
  • Centering Childless Voices Amidst a Wave of Distorted Narratives
    Sep 3 2024
    On today's show, we are honored to have the founder of World Childless Week, Stephanie Joy Phillips as our guest! Last year, Stephanie was awarded the ‘Together’ Make A Difference Award from BBC Hereford and Worcester. We continue to celebrate Stephanie and all she has done in service to those who are childless. We will discuss the upcoming World Childless Week events and learn more about how to participate in and support this meaningful week! World Childless Week will be held from 16-22 September this year, and as always there will be new and familiar voices, creative expressions, webinars, and much more for you to connect in ways that matter most to you right now. We will also assess the recent vitriol aimed at childless people and the varied responses to these verbal attacks. How has this been addressed, and who has been centered in response to these false narratives? Tune in live for these topics and much more!
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    1 hr
  • Pathways to Change within International Development Organizations
    Aug 27 2024
    What opportunities and access do international organizations create for professional changemakers and the communities and populations they serve? How can we assess the most effective pathways toward the change we seek to influence? Joining us today, is Dr. Emiliana Vegas, a professor of practice at the Harvard Graduate School of Education who has been highly recognized for her career working to inform education policy in the so-called Global South. She has been a leading economist at the World Bank, division chief of education at the Inter-American Bank, and co-director of the Center for Universal Education at the Brookings Institution. She is the author of the soon-to-be-released book, Let's Change the World: How to Work within International Development Organizations to Make a Difference (Rowman & Littlefield Publishers). Dr. Vegas draws on her more than 20 years of international development experience, and her passion for the power of education in Let's Change the World. Tune in live for this dynamic conversation on education, policy, and pathways to making a difference!
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    1 hr
  • Moving Past Marriage and the Chasm of Privilege & Division
    Aug 20 2024
    Policy steeped in systemic discrimination and privilege continues to prioritize legal unions and the nuclear family. Too often, the presence and history of those who live outside these patriarchally contrived units, have been excluded or suppressed. Further, current policy does not reflect the world as it is today. Unmarried individuals and people without children have not only been present throughout history, we are a growing demographic, globally. However, we remain without the same legal protections and benefits in multiple domains, where marriage and reproduction are upheld as privileged statuses. Our guest today is the author of Moving Past Marriage: Why We Should Ditch Marital Privilege, End Relationship-Status Discrimination, and Embrace Nonmarital History. Dr. Jaclyn Geller is a writer and associate professor of English, at Central Connecticut State University and specializes in Restoration and eighteenth century-studies. In today's conversation, we will explore nonmarital history and the impact of nonmarital and pronatalist discrimination, today. You will not want to miss this conversation with Dr. Geller as she shares her profound insight, expertise, and solutionist approach to nonmarital disenfranchisement!
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    1 hr
  • Encore Why We Must Dismantle Patriarchy to Solve the Climate Crisis
    Aug 13 2024
    On this episode of New Legacy Radio, we will be joined by Dr. Jane van Dis. Dr. van Dis is an Assistant Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology at the University of Rochester and lectures internationally on the intersection of the climate crisis and women's maternal health. Dr. van Dis will share her breadth of knowledge and experience, including the climate crisis and the carbon footprint of medicine, the presence and impact of microplastics, and ecological and population overshoot. We will discuss the current state and impact of national and global crises, the changes required to disrupt these exponential realities, and why dismantling patriarchy is imperative for urgent, forward movement toward resolving the climate crisis. Tune in live to learn more!
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    1 hr
  • Encore: When the Personal is Political What is our Responsibility?
    Aug 6 2024
    Despite the deeply personal nature of our reproductive experiences, women in particular, continue to face external restrictions, limiting or erasing our rights to bodily autonomy. For women without children, there is further backlash, ranging from a lack of social acceptance to outright harassment on social media, and misrepresentation and a lack of true narratives in the media, to having our very lives and the terminology we use to identify our experiences, made illegal. Today we will be joined by our guest, Pamela Mahoney Tsigdinos, who is an award-winning journalist, researcher and truth-teller about the realities and the aftermath of ART assisted reproductive technology. She is also an award-winning author and the co-founder of the grassroots initiative ReproTechTruths.org. We will discuss what it means for our personal journeys to be political, and what is mean to be responsive to what is happening in this context. From pronatalist propaganda and fertility decline, to the reproductive technologies industry, our community has become the target of human-centric, and perpetual economic growth narratives. Join is for this in-depth conversation, and learn more about what you can do now, to respond to the current environment for people without children.
