
  • POOLcast 099 - J-M-S
    Feb 15 2024
    POOLcast 099 - J-M-S The second POOLcast of 2024 joins the line-up of fully improvised works from previous months. This time, however, it's not one person alone who has sat down at his modular system and pressed record, but J-M-S have once again recorded one of their jam sessions for you. J-M-S plays live music with all kinds of electronic devices, which are completely improvised without any guidelines. Devices and instruments vary from session to session and allow you to experience the creativity of the artists unfiltered. There are no instructions, no metronome, no scales or other guidelines. Lose yourself in atmospheric spaces, dreamy echoes, woozy reverbs and rushing drones. Enjoy. https://soundcloud.com/thepoolberlin/poolcast-099-j-m-s https://poolcast.bandcamp.com/track/poolcast-099-j-m-s https://www.mixcloud.com/ThePoolcasts/poolcast-099-j-m-s // The POOL Berlin https://www.thepoolberlin.de/ https://facebook.com/thepoolberlin/ https://soundcloud.com/thepoolberlin/ https://poolcast.bandcamp.com/ https://mixcloud.com/ThePoolcasts/ https://pooltracks.bandcamp.com/ https://open.spotify.com/show/5YxJHKoPPflbj9NKleINUz https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/poolcast/id1462173000 https://overcast.fm/itunes1462173000/poolcast https://pca.st/tC92 https://bit.ly/2LwuUBE https://amzn.to/2K3elN4
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    1 hr and 19 mins
  • POOLcast 098 - LumiaSylko
    Jan 15 2024
    POOLcast 098 - Lumia Sylko Our first POOLcast in 2024 comes from Switzerland and, like our last edition, is a live modular synth recording. Lumia Sylko is essentially an audiovisual project that uses the technical means and media of today to offer a platform for creative development. Musically, there are almost no limits. Ambient, minimal, jazz, drone, electroacoustic and musique concrète are all components that find their way into Lumia Sylko's works. For POOLcast 098, Lumia Sylko has sat down at his modular system and provided us with a recording that wonderfully demonstrates what can be musically extracted from such systems. From hypnotic to groovy to dreamy, Lumia Sylko has created a thoroughly entertaining recording for POOLcast that we can recommend to everyone for the dark days. Happy New Year. Enjoy. https://soundcloud.com/thepoolberlin/poolcast-098-lumiasylko https://poolcast.bandcamp.com/track/poolcast-098-lumia-sylko https://www.mixcloud.com/ThePoolcasts/poolcast-098-lumia-sylko/ // Lumia Sylko https://www.lumiasylko.art/ https://www.instagram.com/lumia_sylko https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnHJLbCeLHJTAqkvMYppBYg // The POOL Berlin https://www.thepoolberlin.de/ https://facebook.com/thepoolberlin/ https://soundcloud.com/thepoolberlin/ https://poolcast.bandcamp.com/ https://mixcloud.com/ThePoolcasts/ https://pooltracks.bandcamp.com/ https://open.spotify.com/show/5YxJHKoPPflbj9NKleINUz https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/poolcast/id1462173000 https://overcast.fm/itunes1462173000/poolcast https://pca.st/tC92 https://bit.ly/2LwuUBE https://amzn.to/2K3elN4
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    1 hr
  • POOLcast 097 - Demiurge
    Dec 15 2023
