In this enlightening episode my guest reveals groundbreaking insights into achieving personal growth. If you're stuck, or at your plateau in life and you either can’t see what’s next or how to get beyond where you are, this is one you’re not going to want to miss.Bryan May is a highly sought-after Breakthrough Consultant who helps individuals break through personal and professional barriers. He’s also a dad. Drawing from his personal experiences, Bryan now helps others overcome limiting beliefs, self-doubt, and life's inevitable plateaus.To learn more about Bryan May or get coaching visit: Bryan May on Instagram at: your podcast today! #madeonzencastr - Overcoming Life’s Plateaus---In this enlightening episode of The Fatherhood Challenge, my guest reveals a groundbreakinginsight into achieving personal growth if you're stuck or at a plateau in life and eitheryou can't see what's next or how to get beyond where you are.This is one you're not going to want to miss, so don't go anywhere.Welcome to The Fatherhood Challenge, a movement to awaken and inspire fathers everywhereto take great pride in their role and a challenge society to understand how important fathersare to the stability and culture of their family's environment.Now here's your host, Jonathan Guerrero.Greetings everyone, thank you so much for joining me.I have Brian May with me.Brian is a highly sought after breakthrough consultant who blends business acumen withspirituality to help individuals break through personal and professional barriers.He's also a dad.Drawing from his personal experience, Brian now helps others overcome limiting beliefs,self-doubt, and life's inevitable plateaus.Brian thank you so much for being on The Fatherhood Challenge.Thank you very much for having me, I appreciate it.Brian let's start with your story.What's the story behind how you became a breakthrough consultant?The story is this.I am a couple of years ago I had a tragedy in my life and I lost my wife and so my son andI kind of rebuilt.He was only one and a half at the time and I was very spiritual beforehand and it tookme more onto that path.When you have such a young boy, you don't want him to have negative feelings towards thesekind of events that are obviously negative towards us as adults, right?Even obviously if you're a child, five in up, which he's five now, of course would bevery sad for them but at one and a half, it's a hard thing to deal with.I didn't want him to have negative feelings towards it.That's what kind of broke me out of this shell that I was in and really forced me to keepliving life if that makes sense.Is it normal to hit a plateau in life or is there ultimately something wrong with us orin us that is creating the plateau?I think it's totally normal to hit a plateau, right?I think we hit multiple plateaus depending on the areas of our life, whether it's goingto the gym and not being able to lift more weight than a certain amount, whether it'snot being able to make more money than a certain amount.I think plateaus are super normal and with breaking through, with being a breakthrough consultant,the whole point is to break past limitations.The whole point is to break past those plateaus by gaining clarity, right?We want that new level of understanding.We want to turn that moment of an obstacle or a challenge and we want to transform it intoan opportunity.As they say, it's the darkest before the dawn and we need to push through and sometimeswe get stuck because we run out of options of how to push through and sometimes peopledon't want to push through.For me personally, I don't take on clients that let's say they know they're in some kindof a trouble, they know they hit some kind of plateau, but they don't want to push through.It has to be someone that, hey, I really want to get to the next level but I don't knowhow or I don't know what's stopping me.But once you say, hey, I want to get past this, I want to get a Ferrari, well then your braincan start thinking a little differently.It is very important to understand that these plateaus are totally normal in life and wehave to want to break through that.When you get to a point that you don't know how to break through, you need to seek helpjust like you would if you were in the gym, you would hire a personal trainer.It's just like that.What you went through was often what's referred to as the dark night of the soul and oftentimesfor me, I've hit it twice in my life and every single time it's a terrifying experienceand I have at first tried to avoid it that tends to be the instinctive reaction you just wantlife to go on and you don't really want to go into that dark night place.There are bad consequences to be paid over a long period of time for avoiding that darknight experience rather than just going through it.Going through it is ...