
  • Episode 6: Literally Literary Suicide
    Mar 10 2025

    Building on concepts from previous episodes, Narrative Machines Episode 6, "Literally Literary Suicide," explores the extraordinary life and dramatic death of Japanese literary icon Yukio Mishima. Renowned for intertwining artistry, identity, and nationalist fervor, Mishima's final act—his ritual suicide (Seppuku)—was as performative as it was political. This episode investigates how Mishima's meticulously cultivated persona, intense dedication to aesthetic ideals, and public spectacle blurred reality and fiction, leaving behind unsettling questions about authenticity, fanaticism, and the lethal power of narrative.

    Examining Mishima's acclaimed works, such as the film Patriotism, and key historical moments, including his failed 1970 coup attempt, this episode offers a critical reflection on the intersection of aesthetics, ideology, and self-sacrifice. "Literally Literary Suicide" challenges listeners to confront uncomfortable questions about commitment to ideas, the allure of martyrdom, and the dangerous seduction of myth.


    Yukio Mishima's integration of aesthetics, politics, and personal identity.

    Mishima's fascination with the samurai code (Bushido) and ritual suicide (Seppuku).

    Performance as identity: Mishima’s constructed hyper-masculine public persona and nationalist image.

    Analysis of Mishima’s 1966 film Patriotism as foreshadowing his suicide.

    Mishima's failed 1970 coup attempt: political act or staged spectacle?

    The paradox of sincerity: Mishima’s belief that authenticity required visible, physical proof.

    Examination of Mishima’s final, theatrical act of suicide as a symbolic transformation.

    Baudrillard’s and Deleuze’s philosophical perspectives on death, authenticity, and spectacle.

    The role of myth, nihilism, and Romanticism in shaping Mishima’s ideology and actions.

    The tension between artifice (fiction) and reality in Mishima’s life and death.

    Reflecting on Mishima’s legacy, and why his final gesture resonates, yet is frequently misunderstood or ridiculed.

    Visit Jamescurcio.com/narrative-machines or ModernMythology.net for affiliated projects and podcasts.

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    46 hrs
  • Episode 5: Eccentric and Quite Mad
    Feb 17 2025

    David Bowie’s career exemplified the interplay of performance, identity, and mythmaking. Through personas like Ziggy Stardust, Aladdin Sane, and the Thin White Duke, Bowie blurred the lines between artifice and reality, crafting an enigmatic, occult-tinged ambiguity that challenged perceptions of authenticity and selfhood.

    This episode delves into Bowie’s engagement with symbolism and fascist aesthetics during the mid-1970s, posing tough questions about the ethical limits of art and performance. It also examines the broader political implications of such themes, as addressed in episode four. From the glittering glam rock of the early ’70s, through the cocaine-fueled chaos of his occult fascination, to the introspective and reflective Berlin years that followed, Bowie’s shifting artistry reveals an artist grappling with the volatile forces he summoned.

    By comparing Bowie’s calculated use of artifice to the rise of modern performative figures like Donald Trump and phenomena like Reality TV and the kayfabe of pro wrestling, we explore how spectacle, mythmaking, and image construction shape public narratives in both art and politics.

    Topics Discussed

    The Art of Performance and the Performance of Art:

    Bowie’s personas blurred the boundary between character and self, complicating traditional notions of authenticity. His role in The Man Who Fell to Earth exemplifies this interplay, rooted in the public image depicted in Cracked Actor.

    Masks as Tools of Self-Creation:

    Bowie’s use of personas such as Ziggy Stardust and the Thin White Duke showcased masks as mechanisms for both self-revelation and concealment, questioning whether there was ever a "real" David Jones beneath these layers.

    Occultism and Symbolism:

    Inspired by figures like Aleister Crowley, Bowie used occult imagery not as spiritual doctrine but as a symbolic framework to explore creativity and transformation.

    The Sorcerer’s Apprentice Analogy:

    Bowie’s characters, particularly the Thin White Duke, illustrate the risks of engaging with powerful symbols without fully understanding their implications, echoing Goethe’s famous cautionary tale.

    Fascist Aesthetics and Ethical Implications:

    Bowie’s flirtation with fascist iconography highlights the tension between aesthetic experimentation and ethical responsibility.

    Performance and Politics:

    The rise of performative figures like Donald Trump underscores the ways in which spectacle and reality bleed together, drawing parallels to Bowie’s exploration of myth and public persona.

    The Power of Myth and Legacy:

    Bowie’s personas—archetypes co-created with his audience—illustrate how art participates in shaping collective identity and cultural mythology.

    Art as a Ritual of Transformation:

    Bowie’s work highlights the alchemical possibilities of art, where the act of donning masks and adopting identities opens pathways to personal and cultural change.

    Ethics of Transgression in Art:

    This episode examines the moral responsibilities of artists who push boundaries, focusing on how Bowie navigated the unforeseen consequences of engaging with provocative themes.