    POOLcast 097 - Demiurge Our last edition of POOLcast for 2023 brings us back a familiar face. Demiurge aka Demas von Klangscheiben, founding member of POOL and co-initiator of the idea of a monthly podcast series under the POOL banner, has sat down at his modular system again after a "life stuff" break and provided us a recording for you. The end of this creative break is more than a return to what was. This is not an attempt to simply make the past tangible again. Rather, something new is being created here from a cognitive narrative. A reinterpretation of past creations is inevitable, but a return to a deterministic archetype of artistic existence is not to be anticipated. There is therefore nothing better than a POOLcast to provide a platform for this new artistic phase in Demiurge's work. Enjoy https://soundcloud.com/thepoolberlin/poolcast-097-demiurge https://poolcast.bandcamp.com/track/poolcast-097-demiurge https://www.mixcloud.com/ThePoolcasts/poolcast-097-demiurge // Demiurge www.facebook.com/DemiurgeBerlin www.youtube.com/channel/UCPYSSF6hYoeYdNvHEGHrvQQ // The POOL Berlin https://www.thepoolberlin.de/ https://facebook.com/thepoolberlin/ https://soundcloud.com/thepoolberlin/ https://poolcast.bandcamp.com/ https://mixcloud.com/ThePoolcasts/ https://pooltracks.bandcamp.com/ https://open.spotify.com/show/5YxJHKoPPflbj9NKleINUz https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/poolcast/id1462173000 https://overcast.fm/itunes1462173000/poolcast https://pca.st/tC92 https://bit.ly/2LwuUBE https://amzn.to/2K3elN4
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    1 hr and 1 min
  • POOLcast 096 - GNILYF
    Nov 15 2023
    POOLcast 096 - GNILYF We start our new POOLcast season with a mixtape by Gnilyf, co-founder and POOLcast curator from the very beginning. For the start of our tenth POOLcast season, gnilyf presents a mixtape that ranges between the genres of jazz, experimental, ambient, drone and techno. The mixture of styles has accompanied POOLcast since the first editions and is thus the cornerstone for the development of POOLcast from a pure genre playground to a space for unfiltered creativity. Without limitations and audience-driven expectations in curation, we try to be a platform for the unexpected, inspiring and challenging with our own productions and curated contributions. A platform for works of art that come as directly as possible from the creative level to the listener without external influences and thus evoke a reaction that can be both harmony and dissonance. Between these two ends of the spectrum is the space in which art is created and consumed. Join us for the tenth season. Enjoy https://soundcloud.com/thepoolberlin/poolcast-096-gnilyf https://poolcast.bandcamp.com/track/poolcast-096-gnilyf https://www.mixcloud.com/ThePoolcasts/poolcast-096-gnilyf/ // GNILYF https://www.facebook.com/gnilyf https://soundcloud.com/gnilyf // The POOL Berlin https://www.thepoolberlin.de/ https://facebook.com/thepoolberlin/ https://soundcloud.com/thepoolberlin/ https://poolcast.bandcamp.com/ https://mixcloud.com/ThePoolcasts/ https://pooltracks.bandcamp.com/ https://open.spotify.com/show/5YxJHKoPPflbj9NKleINUz https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/poolcast/id1462173000 https://overcast.fm/itunes1462173000/poolcast https://pca.st/tC92 https://bit.ly/2LwuUBE https://amzn.to/2K3elN4
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    59 mins
  • POOLcast 095 - Concept Special - Transmission III
    Oct 15 2023
    POOLcast 095 - Concept Special - Transmissions III https://youtu.be/l_03gJ2T4c0 … dHJhbnNtaXNzaW9uIGNhbGwgYmFjaw0KcHJvdG9jb2wgMg0KQXJyYXkgR S1GLTM2DQpub2RlICVNMzQ5OCB0byAlTTM1MDINCkNhbGxpbmcgU2VlZC AlTTM0OTgNCnBpbmcgJU0zNDk4DQpwaW5nICVNMzQ5OA0KcGluZyAlTT M0OTgNCnBpbmcgJU0zNDk4DQpQaW5nIHJlc3BvbnNlIGRldGVjdGVkDQpS ZWNpZXZpbmcgdHJhbnNtaXNzaW9uIGZyb20gJU0zNDk4DQpTdGFydCBB cmNoaXZpbmcNClBhY2tpbmcgbm9kZSAlTTM0OTgNClRyYW5zZmVyaW5nI HBhY2thZ2UgdG8gbWFpbiBjb3JlICd5ZWxsb3cga2luZycNClNlbmRpbmcNC kNhbGxpbmcgU2VlZCAlTTM0OTkNCnBpbmcgJU0zNDk5DQpwaW5nICVN MzQ5OQ0KcGluZyAlTTM0OTkNCnBpbmcgJU0zNDk5DQpQaW5nIHJlc3Bvb nNlIGRldGVjdGVkDQpSZWNpZXZpbmcgdHJhbnNtaXNzaW9uIGZyb20gJU0 zNDk5DQpTdGFydCBBcmNoaXZpbmcNClBhY2tpbmcgbm9kZSAlTTM0OTk NClRyYW5zZmVyaW5nIHBhY2thZ2UgdG8gbWFpbiBjb3JlICd5ZWxsb3cga2l