
  • Our Skunk Ape Sightings - My Bigfoot Sighting Episode 166
    Mar 11 2025
    Tonight’s first guests, Michael and Kaylen Aguilar, have had all of their Sasquatch sightings in West Central Florida. Of course, down there, they’re called Skunk Apes. You see, Michael and his son, Kaylen, are field researchers for the Mid Florida Bigfoot Research Team, and Kaylen is probably the youngest Sasquatch researcher you’ve ever heard of. Sure, he’s only 11 years old, but he takes doing field research seriously. That’s due in part to the fact that like his dad, he’s had his own sighting. We hope you’ll tune in to tonight’s show, so you can listen to Michael and Kaylen share their Skunk Ape experiences with you. They’ve had their fair share of them.

    If you've had a Sasquatch-related experience in Florida that you'd like to report to the Mid-Florida Bigfoot Research Team, please go to https://www.midfloridabigfoot.com/ and let them know.

    To visit the Mid-Florida Bigfoot Research Team YouTube Channel, please go to...


    Tonight’s second guest has had two Sasquatch sightings. The first one happened in 2002 and the second one took place in 2020. When he had his first sighting, just south of Fort Nelson, British Columbia, he didn’t realize what it was that he was looking at. He thought it must have been a bear, until it stood up and leapt toward his truck. After it did that, he knew it wasn’t a bear but wasn’t sure what it actually was. In 2020, when he had his second sighting, he was driving north, toward Meziadin Junction, BC, when he saw another one cross the road. That time, he knew what he had seen.

    If you’ve had a Bigfoot sighting and would like to be a guest, on the show, please go to https://MyBigfootSighting.com and let us know. We’d love to hear from you.

    Premium memberships are now available! If you’d like to be able to listen to the show without ads and have full access to premium content, please go to https://MyBigfootSighting.com to find out how to become a premium member.

    If you’d like to help support the show by buying your own My Bigfoot Sighting T-shirt, sweatshirt, or tank top, please visit the My Bigfoot Sighting Show Store Page, by going to... https://dogman-encounters.myshopify.com/collections/mens-my-bigfoot-sighting-collection

    Show's theme song, "Banjo Music," courtesy Nathan Brumley

    I produce 3 other shows that are available on your favorite podcast app. If you haven't checked them out, here are links to all 3 channels on the Spreaker App...

    Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio https://www.spreaker.com/show/bigfoot-eyewitness-radio_1

    Dogman Encounters https://www.spreaker.com/show/dogman-encounters-radio_2

    My Paranormal Experience https://www.spreaker.com/show/my-paranormal-experience

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    44 mins
  • I Believed in Bigfoot - My Bigfoot Sighting Episode 165
    Mar 1 2025
    Tonight’s first guest had two Sasquatch sightings in Lincoln County, Kentucky, about 7 years ago, while he was on a property he was renting from his uncle. When he was growing up, that was the same property that his family used to host several family reunions. One of the peculiar things about the property he remembers is how strange the property always felt. When he, his sister, and cousins, would play in the woods on the property, as kids, they frequently felt like they were being watched. They didn’t understand why they always felt that way, back then, but it makes good sense now. Clarity came one night when his girlfriend woke him up, crying. She told him that something was outside, and that’s what had her so upset. What happened next is something tonight’s first guest still gets unpleasant feelings when he talks about it. We hope you’ll tune in and listen to him chronicle what happened that night.

    Tonight’s second guest had his Sasquatch sighting in Allegan County, Michigan. He was deer hunting, at the time. After getting to his stand that day, he noticed a lack of ambient noise, in his part of the woods. Although he found it strange, he brushed it off as just being one of those things. Later on in the day, he got out his binoculars and started glassing the area around his stand. When he did that, he saw a nice buck a fairly short distance from him. So, he climbed down from his stand and attempted to stalk the buck. Not long after trying to stalk the buck, he got the feeling he was being watched. Moments later, he realized why he had that feeling. He was being watched, and not by the buck!

