• NICU Stories: Angela’s Story - ”It takes a Village”
    Apr 1 2022

    On this episode of NICU Stories, a direct, yet third party recount of a NICU Journey. Angela is the Grandma or better yet the GlamMa of a NICU Warrior Bryson. She gives a riveting account of the NICU experience with her Daughter. 

    An accident, which turned into a fateful diagnosis. Then a journey through the NICU. Angela shares how her family rallied together for both her Daughter and Grandson. I was so moved by Angela's Daughter Bianca, it brought me to tears. Bianca's wisdom, optimism and most importantly Faith is a testimony that can impact anyone. 

    Angela shares how she navigated caring for her Autistic Son, while caring for her Daughter and Grandson. She shares how her Grandson was later diagnosed with Autism. He and his Mother Bianca found a beautiful way to bond through music. It's his was to express his love for his Mother. 

    Take a listen to Angela's recount of her Daughter's NICU Story! 


    Angela is the founder of Belvonae' Hair Vitamins. The company supports various cancer societies. You can follow her on Instagram:

                 @Belvonae          &         @nurseangiern


    If you are someone you know would like to be a guest on NICU Stories please send us an email at: admin@nicustories.com

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    50 mins
  • NICU Stories: Sarah of Little Ward Books
    Jan 1 2022

    I had the great pleasure of speaking with 2x NICU Graduate Mama and Author Sarah. 

    Through lots of laughs and aww moments, Sarah had a way of verbally illustrating the NICU experience. She reminded even me of some of the tough moments in the stages of the NICU experience. 

    She even shares how her NICU Dad husband, found a way to cope and navigate the NICU journey in his own special way. 

    Sarah shares her NICU journey with her Twin girls and return to the NICU with her Son. Though two completely different experiences, no one ever wants to journey through the NICU more than once. 

    Sarah spoke of the incredible support she received from March of Dimes and Beads of Hope. Both foundation offered unique heartfelt support to her and husband during the NICU. 

    Take a listen to how Sarah and her Family birthed Little Ward Books from their 2x NICU journey! 

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    58 mins
  • NICU Stories: Founder of Supreemie Baby - Nico Shanel
    Nov 29 2021

    In this episode, I had a great conversation with the Founder of Supreemie Baby, Nico Shanel. We laughed and were blown away by our NICU Stories. 

    Nico shares how her unexpected pregnancy led her to the NICU for her First Son's premature birth. She shares her experience with her NICU Team. She also shares the wonderful support she received from The March of Dimes during their 6 month NICU Journey. 

    She noticed the emotional effects the NICU had on her by the Trauma responses she was experiencing. She sought therapy to support her healing and regain her mental wellness. Nico shares how the post NICU trauma responses were heightened due to the pandemic. Having to feed her son via feeding tube, find supplies to sterilize were scarce. The COVID pandemic caused immense stress trying to maintain daily functions such as cleaning her son's g-tube. 

    Take a listen to the unique conversation starter that birthed, Nico's Brand Supreemie Baby. 


    Follow Supreemie Baby on Instagram @supreemiebaby. 

    Check out her website: www.supreemiebaby.com


    If you would like to be a guest storyteller on NICU STORIES please send an email to:     admin@nicustories.com

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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • NICU Stories: Amy the Clinical Therapist‘s Story
    Oct 13 2021

    In this episode of NICU Stories, I had the pleasure of hearing the NICU Story of a Clinical Therapist. Amy of NICU Families shares the raw side of the NICU from a mental health perspective. 

    Amy's son is not only a NICU survivor, but he is living each day with cerebral palsy. Though he was born full term, her son ended up in the NICU due to the meconium passing to his lungs. He also tested positive for GBS though Amy testing negative prior to his birth.

    Amy illustrates the effects of the NICU for most parents in one sentence, "The person that went into the NICU is not the person that came out."

    This Latino Mom, points out some identifiers of depression and anxiety, which she faces constantly as a Mother of a special needs son.  Also how it affected some of her cultures precious moments. 

    Though her NICU journey and post NICU life have been difficult, she believes it has made her a better therapist for her clients. She now has in depth experience, coupled with her education to support those suffering from depression & anxiety. 

    To connect with Amy follow her on Instagram and YouTube at NICU Families. 


    If you or someone you know would like to share your NICU Story please contact us at admin@nicustories.com

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    58 mins
  • NICU Stories: Founder of Matronee - Cailin Werner
    Oct 1 2021

    On this episode of NICU Stories, I had the pleasure of speaking with the Founder of Matronee, Cailin Werner. This episode was truly a learning experience concerning the NICU. Just when you think you have heard it all, you learn something new. 

    Cailin is a 3x NICU Mama. Her 3rd NICU journey was by far was the most traumatic but birthed her brand Matronee. She and her Mother created Scalp IV caps for babies. 

    Take a listen as Cailin shares her NICU Stories. Her stories takes you from a breeze in the NICU, to drug abuse accusations, seizures and the birth of her company, Matronee. 


    Please visit her website www.matronee.com if you would like to support her mission and brand. 

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    28 mins
  • NICU Stories: Spilled Milk hits different in the NICU
    Aug 12 2021

    This personal journal episode, I talk about a Meme created regarding Spilled Milk. As the saying goes, "Don't cry over spilled milk". Well, a NICU Mama will sob over wasted Breast Milk. 

    Take a listen of my experience of wasted liquid gold and why I CRIED OVER SPILLED MILK. 

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    6 mins
  • NICU Stories: Rhonda McCalla & the Pandemic NICU
    Aug 12 2021

    This episode Rhonda shares her emotional rollercoaster NICU Story. She shares the emotional difficulties of having a micro-preemie toggle between two separate NICUs at the height of the Pandemic. We talked about the highs and lows of the NICU. From incredible staff to major set backs. 

    To Rhonda, the pandemic did afford the benefit of having her older children convert virtual learning. This enabled her to spend more time with her micro preemie newborn in the NICU. With the help of her supportive Husband and the understanding of her older children, the McCallas navigated the NICU during the toughest time of all of our lives. 

    Take a listen to this episode of NICU Stories during the pandemic! 


    If you would like to be a guest on NICU Stories, please send an email to admin@nicustories.com. We would love to hear from you!. 

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    38 mins
  • NICU Stories: Kricia & Miracle Mateo
    Jun 26 2021

    In this episode Kricia takes on Mateo's journey through not one, not two but THREE NICUs.

    Prior to Mateo's story, Kricia endured 2 failed pregnancies and 1 infant loss of her 20 week old daughter Giana due to a hematoma. 

    Kricia and her husband didn't give up hope of raising a family and tried again 6 months later. 

    Kricia gave birth to micro preemie, Mateo, who triumphed over a life threatening infection. He has baffled all of his clinical team. Through faith, prayer and resilience, in the words of Sana Latrese, Mateo has a story that will make you believe in GOD. 

    Tune in and listen to Miracle Mateo's AMAZING NICU Story! 

    Also follow this Latina Mama on Instagram @Kricia_cruzalegui and get updates on her sharing her story with the Latino NICU Community. Kricia shares her story in Spanish for all of the Spanish Speaking NICU Families! 

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    52 mins