• How an automated notification helped him save $800 in recurring revenue - Episode #34!
    Mar 14 2020

    Action takers always win!

    Being at home now more than ever means... more time to work on my passion! I didn't have any plans to record a podcast episode this morning but I received an email from a customer this morning where he shared an email to show how something he did recently created an $800 sale that you can do very easily as well.

    Be sure to take a listen to find out what this customer of our membership plugin - DigitalAccessPass.com (DAP) said and why it was important for me to share this message with you today! 

    Episode Link: MembershipSiteLab.com/34

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    8 mins
  • How to Minimize Failed Payments with PayPal, Stripe & Authnet – Episode #33!
    Mar 9 2020

    Involuntary churn does not just impact your revenue, it negatively impacts your relationship with the customer as well because they lose access to the product or service they are actively using without even realizing that their payment failed or their subscription was suspended or terminated.

    You can easily minimize involuntary churn using the right tools and strategy. Each payment processor is different and they deal with failed payments differently.

    Take a listen to this episode to learn how you can automate failed payment management that will allow you to minimize the friction customers may encounter during subscription renewals and will help drive down involuntary churn.

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    13 mins
  • A Simple & Easy-to-Implement Rewards-Based Membership Model - Episode #32!
    Mar 1 2020

    Recently one of our DAP customers contacted us as he wanted to know if there was way to implement a rewards-based membership model.

    Here's what he wanted to do...

    When users click on his facebook ad and land on his opt-in page, he wanted to gift those users 100 points. And he wanted to allow these users to use their points just like coupons on the checkout. A simple rewards-based model that's sure to help you increase your opt-in conversions.

    Because not only are you giving away a valuable freebie when they opt-in but on the top of that, they get a free gift that's extremely valuable because they could use it towards purchase of ANY products/services on your site.

    This is simply the kind of reward your customers will value the most. So how do you implement a simple rewards-based membership model like this?

    Take a listen to this episode to find out step-by-step how I helped this user implement this model in his membership site and how you can do the same.

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    18 mins
  • Membership Models: The Magazine Subscription Model - Episode #31!
    Feb 22 2020

    Recently we received a pre-sales email from a user who asked some great questions about magazine subscription model.

    She said:
    I'm looking for a membership plugin that will do the following:
    - Person purchases a membership and gets access to the current month's content, but not previous months content.
    - As long as they are a member, they get ongoing content that is published each month on the first of the month.
    - I would want to have a Member's Area or Dashboard where they can view all the content that they have available to them.
    - I need a place like a Shop or a store page to show them previous month's content that they don't have access to, that they could purchase each one separately. Does your plugin support these features?

    Take a listen to this episode to find out my responses to her questions, what other membership plugin she had shortlisted, why she ended up choosing DAP over other plugins, and step-by-step how to implement this in your membership site!

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    17 mins
  • Cross-site Product Chaining - How to connect different Membership Sites - Episode #30!
    Feb 16 2020

    You probably already know what is Product Chaining in DAP. With Product Chaining, you can set up rules in DAP to say, if a member buys Product A, also give them access to Product B. This is for 2 products on the same web site.

    Now imagine doing Product Chaining across two different web sites, each with its own DAP installation. It is basically cross-site product chaining. And this is exactly what you can do using DAP2DAP!

    You can have users automatically registered on the destination DAP site when they make a purchase on the source site or signup for free membership on source site. You can have users automatically removed from product on your destination site when they cancel their membership on the source site. You can also have DAP2DAP sync password / profile from one site to another!

    Take a listen to this episode to find out how I use DAP2DAP on my sites to deliver bonuses, upsells, order bumps and how you can do the same!

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    15 mins
  • How to Verify Email on the Checkout Page and keep your Email List Clean- Episode 29!
    Feb 9 2020

    Users mistyping their email address on the checkout page is a big problem for online business owners. As mobile ordering is becoming common, this is becoming a huge problem as people have typos in the email more than ever before. So users complete purchase without realizing that they mistyped their email. After purchase, they look forward to getting started and expect some kind of purchase confirmation or a welcome email but that email never arrives. This obviously results in poor customer experience and often results in refunds and cancellations. Some may share their negative experience with others in the community. This can have an impact on your brand and can lead to lost sales.

    The good news is that we did our research and found a solution to this problem! Take a listen to this episode of "Membership Site Lab" to find out what I found from my research and how we've solved this problem for our users!

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    19 mins
  • Simple Tips to help you troubleshoot all PayPal IPN Issues - Episode #28!
    Feb 2 2020

    Today's episode is all about Paypal Instant Payment notification referred to as IPN.

    Paypal uses IPN to notify 3rd party systems such as DigitalAccessPass.com (DAP) when there's a successful subscription payment. It also uses it for several other events such as cancellations, refunds, payment getting suspended, failed payments.

    IPN is a critical part of subscription automation.

    If you run a membership site from where you sell subscriptions and offer Paypal as a method of payment on your site, you've probably run into IPN challenges from time to time.

    Problem #1: Users say they made the payment. You try to find the user by the name and by their email, but nothing shows up in Paypal.

    Problem #2: You can see that users have made the payment but they didn't get access to the membership product in your membership site. If membership automation worked as expected, access to membership should get unlocked automatically but sometimes even though subscription / recurring payment is successful in paypal, it does not connect with your membership platform, and as a result, users prematurely lose access to the product, resulting in upset and frustrated customers.

    When this happens, how do you figure out the root cause? PayPal definitely does NOT make it easy to troubleshoot IPN issues.

    So in this episode, I've broken down the solution to this problem in simple, easy steps that will certainly save you time and effort while dealing with PayPal IPN challenges.

    Episode Link: https://membershipsitelab.com/28/

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    18 mins
  • 5 Key Membership Site Metrics that you must Track and How To Calculate it - Episode #27!
    Jan 27 2020

    I'm the co-founder of DigitalAccessPass.com (DAP) - a Membership Plugin for Wordpress.

    The higher is your Average Order Value (AOV), the more revenue you earn per customer. And AOV is just one of the "4 key metrics" you need to calculate before you can even get to CLV for your one-off products. 

    The CLV calculation for subscription products is a bit different than one-off products. And when you run a membership site from where you offer all sorts of products, you can't apply the same formula to calculate these numbers for different types of products.

    In this episode, I've broken down the CLV calculation (for one-off products and payment plans) into smaller, easy-to-understand, digestable chunks and explained each component used in the calculation in detail.

    Be sure to take a listen to this episode for all the details!

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    15 mins