    If you’ve had a Bigfoot sighting and would like to be a guest, on the show, please go to https://MyBigfootSighting.com and let us know. We’d love to hear from you.

    Premium memberships are now available! If you’d like to be able to listen to the show without ads and have full access to premium content, please go to https://MyBigfootSighting.com to find out how to become a premium member.

    If you’d like to help support the show by buying your own My Bigfoot Sighting T-shirt, sweatshirt, or tank top, please visit the My Bigfoot Sighting Show Store Page, by going to...


    Show's theme song, "Banjo Music," courtesy Nathan Brumley

    I produce 3 other shows that are available on your favorite podcast app. If you haven't checked them out, here are links to all 3 channels on the Spreaker App...

    Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio https://www.spreaker.com/show/bigfoot-eyewitness-radio_1

    Dogman Encounters https://www.spreaker.com/show/dogman-encounters-radio_2

    My Paranormal Experience https://www.spreaker.com/show/my-paranormal-experience

    Thanks for listening!
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    34 mins
  • Seeing Sasquatch - My Bigfoot Sighting Episode 164
    Feb 22 2025
    On last week’s show, Carey came on and shared several of the Sasquatch-related experiences she and her husband have had, over the years, that stressed them out so much they moved three times, in hopes of leaving the Sasquatch behind. Unfortunately, that didn’t solve their problem. The Sasquatch followed them every time they moved. On tonight’s show, Carey has come back to share more of the experiences she and her husband had with you. We hope you’ll tune in and listen to her do that.

    If you’ve had a Bigfoot sighting and would like to be a guest, on the show, please go to https://MyBigfootSighting.com and let us know. We’d love to hear from you.

    Premium memberships are now available! If you’d like to be able to listen to the show without ads and have full access to premium content, please go to https://MyBigfootSighting.com to find out how to become a premium member.

    If you’d like to help support the show by buying your own My Bigfoot Sighting T-shirt, sweatshirt, or tank top, please visit the My Bigfoot Sighting Show Store Page, by going to... https://dogman-encounters.myshopify.com/collections/mens-my-bigfoot-sighting-collection

    Show's theme song, "Banjo Music," courtesy Nathan Brumley

    I produce 3 other shows that are available on your favorite podcast app. If you haven't checked them out, here are links to all 3 channels on the Spreaker App...

    Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio https://www.spreaker.com/show/bigfoot-eyewitness-radio_1

    Dogman Encounters https://www.spreaker.com/show/dogman-encounters-radio_2

    My Paranormal Experience https://www.spreaker.com/show/my-paranormal-experience

    Thanks for listening!
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    1 hr and 13 mins
  • Yep. That’s a Bigfoot! - My Bigfoot Sighting Episode 163
    Feb 15 2025
    In the early part of 2016, tonight’s guest, Carey, had her first Sasquatch sighting near Gatlinburg, Tennessee and since then, the flood gates have opened. In fact, she’s had so many interactions with them, she’s moved 4 times. Unfortunately, every time she’s moved, the Sasquatch followed her to her new home. It’s not all bad, though. At least the Sasquatch seem to be keeping the Dogmen that also followed her away. We hope you’ll listen to tonight’s show, so you can hear Carey chronicle some of the things she’s been through over the years, since she had that first sighting, in 2016. Due to how many experiences she’s had, though, tonight’s show is just part one of a two-part show.

    If you’ve had a Bigfoot sighting and would like to be a guest, on the show, please go to https://MyBigfootSighting.com and let us know. We’d love to hear from you.

    Premium memberships are now available! If you’d like to be able to listen to the show without ads and have full access to premium content, please go to https://MyBigfootSighting.com to find out how to become a premium member.

    If you’d like to help support the show by buying your own My Bigfoot Sighting T-shirt, sweatshirt, or tank top, please visit the My Bigfoot Sighting Show Store Page, by going to...


    Show's theme song, "Banjo Music," courtesy Nathan Brumley

    I produce 3 other shows that are available on your favorite podcast app. If you haven't checked them out, here are links to all 3 channels on the Spreaker App...

    Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio https://www.spreaker.com/show/bigfoot-eyewitness-radio_1

    Dogman Encounters https://www.spreaker.com/show/dogman-encounters-radio_2

    My Paranormal Experience https://www.spreaker.com/show/my-paranormal-experience

    Thanks for listening!
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    1 hr and 10 mins
  • Oh, Yeah. You Saw a Bigfoot. - My Bigfoot Sighting Shorts Episode 12
    Feb 14 2025
    In the fall of 2008, tonight’s guest, Delanya Clarkson, had a Sasquatch sighting in Lane County, Oregon. When she had it, she had just arrived at a golf club where she had a job interview, a short distance from Creswell, Oregon. Before that day, if you would have told her you’d had a Sasquatch sighting of your own, Delanya would have laughed at you. After experiencing what she did, moments after getting out of her vehicle that day, however, she’s not just a believer in Sasquatch. She’s a knower! We hope you’ll tune in and listen to her talk about what happened.

    If you’ve had a Bigfoot sighting and would like to be a guest, on the show, please go to https://MyBigfootSighting.com and let us know. We’d love to hear from you.

    Premium memberships are now available! If you’d like to be able to listen to the show without ads and have full access to premium content, please go to https://MyBigfootSighting.com to find out how to become a premium member.

    If you’d like to help support the show by buying your own My Bigfoot Sighting T-shirt, sweatshirt, or tank top, please visit the My Bigfoot Sighting Show Store Page, by going to...


    Show's theme song, "Banjo Music," courtesy Nathan Brumley

    I produce 3 other shows that are available on your favorite podcast app. If you haven't checked them out, here are links to all 3 channels on the Spreaker App...

    Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio https://www.spreaker.com/show/bigfoot-eyewitness-radio_1

    Dogman Encounters https://www.spreaker.com/show/dogman-encounters-radio_2

    My Paranormal Experience https://www.spreaker.com/show/my-paranormal-experience

    Thanks for listening!
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    17 mins
  • That Was My First Sasquatch Sighting - My Bigfoot Sighting Episode 162
    Feb 8 2025
    In 2010, tonight’s guest, Ashlea Stinnett, moved into a house that was located just off the Columbia River Gorge, in Oregon, with her partner. The house was on a hill, so Ashlea had a good view of the Columbia River. Not long after moving in, Ashlea and her partner started to have UFO sightings, while sitting on their two-story deck. Those UFO sightings piqued her interest in paranormal phenomena in the Pacific Northwest. Not long after researching such phenomena there, in the PNW, she discovered the rich history of Sasquatch sightings. That discovery lead her to meeting people who were well versed, when it came to Sasquatch. Fast forward to 2013, which is when she had her first Sasquatch-related experience, on Mount Adams, in Washington State. That was far from the only experience she’d ever have with them, however. Many more experiences were yet to come, including a full-on sighting last September. We hope you’ll tune in and listen to her share that sighting and a lot of other experiences she’s had with you.

    If you’d like to visit Ashlea’s YouTube Channel, which we hope you will, please go to…


    If you’ve had a Bigfoot sighting and would like to be a guest, on the show, please go to https://MyBigfootSighting.com and let us know. We’d love to hear from you.

    Premium memberships are now available! If you’d like to be able to listen to the show without ads and have full access to premium content, please go to https://MyBigfootSighting.com to find out how to become a premium member.

    If you’d like to help support the show by buying your own My Bigfoot Sighting T-shirt, sweatshirt, or tank top, please visit the My Bigfoot Sighting Show Store Page, by going to...


    Show's theme song, "Banjo Music," courtesy Nathan Brumley

    I produce 3 other shows that are available on your favorite podcast app. If you haven't checked them out, here are links to all 3 channels on the Spreaker App...

    Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio https://www.spreaker.com/show/bigfoot-eyewitness-radio_1

    Dogman Encounters https://www.spreaker.com/show/dogman-encounters-radio_2

    My Paranormal Experience https://www.spreaker.com/show/my-paranormal-experience

    Thanks for listening!
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    1 hr and 27 mins
  • My Friendship with Sasquatch - My Bigfoot Sighting Episode 161
    Feb 1 2025
    When tonight’s guest had her first Bigfoot sighting, she was only 6 or 7 years old. She was on a field trip, with other kids whose fathers worked in the forestry industry, just like her father did, on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. The plan was that the kids would be taken out to where their fathers were working in the forest. While they were there, they would have a barbeque for lunch. After the kids had boarded the work bus, that was going to take them to where their fathers were working, they got underway. After driving down a highway for some distance, the finally turned off onto a logging road and began to climb a hill. She was sitting by herself, on a seat that was on the passenger side of the bus, looking out the window at the trees going by. All of a sudden, she saw what looked like a hairy man standing beside a tree, at the bottom of the hill the bus was climbing. That’s when she locked eyes with the hairy man and a strange sensation came over her… We hope you’ll tune into tonight’s show, so you can find out what happened next and listen to her share a multitude of other Sasquatch-related sightings and encounters she’s had over the years. She’s had so many encounters with the Forest People, she considers them friends.

    If you’ve had a Bigfoot sighting and would like to be a guest, on the show, please go to https://MyBigfootSighting.com and let us know. We’d love to hear from you.

    Premium memberships are now available! If you’d like to be able to listen to the show without ads and have full access to premium content, please go to https://MyBigfootSighting.com to find out how to become a premium member.

    If you’d like to help support the show by buying your own My Bigfoot Sighting T-shirt, sweatshirt, or tank top, please visit the My Bigfoot Sighting Show Store Page, by going to... https://dogman-encounters.myshopify.com/collections/mens-my-bigfoot-sighting-collection

    Show's theme song, "Banjo Music," courtesy Nathan Brumley I produce 3 other shows that are available on your favorite podcast app. If you haven't checked them out, here are links to all 3 channels on the Spreaker App...

    Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio https://www.spreaker.com/show/bigfoot-eyewitness-radio_1

    Dogman Encounters https://www.spreaker.com/show/dogman-encounters-radio_2

    My Paranormal Experience https://www.spreaker.com/show/my-paranormal-experience

    Thanks for listening!
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    1 hr and 6 mins
  • The Skunk Ape Will Get You! - My Bigfoot Sighting Episode 160
    Jan 25 2025
    When tonight’s guest, Matt Williamson, was growing up, in Broward County Florida, his parents used to warn Matt and his siblings not to leave the bed of the truck or the tent, when they’d go on camping trips. They told Matt and his siblings that the Skunk Ape would get them if they did. It would be very easy to dismiss that as being a hollow threat, because Skunk Apes aren’t really out there, right? Well, in the year 2000, when Matt was 8 years old, he found out the hard way that the warning his parents used to give him just might have had some gravity to it. We hope you’ll tune in and listen to him detail what happened the day he had his own face-to-face with a creature that wasn’t supposed to exist.

    If you’d like to visit Matt’s YouTube Channel, which we hope you will, please go to…


    If you’ve had a Bigfoot sighting and would like to be a guest, on the show, please go to https://MyBigfootSighting.com and let us know. We’d love to hear from you.

    Premium memberships are now available! If you’d like to be able to listen to the show without ads and have full access to premium content, please go to https://MyBigfootSighting.com to find out how to become a premium member.

    If you’d like to help support the show by buying your own My Bigfoot Sighting T-shirt, sweatshirt, or tank top, please visit the My Bigfoot Sighting Show Store Page, by going to... https://dogman-encounters.myshopify.com/collections/mens-my-bigfoot-sighting-collection

    Show's theme song, "Banjo Music," courtesy Nathan Brumley I produce 3 other shows that are available on your favorite podcast app. If you haven't checked them out, here are links to all 3 channels on the Spreaker App...

    Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio https://www.spreaker.com/show/bigfoot-eyewitness-radio_1

    Dogman Encounters https://www.spreaker.com/show/dogman-encounters-radio_2

    My Paranormal Experience https://www.spreaker.com/show/my-paranormal-experience

    Thanks for listening!
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    39 mins