    Appropriation and Innovation:

    Bowie’s ability to borrow from diverse cultural sources—musical, visual, and symbolic—and recontextualize them into something uniquely his own raises enduring questions about appropriation and innovation.

    Visit Jamescurcio.com/narrative-machines or ModernMythology.net for affiliated projects and podcasts.

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    54 hrs
  • Episode 4: Masks All The Way Down
    Feb 7 2025

    Narrative Machines, Episode 4: Masks All The Way Down challenges the notion of identity as a singular, stable essence, instead presenting it as a recursive performance—an interplay of masks, personas, and shifting narratives. From roleplaying games to professional personas, from instinct to artifice, we examine the idea that there is no final, unmasked self—only layers of performance. If identity is constructed through repetition and context, what does that mean for agency? And just as crucially—who is shaping the stage?

    The episode begins with David Bowie’s prescient reflections on the Internet and anonymity, framing a broader discussion of aesthetic performance as a force in modern political and cultural life. From there, we turn to Yukio Mishima, whose work and life exemplify modern nihilism’s entanglement with theatrical self-creation, foreshadowing the existential crises of the 21st century. Future episodes will explore their respective artistic and ideological trajectories in depth, treating them as case studies in self-mythologizing and narrative control.

    For now, we take a wide-angle approach, positioning these ideas as a warning against reducing ethics to aesthetics—a concern amplified by AI, social media algorithms, and deepfakes eroding the boundaries of authenticity. The case of Anonymous and their use of the Guy Fawkes mask illustrates how symbols, once fixed in meaning, can be repurposed to forge new collective identities. This phenomenon encapsulates the episode’s central argument: in a world where narratives are weaponized, understanding the layered performance of identity is critical to reclaiming agency.

    Listen to Weird Studies episode 70 for an extensive conversation about these themes.

    Topics Covered:

    The Vulgar Nihilism of Our Age:

    Examines the shared existential void as explored by artists such as Bowie, Mishima, and 20th-century society.

    Critiques the reduction of ethics to aesthetics.

    Weaponization of Narrative and the Collapse of Truth:

    Discusses how propaganda, disinformation, and media manipulation erode a shared consensus reality.

    Uses the metaphor of ideological “glasses” from They Live to illustrate filtered perceptions of reality.

    Technology and Narrative Manipulation:

    Explores the role of AI, social media, and algorithms in reinforcing biases and echo chambers.

    Highlights the threat posed by deepfakes in blurring the lines between fact and fiction.

    The Mask as Identity’s Core Symbol:

    Analyzes masks as representations of the constructed, performative nature of identity.

    Alternate Reality Games, Roleplaying Games, and a new age of disinformation.

    Details the reappropriation of the Guy Fawkes mask by Anonymous as a tool for collective narrative.

    Identity as Performance:

    Argues that all identities are performances shaped by intersecting social, cultural, and personal narratives, with no singular “true” self.

    Critical Engagement with Narratives:

    Calls for a heightened critical awareness in an era of relentless narrative manipulation.

    Offers strategies to resist control and reclaim agency by scrutinizing the stories that define our reality.

    Visit Jamescurcio.com/narrative-machines or ModernMythology.net for additional affiliated projects and podcasts.

