• Conclusion
    Apr 26 2022

    We did it ! Mazel tov! It’s the 40th day of Nishmat. Please, extra simcha in the way you say it today, extra kavanah in the way you Thank Hashem today. You are about to receive so much bracha in your life. Whether it’s the exact bracha you think you want, or whether it’s the exact bracha Hashem knows you need, that's up to Hashem. What you have done in the last 40 days, you’ve created a vessel, a keli through which Hashem will be able to pour shefa and brachot into your life. If we don’t daven to Hashem, if we don’t ask Hashem, we’re not creating a Keli to catch the brachot; it's just going to continue to fall. This vessel will B’ezrat Hashem very soon overflow over with somany Brachot and Yeshuot. 

    Today is a very special day, a yom tov, a happy day. Recite your Nishmat with added fervor, Kavannah. Sing and dance, express your gratitude to Hashem abe /b’ezrat Hashem in the zechut of your dedication and gratitude to Hashem you should receive immeasurable bracha in all areas of your life. I cannot wait to start the next round with all of you. In the meantime, keep going, keep Thanking Hashem and remember that Hashem is Kol Yachol. No situation in this world is too hopeless for Hashem. 

    Signing off and sending love, Charlene Aminoff.  

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    2 mins
  • Coming Back
    Apr 20 2022

    As you know there have been many people who have tremendous yeshuot and miracles as a result of saying Nishmat Kol Chai. I’m going to share 2 quick stories of different categories about how Nishmat Kol Chai can bring a yeshua. A single girl came to me just to shmooze, she came to my office to sit in my kallah chair because there’s some segulah powers over there. I handed her my tehillim and my nishmat card. I said to her “Say tehillim, say Nishmat Kol chai. And tell Hashem B’ezrat Hashem when you become a kallah you will come back here, sit in the same chair and say Nishmat Kol Chai again.” She was like that sounds so ridiculous and I said trust me, this is a great method to get your tefillos answered.0

     She did what I said. She came back to the office a little while ago, she said her Nishmat and tefillos, it was an emotional meeting we hugged and I sent her on her way. She came back Baruch Hashem about 3 months later. She walked in and she said “I’m here to keep my promise.” I said I knew you’d be back but tell me the details. She said “I didn’t keep to the 40 consecutive days, I would say it and drop it. Then I said I will do it officially with no shortcuts. I did it for 40 days, and on the 40th day a shidduch was read to me and a little while later we were engaged.” She said now I need to keep my end of the promise to say Nishmat and Thank You to Hashem in my chair. 

    Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita, he should be happy and healthy for 120 years. When we asked him about Nishmat when we were writing the book for Artscroll, he said one of the most amazing ways to have a yeshua is that when someone is faced with a challenge to take upon themselves that they will bli neder say Nishmat Kol Chaim when they are saved from that challenge. Whether it’s a legal challenge, a parnassah challenge, a shidduch crisis, a pregnancy problem whatever it is. Rav Chaim Kanievsky said take upon yourself to commit to saying Nishmat when you are saved in front of a minimum of 10 people and that is a way to make the segulah even greater. 

    Hodu L’Hashem, so many people who are seeing Yeshuot are keeping their end of the promise. If you have seen a Nishmat miracle at some point in your life or in your Nishmat journey, please try if you can say Nishmat in front of 10 people. Because that is a way to express gratitude to Hashem in a larger forum, with a bigger audience. It enhances and deepens your gratitude to Hashem, you’re welcome to reach out to me and perhaps we’ll go live and I’ll bring you on and we can say it in front of a lot of people. 

    Make sure you keep your end of the promise because we want something from Hashem we gotta show up for it. B’ezrat Hashem every single one of you should be saying Nishmat Kol Chai as your thank you to Hashem for delivering your yeshua to you very very soon.

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    3 mins
  • Our Brachos
    Apr 6 2022

    Nishmat Soldiers! It’s Charlene Aminoff here again with a little reminder to everybody that is part of this round of Nishmat Kol Chai. There is something so special about asking Hashem for something after we have expressed our gratitude to Hashem. It almost makes it feel like we are first showing our father in Heaven just how grateful we are for our blessings. Both the obvious ones and the ones in disguise. After we’ve shown Hashem that we recognize that everything we have is from you. Everything we have is from Hashem and everything we don’t have yet is also from Hashem. When we put ourselves in a mind-frame in recognizing that everything is From Hashem we’re automatically happy! What do we do when we’re happy? We thank Hashem! When we thank Hashem for everything that we have, and everything that we lack, that is when we can come through with our requests. We can say “Hashem, I have no questions about how you run the world, I’m just so grateful that I’m in it.” We’re not looking at our cup as half-full or half-empty. We’re thankful that we have a cup. When we say “Hashem everything I have and everything I lack is all from you, Ein Od Milvado.” I’m grateful for everything! “Now Hashem, if you can deem me worthy of receiving an amazing shidduch, a pregnancy, a beautiful baby, parnassah, shalom bayit.” That's the ultimate way to show Hashem we got the memo. Hashem runs the world, we’re just puppets living in it. When we thank Hashem for everything we have and what we don’t have yet that is when Hashem says “Okay I’m clearing the path for a lot of shefa headed your way”. Remember that when you say this tefillah first say Ein Od Milvado three times. This is Rebbetzin Kanievsky’s advice for all of us. That is showing we’re aware everything we have and don’t have is from you and everything we need and want will come only from You. Hatzlacha Rabbah, keep going today until day 40, we’ll see you at the finish line. 