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    1 hr
  • The Lives of Women without Children in Their Own Words
    Jul 30 2024
    New Legacy Radio is honored to be joined by today’s guest, Nicole Louie. She is the author of the recently released book Others Like Me: The Lives of Women without Children, published by Dialogue Books. The book was released in hardback, eBook, and audio in all English-speaking countries except North America on June 13th. Others Like Me will launch in North America on November 5th, published by House of Anansi. Others Like Me is the story of fourteen women around the world, from different walks of life, who don't have children. It's also the story of why Nicole Louie had to find them and what they taught her. Part memoir, part exploration of childlessness through candid conversations, this book showcases the many ways in which people find fulfillment outside of parenthood. And because the social expectation to procreate weighs the most on women, Louie focuses solely on them, their experiences, and how they flourish outside of motherhood. In doing so, she upends the stereotypes that diminish women who are not mothers and offers reassurance and companionship on a path less known. This book is a must-read that will resonate with those who have similar experiences and will raise the awareness of anyone wanting to understand the real-world impact of pronatalist bias. This deeply personal exploration of childless and childfree women is also a celebration of women’s lives. The Irish Times selected Others Like Me as one of the nonfiction books to look out for in 2024 and the Stylist Magazine named it one of the best books about women without children. Tune in on Tuesday, July 30, for a powerful conversation with Author Nicole Louie that you won't want to miss! *Author Image: Photographer's Credit: © 2023 Amanda Braide
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    1 hr
  • Encore Celebrating 50 Years of Advocacy: NON, NAOP & Int’l Childfree Day
    Jul 23 2024
    Today we celebrate International Childfree Day. In reflecting on what this day means for so many in our collective community, we also want to acknowledge the history and advocacy, behind the origins of this day, and the transition to becoming what it is today. The National Organization for Non-Parents (NON), later named the National Alliance for Optional Parenthood (NAOP), was founded in 1972 by Ellen Peck and Shirley Radl. NON first designated August 1st as Non-Parents' Day, in 1973. In 2013, Laura Carroll, childfree author and writer, lead the way in bringing back the acknowledgment and celebration of this day and date, as an annual “International Childfree Day. Laura guided these efforts for a decade, and this year, passed the torch to Childfree Media, which is co-founded by LeNora Faye and Cody Hetzel. Joining us today are Joan Eisenstodt and Marie Bernardy, who were active participants in NON/NAOP and played key roles in education and visibility on behalf of the organization. Their personal stories of reproductive experiences and choices, and the responses to their public advocacy work demonstrate their deep commitment, to having a choice to become a parent or not. Their work helped create the foundation for many of the ways we continue to seek change for our community today. We will also be joined by LeNora Faye and Cody Hetzel, the co-founders of Childfree Media, and the co-moderators of the Childfree Convention, which was held for the 3rd year, this past weekend. You will not want to miss what these dynamic childfree guests have to share and exchange, from experiences and perspectives over the past 50 years, to their insight on what is most needed now, for our collective community to be recognized in equal and equitable ways, and beyond.
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    1 hr
  • Encore Why We Must Dismantle Patriarchy to Solve the Climate Crisis
    Jul 16 2024
    On this episode of New Legacy Radio, we will be joined by Dr. Jane van Dis. Dr. van Dis is an Assistant Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology at the University of Rochester and lectures internationally on the intersection of the climate crisis and women's maternal health. Dr. van Dis will share her breadth of knowledge and experience, including the climate crisis and the carbon footprint of medicine, the presence and impact of microplastics, and ecological and population overshoot. We will discuss the current state and impact of national and global crises, the changes required to disrupt these exponential realities, and why dismantling patriarchy is imperative for urgent, forward movement toward resolving the climate crisis. Tune in live to learn more!
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    1 hr