• Nihongo Storytime for Beginners 116 のりこの日記:2024年8月3日から8月12 日まで
    Sep 26 2024

    🎙️Welcome to Japanese Simple Storytime with Noriko!

    🌟Join Japanese Together for story scripts and translations. Engage in monthly meet-ups to connect with fellow learners and explore Japanese deeper.

    💜Japanese Together


    Music from YouTube Music Library Fine Dining by TrackTribe

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    6 mins
  • Nihongo Storytime for Beginners 115 のりこの物語:Copenhagenの生徒さん
    Sep 19 2024

    🎙️Welcome to Japanese Simple Storytime with Noriko!

    🌟Join Japanese Together for story scripts and translations. Engage in monthly meet-ups to connect with fellow learners and explore Japanese deeper.

    💜Japanese Together


    Music from YouTube Music Library Fine Dining by TrackTribe

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    3 mins
  • Nihongo Storytime for Beginners 114 のりこの物語:SwedenのLund
    Sep 12 2024

    🎙️Welcome to Japanese Simple Storytime with Noriko!

    🌟Join Japanese Together for story scripts and translations. Engage in monthly meet-ups to connect with fellow learners and explore Japanese deeper.

    💜Japanese Together


    Music from YouTube Music Library Fine Dining by TrackTribe

    This is Noriko from Nihongo Storytime. In this podcast, I speak slowly. I have a website called "Japanese with Noriko." Please check it out if you have the chance. Now, let me share my story with you today. In July, I went to Sweden and Denmark. Please listen.

    At the end of July, I went to Lund in Sweden. Lund is located in the southern part of Sweden. I have relatives who live in Lund. First, I flew to Copenhagen Airport in Denmark, and from there, I took a train. It takes about an hour by train from Copenhagen to Lund.

    The purpose of this trip was to visit family. My in-laws live in Lund, Sweden, and Copenhagen, Denmark. This time, I went to visit them.

    Lund, Sweden is famous for its university. It’s a student town. However, since I went in the summer, there were no students around. It was very quiet.

    Sweden is known for its delicious sweet pastries. The cinnamon rolls are particularly tasty. I went to a famous bakery in Lund and bought freshly baked cinnamon rolls. I also took a walk in a park in Lund with my niece. There were many apple trees.

    Next time, I plan to visit Lund during Christmas.

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    2 mins
  • Nihongo Storytime for Beginners 113 のりこの日記:2024年7月22日から8月2日まで
    Sep 5 2024

    🎙️Welcome to Japanese Simple Storytime with Noriko!

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    July 22, Monday

    It’s now Monday, July 22, 2024, 9:55 AM in the UK. The start of a new week. Let’s do our best this week.

    July 23, Tuesday

    It’s 8 AM, and I’m a bit tired. I wanted to wake up at 6 but ended up waking at 6:30. What time did you wake up this morning?

    July 24, Wednesday

    It’s 7:55 AM in the UK. I’m drinking my morning coffee, checking emails. What do you drink in the morning?

    July 25, Thursday

    It’s 7:30 AM. I’m preparing for a summer vacation starting tomorrow, traveling to Denmark and Sweden. Do you have any travel plans?

    July 26, Friday

    It's 6:30 in the morning. I woke up earlier than usual because I had a stomachache. I have to go to the airport soon. I'm a little worried. It takes just over an hour by car from my house to Manchester Airport. Do you have any plans for this weekend? Please let me know.

    July 27, Saturday

    I am currently in Sweden, it is 9:45 AM. I am staying at the home of our family living in Sweden. This family has two little girls. I have been playing with them. They are so energetic that I am exhausted!

    Everyone, have a great weekend.

    July 28, Sunday

    I am in Sweden now. In the morning, I went to a bakery to buy some bread. Speaking of bread in Sweden, it's cinnamon rolls. The freshly baked bread was really delicious. What kind of bread do you like? Please let me know.

    July 29, Monday

    It’s 3 PM now. Today, I went to a supermarket in Sweden and bought vegetables, fruits, cheese, and other things. When I go to other countries, I always visit the local supermarkets to shop. Going to supermarkets in other countries is fun. How many times a week do you go to the supermarket?

    July 30, Tuesday

    I am having breakfast at a cafe in Copenhagen right now. Today, I will spend half the day in Copenhagen and then return to England. There are many delicious coffee shops in Copenhagen. I want to relax in a cafe. Do you often go to cafes?

    July 31, Wednesday

    I came back to Liverpool at 1 AM. The trip was fun, but I am tired today. Today, I have already returned to my usual routine and I have to do the laundry. After a trip, there is always a lot of laundry to do, which is quite a task. Also, there is no food in the refrigerator. I have to go to the supermarket today as well.

    August 1, Thursday

    Today marks the beginning of August. Do you have any plans for August? I don't have any specific plans for August. I'll continue my usual routine every day. However, from the end of August, I'll be taking a new course to obtain a new qualification. I'm looking forward to it. Everyone, please share what you want to work hard on in August.

    August 2, Friday

    I bought delicious coffee beans in Copenhagen, my travel destination. Copenhagen has many cafes where you can drink delicious coffee. This morning, I made drip coffee myself and drank it. I drink drip coffee every morning. I like the quiet time in the morning. And I like delicious coffee.