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    2 mins
  • Hashem’s Greatness
    Mar 27 2022

    Hi friends, we are well underway to receive our amazing miracles and yeshuot that are coming to us B’ezrat Hashem. You’re already part of the Nishmat army so if you’re receiving this message I just want to remind everybody that our job is not to understand the ways of Hashem. Our job is to trust the ways of Hashem. Sometimes a certain Bakashah that we are begging Hashem to answer us may take longer than others, sometimes instantaneously only Hashem knows how and when we are meant to be answered. Only Hashewm knows how and when He will deliver our Yeshua. We must do our Hishtadlut. We can’t just expect Hashem to give us the sun, moon and stars without doing anything for it. That is why when we say Nishmat Kol Chai we are showing Hashem our gratitude. We are telling Hashem, Thank You so deeply and intensely for all our Brachot. Then we say, and now may we be zocheh for the yeshua we are asking for. However it’s so vital not to get discouraged if you don’t feel like you’re being answered by Hashem. In this world we won’t always have the answers, but in the world to come there are no questions. So continue, march forward, onward we go and B’ezrat Hashem you should be zocheh to receive the exact yeshua you want and need in this world and the world to come. Keep going Nishmat soldiers, we're on our way to day 40!

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    2 mins
  • What is Nishmas
    Mar 16 2022

    Hello everybody it's Charlene Aminoff here and I am so excited to recruit so many of you into the next round of Nishmat Kol Chai. What is Nishmat Kol Chai you ask?! It’s a wonderful amazing Tefila dedicated to praising Hashem in a very deep and meaningful way. Rebbetzvin Kaniefsky A’H, before she past away, she said that anyone who came to her for a bracha, whether it was for shidduchim, for parnassah, a refuah, for any type of Yeshua, she implored them and encouraged them to say Nishmat Kol Chai at least once a day. 

    Now, we know that when a Tefila is said for 40 consecutive days, we amplify its powers. But why did Rebbetzin Kaniefsky particularly like this Tefila in order to bring about one’s Yeshua? Because Chazal tell us that when someones mazal is locked a certain way or in a certain gate leading up to Hashem, the one way that we can unlock that gate is by expressing very strong gratitude to Haskadosh Baruch Hu. In fact if you look at Hallel, we are taught that there are six times that we say Hodu L’Hashem and then there are four times that we say Ana Hashem. Chazal tell us that this 60, 40 breakdown of thanking Hashem for 60% and then requesting of Hashem 40% is the ideal way to go about receiving our Tefillot and receiving our brachot and receiving the yeshuot were asking for. 

    So before we ask Hashem we must thank Him. Which is why Nishmat Kol Chai has become so popular. So many people around the globe are saying this daily. So many people in this ever growing Nishmat army of ours. We want you to join us. Every single person in the world is looking for some type of yeshua. Whether others know it or not, there's no person in the world that doesn’t have worries, doesn’t have nisyonot, doesn’t have challenges or stress. What we can do Is Beezrat Hashem to appeal to Hashem that we should have the Yeshua that we are davening for and we should have the bracha we need, we have to first express our gratitude to Hashem via Nishmat Kol Chai. 

    It’s a very short yet powerful tefila, forty consecutive days. That’s all it takes to open up channels and gates up to Shamayim that seem like they have been locked for too long. Join me, join the Thank You Hashem fam, join the tens of thousands of people globally and say Nishmat Kol Chai every single today together with all of us. You guys can head over to the Thank You Hashem page or the Charlene Aminoff page to find out more about Nishmat Kol Chai. 

    We will be starting our next round in a couple of days and we want you to know that this is an unbelievable way to get Hashem to say “Ok you deserve this special bracha that you have been asking so much for, now it's time to receive it” All it takes is to Thank Hashem via this Tefillah. Hashem should answer each and every one of our tefillot L’Tova. We should all be zoche to receive exactly what we need and exactly what we want. With sweetness and with Mercy. B’ruchniyut and B’gashmiyut, B’Olan Hazeh and B’Olam Haba. See you on the Nishmat train. 

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