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    46 hrs
  • Episode 3: With Whose Voice Do We Speak?
    Jan 25 2025
    In an era of "post-truth," where narratives vie for dominance in a hyper-capitalist attention economy and even basic facts are contested, Narrative Machines Episode 3, "With Whose Voice Do We Speak?" explores the power of myths and stories in shaping our realities. This episode examines how narratives are wielded for political, ideological, and personal ends, influencing geopolitics, identity, and culture.Key Themes & Discussion PointsWeaponizing Narratives in GeopoliticsNostalgia as a political weapon—how reactionary movements construct mythologized pasts to justify present ideologies.The Cold War-era myth of American exceptionalism and its repackaging in modern nationalist movements.The use of grand ideological myths to justify state actions (e.g., Eurasianism in Russian foreign policy).Aleksandr Dugin’s geopolitical theories as an example of constructed mythology shaping real-world politics.The influence of postmodernism on contemporary propaganda—how ideological subversion repurposes deconstructionist techniques.The manipulation of historical narratives to create self-fulfilling geopolitical strategies.The Map is the Idea of the MapCultural and ideological “maps” shape perception and dictate political realities.How competing mythologies structure conflicts, both ideological and material.The relationship between myths, ideology, and tangible geopolitical actions.The danger of mistaking narrative constructs for objective reality.Mythemes, Mimesis, and Identity ConstructionMythemes (fundamental narrative units) as the foundation of identity formation.Identity as a construct shaped by both external storytelling and self-narration.Digital identity as an extension of myth—how online personas are curated mythic selves.The role of symbols and their contested meanings (e.g., appropriation and repurposed iconography).Narratives as Tools of PowerMyth and ideology as mechanisms of control—how states and movements use narrative to direct action.The instrumentalization of myth in authoritarian politics and cultural hegemony.The interplay between postmodern critique and propaganda—how deconstruction can be wielded to obscure truth rather than reveal it.The power of mythic structures to override factual discourse in political conflicts.Postmodernism and the Crisis of Truth“Nothing is true” as a postmodern warning, not a liberatory slogan.How postmodern skepticism toward grand narratives has been appropriated by authoritarian movements.The fragmentation of shared reality into “Universe A” and “Universe B”—competing, mutually exclusive worldviews.The transition from ideological polarization to epistemological rupture, where even the fundamental facts of reality are contested.Military Memetics and Information WarfareThe role of narrative manipulation in modern psychological operations.Memes as a vehicle for ideological contagion—how internet culture has become a battleground for mass persuasion.The shift from polling and mass messaging to micro-targeted ideological engineering (e.g., Cambridge Analytica’s psychographic profiling).The military-industrial complex’s engagement with memetics—treating ideology as an adaptive system to be controlled or disrupted.The Occult Nature of Cultural WarfareMyth as mass dream—political movements as unconscious manifestations of cultural fears and desires.Fascism as an aesthetic movement—how authoritarianism thrives on mythic imagery and symbolic power.The unconscious as a battleground for ideological conflict—how myths shape mass psychology.The limits of individual agency in identity construction—how we are cast into pre-existing narratives.Retro-Futurism and the Acceleration of HistoryThe aestheticization of the past in response to the ephemerality of the present.The impact of digital media on historical perception—how time feels accelerated due to constant narrative churn.The tendency to frame contemporary politics through historical mythologies rather than present realities.The role of vaporwave, cyberpunk, and other aesthetic movements as examples of elements of retro-futurism. Cultural nostalgia and political myth.Retro-futurist aesthetics—combining past imagery with imagined futures—as a coping mechanism for modern uncertainty.The role of aesthetics in political mythmaking (e.g., the Dark Enlightenment and cyberpunk narratives).The Environmental and Economic Crisis as Mythic CollapseApocalyptic narratives as coping mechanisms for systemic instability.The failure of capitalism to resolve its own contradictions—capitalist realism as a seemingly inescapable myth at the present moment.The interplay between capitalist myth and material reality—how belief in infinite growth collides with ecological limits.Technological optimism as a mythic buffer against existential dread.For more, visit Jamescurcio.com/narrative-machines or ModernMythology.net for more affiliated podcasts.
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    43 hrs
  • Episode 2: Myth is Dead; Long Live Myth
    Jan 7 2025

    This episode argues that the commonly held belief that myth is dead - a relic of the past replaced by modern science and reason - is itself a framing myth of modernity. Instead, myth is alive and well, but often hidden within mediums that lack the traditional aura of the sacred.

    The Sacred and the Profane:

    The tension between the sacred and propaganda, arguing that the sacred cannot be manufactured or controlled.

    The transformative power of the sacred.

    The relationship between myths and meaning. We argue that meaning is not inherent in myths but is rather a by-product of our engagement with them, and caution against attempts to codify the meaning of myths, arguing that such attempts are often driven by a desire to appropriate the power of myth for personal gain.

    Myth is not primarily about conveying meaning in a literal sense.

    Building on Episode 1's discussion of strange attractors, Episode 2 highlights how myths, like strange attractors, can drive cultural evolution toward specific values and structures.

    Myth is not something separate from our construction of reality but is rather an integral part of it.

    The episode begins to examine how myths can be used for political purposes, both for good and for ill, paving the way for further analysis in subsequent episodes. We will explore this much more closely in subsequent episodes.

    It cautions that authoritarianism, fascism, totalitarianism, etc can exploit the power of myth for their own ends.

    For more, visit Jamescurcio.com/narrative-machines or ModernMythology.net for more affiliated podcasts.

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    39 mins
  • Episode 1: Foundations
    Dec 12 2024

    This first episode of Narrative Machines argues that while we may call some stories myths and others not, all stories have the potential to become myths as they are repeated and embedded in our culture.

    We use the analogy of strange attractors to describe how myths function. Just as a strange attractor represents the underlying structure toward which a system tends to evolve, myths provide a framework for understanding and organizing our experiences. The episode connects this idea to Richard Dawkins' concept of memes, which are self-reproducing information structures analogous to genes. The episode argues that memes are not just silly pictures on the internet; they represent any idea that can become a social act and shape our beliefs and actions.

    Emphasizing the importance of moving beyond simplistic interpretations of myths and recognizing the complex ways they function in our lives, we introduce several key functions of myths:

    They inform the relationships between things.

    They define our identities, place in time, and roles in society.

    They arise from and bleed back into the material world, shaping history and the future.

    They serve as a selector for social mobility.

    They must be understood in the context of their use.

    They function as strange attractors.

    The episode concludes by emphasizing the immanence of myth and its role as a fundamental aspect of human experience. It calls for recognizing the power of myth in our lives and engaging with it critically and consciously.

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    34 mins