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    6 mins
  • Nihongo Storytime for Beginners 112 のりこの物語:義理の両親がLiverpoolに来た
    Aug 29 2024

    🎙️Welcome to Japanese Simple Storytime with Noriko!

    ☕️Thank you for your support:


    🌟Join Japanese Together for story scripts and translations. Engage in monthly meet-ups to connect with fellow learners and explore Japanese deeper.

    💜Japanese Together


    Hello everyone. This is Noriko from Nihongo Storytime. In this podcast, I speak slowly. Please also listen to my other podcast, Japanese with Noriko, where I speak faster. Well, today I will tell you my story. My in-laws came to Liverpool. So, please listen.

    I am married. My husband is Peruvian. In July, my in-laws came to Liverpool from Peru. We spent about ten days together. My father-in-law and mother-in-law do not speak much English. I do not speak much Spanish. So, it was a bit difficult. I studied Spanish long ago, but I haven’t studied it at all recently. However, I tried to speak a lot in Spanish. I remembered some simple words. My mother-in-law is good at cooking. She made delicious Peruvian food every day. My father-in-law likes the Beatles. So, he was very happy to visit famous Beatles-related places in Liverpool. When they came to Liverpool from Peru, the weather was cold. They wore sweaters. I wore a short-sleeved T-shirt. It’s interesting, isn’t it? Finally, my father-in-law likes whiskey. I also like whiskey. So, we went to a delicious whiskey bar in Liverpool. We tasted Scotch whiskey. That’s all for today.

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    2 mins
  • Nihongo Storytime for Beginners 111 のりこの物語:LiverpoolのCavern Club
    Aug 22 2024

    🎙️Welcome to Japanese Simple Storytime with Noriko!

    ☕️Thank you for your support:


    🌟Join Japanese Together for story scripts and translations. Engage in monthly meet-ups to connect with fellow learners and explore Japanese deeper.

    💜Japanese Together


    Hello everyone. This is Noriko from Nihongo Storytime. In this podcast, I speak slowly. Please also listen to my other podcast, Japanese with Noriko, where I speak faster. Now, today is another story from me. It's about Liverpool. Please listen.

    I live in Liverpool, England. In November 2024, I moved to Liverpool from Belfast, Northern Ireland. Liverpool is famous for The Beatles. Before The Beatles became famous, they played at a live music venue in Liverpool. That place is called The Cavern Club. Last Friday, I watched a Beatles tribute band live at The Cavern Club.

    The tickets for the live show were £20 per person. The live show lasted about three hours. People who looked like the members of The Beatles played many of their songs. Their costumes were also like The Beatles, and it was a very enjoyable show.

    Most of the audience was elderly. Everyone listened to famous Beatles songs and danced and sang along. I also stood up and danced during "Twist and Shout." The last song was "Hey Jude." At that time, everyone in the audience stood up and sang together loudly.

    If you come to Liverpool, please visit this live house. It's an interesting place where you can feel the atmosphere of that time.

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    3 mins
  • Nihongo Storytime for Beginners 110 のりこの物語:ロンドン3 Korean Singer IU
    Aug 15 2024

    🎙️Welcome to Japanese Simple Storytime with Noriko!



    🌟Join Japanese Together for story scripts and translations. Engage in monthly meet-ups to connect with fellow learners and explore Japanese deeper.

    💜Japanese Together


    I went to London in June. It was a 3-day trip with 2 nights. The purpose of this trip was to attend a concert. It was a concert of the Korean singer IU. I am studying Korean. I love IU's songs. IU is a female singer and also an actress. She appears in famous dramas and movies.

    The concert was on Friday night at Wembley Arena in the suburbs of London. It was sold out. The concert lasted from 6:30 PM for 3 hours. It was very long and tiring, but it was really enjoyable. It felt like a dream. I was able to go to the concert I had always wanted to attend.

    Do you go to concerts? Do you have a favorite artist?

    Thanks to this concert, my motivation to study Korean has increased. I want to study more and sing IU's songs in Korean. Do you listen to Japanese songs? I am part of the community Japanese Together. I made a playlist of Japanese songs recommended by the community members. I will share the link, so please listen to it.

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    3 mins
  • Nihongo Storytime for Beginners 109 のりこの物語:ロンドン2 Tate Modern Museum(テイト・モダン・ミュージアム)
    Aug 8 2024

    🎙️Welcome to Japanese Simple Storytime with Noriko!

    ☕️Thank you for your support:


    🌟Join Japanese Together for story scripts and translations. Engage in monthly meet-ups to connect with fellow learners and explore Japanese deeper.

    💜Japanese Together


    I like going to museums. There is the Tate Modern Museum in London. I love this museum. The special exhibitions at this museum are always amazing. I saw a special exhibition of Matisse before. It was really wonderful.

    The Tate Modern Museum is free, but you need to pay to see the special exhibitions. The special exhibitions are expensive, but they are a very good experience.

    This time, I saw a special exhibition about Expressionists. I don't know much about paintings, but when I go to the museum, I find a painting I like and buy its postcard.

    The Tate Modern Museum is along the Thames River in London. I recommend walking along the Thames River. You can see many landmarks in London. Do you go to museums? If you have any recommended museums or favorite paintings, please tell me.

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    2 mins