uZycNClNlbmRpbmcNCkNhbGxpbmcgU2VlZCAlTTM1MDANCnBpbmcgJU0 zNTAwDQpwaW5nICVNMzUwMA0KcGluZyAlTTM1MDANCnBpbmcgJU0zNT AwDQpQaW5nIHJlc3BvbnNlIGRldGVjdGVkDQpSZWNpZXZpbmcgdHJhbnNt aXNzaW9uIGZyb20gJU0zNTAwDQpTdGFydCBBcmNoaXZpbmcNClBhY2tpb mcgbm9kZSAlTTM1MDANClRyYW5zZmVyaW5nIHBhY2thZ2UgdG8gbWFpbi Bjb3JlICd5ZWxsb3cga2luZycNClNlbmRpbmcNCkNhbGxpbmcgU2VlZCAlTT M1MDENCnBpbmcgJU0zNTAxDQpwaW5nICVNMzUwMQ0KcGluZyAlTTM1 MDENCnBpbmcgJU0zNTAxDQpQaW5nIHJlc3BvbnNlIGRldGVjdGVkDQpSZ WNpZXZpbmcgdHJhbnNtaXNzaW9uIGZyb20gJU0zNTAxDQpTdGFydCBBc mNoaXZpbmcNClBhY2tpbmcgbm9kZSAlTTM1MDENClRyYW5zZmVyaW5nI HBhY2thZ2UgdG8gbWFpbiBjb3JlICd5ZWxsb3cga2luZycNClNlbmRpbmcNC kNhbGxpbmcgU2VlZCAlTTM1MDINCnBpbmcgJU0zNTAyDQpwaW5nICVNM zUwMg0KcGluZyAlTTM1MDINCnBpbmcgJU0zNTAyDQpQaW5nIHJlc3Bvbn NlIGRldGVjdGVkDQpSZWNpZXZpbmcgdHJhbnNtaXNzaW9uIGZyb20gJU0z NTAyDQpTdGFydCBBcmNoaXZpbmcNClBhY2tpbmcgbm9kZSAlTTM1MDIN ClRyYW5zZmVyaW5nIHBhY2thZ2UgdG8gbWFpbiBjb3JlICd5ZWxsb3cga2lu ZycNClNlbmRpbmcNCnRyYW5zbWlzc2lvbiBjYWxsDQpwcm90b2NvbCAyDQ pBcnJheSBFLUYtMzYNCm5vZGUgJU0zNDk4IHRvICVNMzUwMg0KQ29tcG xldGU= ... Z2VuZXJhdGl2ZSBtdXNpYyBmcm9tIHRoZSB2ZXJzZSBvZg== aHR0cHM6Ly90aHJlZWFwZXMuZGUv … https://youtu.be/l_03gJ2T4c0 https://soundcloud.com/thepoolberlin/poolcast-095-concept-special-transmission-iii https://poolcast.bandcamp.com/track/poolcast-095-concept-special-transmission-iii https://www.mixcloud.com/ThePoolcasts/poolcast-095-concept-special-transmission-iii/ // The POOL Berlin https://www.thepoolberlin.de/ https://facebook.com/thepoolberlin/ https://soundcloud.com/thepoolberlin/ https://poolcast.bandcamp.com/ https://mixcloud.com/ThePoolcasts/ https://pooltracks.bandcamp.com/ https://open.spotify.com/show/5YxJHKoPPflbj9NKleINUz https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/poolcast/id1462173000 https://overcast.fm/itunes1462173000/poolcast https://pca.st/tC92 https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/the-pool-berlin/poolcast https://bit.ly/2LwuUBE https://amzn.to/2K3elN4
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    30 mins
  • POOLcast 094 - ANN
    Sep 15 2023
    POOLcast 094 - ANN For our September issue we have another Founderscast, so a POOLcast directly from the heart of The POOL Berlin and the POOLcast department. ANN's ongoing journey through the spheres of electronic music currently finds a new peak in the interplay of Ambient and Drone. The first thought that comes to mind with the terms Ambient and Drone is the idea of a wall of standing vibrations building up in front of you. However, what sounds like sonic brutalism here is actually much more than walls that seem to stretch endlessly in all directions. Rather, ambient and drone are amorphous spheres that exist in countless variations. These spheres of electronic music, with their oscillating and undefined edges, can merge, orbit, overlap, sublimate, or phase out. The resulting complex musical spaces are much more than vibrating walls. Enjoy. https://poolcast.bandcamp.com/track/poolcast-094-ann https://soundcloud.com/thepoolberlin/poolcast-094-ann https://www.mixcloud.com/ThePoolcasts/poolcast-094-ann // ANN https://soundcloud.com/ann-other https://annother.bandcamp.com/ https://www.facebook.com/ANN.mistakes https://www.instagram.com/ann_related/ // The POOL Berlin https://facebook.com/thepoolberlin/ https://soundcloud.com/thepoolberlin/ https://poolcast.bandcamp.com/ https://mixcloud.com/ThePoolcasts/ https://pooltracks.bandcamp.com/ https://open.spotify.com/show/5YxJHKoPPflbj9NKleINUz https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/poolcast/id1462173000 https://overcast.fm/itunes1462173000/poolcast https://pca.st/tC92 https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/the-pool-berlin/poolcast https://bit.ly/2LwuUBE https://amzn.to/2K3elN4
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    56 mins
