is a better persuader? Introverts, Extroverts, Ambiverts or Omniverts?
    Jun 5 2024

    Who's the better persuader? Is it the lively Extroverts thriving on social energy? Or maybe the contemplative Introverts harnessing the power of introspection? Could it be the versatile Ambiverts, navigating seamlessly between both worlds? Or perhaps the enigmatic Omniverts, fluctuating between the extremes?

    Rethinking the Extraverted Sales Ideal - The Ambivert Advantage

    Think about it - your vote might align with your personality trait. If you're an introvert, you might swear by the subtle power of quiet persuasion, while extroverts might champion the bold approach of their outgoing nature. We break down all the details all this weeks all-new episode!

    PS don't forget to claim your deal of the week!

    Lifetime membership to Gold Influence University- CLICK HERE

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    22 mins
  • Episode 514 - Use Mirror Neurons To Influence Without Detection
    May 29 2024

    Twenty years ago, a team led by Giacomo Rizzolatti at the University of Parma in Italy made a radical discovery: mirror neurons. These specialized brain cells were found in Macaque Monkeys and would activate when the monkey performed an action and when it observed another monkey performing the same action.

    Mere agreement A similarity-based persuasion mechanism

    You can create more engaging, relatable, and persuasive sales interactions by understanding and using mirror neurons. Want to discover additional ways to get your prospect’s mirror neurons to fire on command? Join me for this week’s podcast on Use Mirror Neurons To Influence Without Detection. I will take a deep dive in the science and application of mirror neurons.

    Click HERE to get your FREE Presentation IQ...see where you rank!

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    21 mins
  • Episode 513 - Are You A Master Manipulator?
    May 22 2024

    Recognizing manipulation can be easy to identify - if you know the signs. Listen to this episode too learn about some indicators that may indicate you are being manipulated.

    More feelings of misinformation more news avoidance fake new

    So, how do you know if you are being manipulated? Why do people manipulate? How do you handle a manipulator? Join me for this week’s podcast on Are You A Master Manipulator?

    What is your Presentaion IQ? Find out HERE for FREE

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    20 mins