  • POOLcast 093 - PLO
    Aug 15 2023
    POOLcast 093 - PLO Our August issue brings you another live improvised recording from our very own project PLO. For this recording ANN, Dr.Nojoke, Waldboot and The Artist Formerly Known as From Karaoke to Stardom came together with a whole truckload of music hardware. Samplers, grooveboxes, keyboards, guitar pedals, synthesizers and more create a unique vibe at the PLO sessions right from the set up and sound check. The unpredictable combination of all the instruments, effects and ideas, which are completely recombined from session to session, create a breeding ground of creativity for the artists attending the session. With the goal of allowing as few mental filters as possible to come between artistic intuition and the piece. To create an environment in which the participating artists allow the purest form of art. It is therefore also unnecessary to use typical musical phrases to classify the resulting work. The consumption of such artworks should also be enjoyed with as little bias as possible. Enjoy https://soundcloud.com/thepoolberlin/poolcast-093-plo/ https://poolcast.bandcamp.com/track/poolcast-093-plo https://www.mixcloud.com/ThePoolcasts/poolcast-093-plo/ // PLO https://soundcloud.com/ploberlin https://www.facebook.com/PLOberlin // The POOL Berlin https://www.thepoolberlin.de/ https://facebook.com/thepoolberlin/ https://soundcloud.com/thepoolberlin/ https://poolcast.bandcamp.com/ https://mixcloud.com/ThePoolcasts/ https://pooltracks.bandcamp.com/ https://open.spotify.com/show/5YxJHKoPPflbj9NKleINUz https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/poolcast/id1462173000 https://overcast.fm/itunes1462173000/poolcast https://pca.st/tC92 https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/the-pool-berlin/poolcast https://bit.ly/2LwuUBE https://amzn.to/2K3elN4
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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • POOLcast 091 - Dr.Nojoke
    Jun 15 2023
    POOLcast 091 - Dr.Nojoke For our first summer POOLcast in 2023 we have a collector set from our beloved Dr.Nojoke. Classical, dub, techno, ambient, jazz and electronic are carefree mixed together here, creating a marvel over and over again that fits perfectly into the POOLcast concept. "Life During Wartime" - Part 2, is what Dr.Nojoke calls his collage. Part 1 was a little over a year ago ( https://soundcloud.com/thepoolberlin/poolcast-077-drnojoke ). Time has not stopped and continues to pass ceaselessly. Plans of that time have occurred, have been forgotten, have changed or have been postponed. If you try to recall this point in time, it will bear more or less fruit. Predictable, you might think, our existence, chained by the absolute determinism of time. The moment, a quantum of time. The moment as the purpose of life, no consideration, no foresight, nothing that makes our actions tangible and useful beyond the "self in the moment". Are causes and effects even comprehensible for us beyond the moment or is the timeless self just an unattainable fantasy? What does time do to us? Listen and find out. Enjoy. https://soundcloud.com/thepoolberlin/poolcast-091-drnojoke https://poolcast.bandcamp.com/track/poolcast-091-dr-nojoke https://www.mixcloud.com/ThePoolcasts/poolcast-091-drnojoke // Dr,Nojoke https://www.facebook.com/Dr.Nojoke.fanpage/ https://soundcloud.com/dr-nojoke/ https://drnojoke.bandcamp.com/ Clikno https://soundcloud.com/clikno/ https://www.facebook.com/cliknolabel/ https://clikno.bandcamp.com/ rand https://soundcloud.com/rand2018 https://www.facebook.com/randmusic/ https://rand.bandcamp.com/ // The POOL Berlin https://www.thepoolberlin.de/ https://facebook.com/thepoolberlin/ https://soundcloud.com/thepoolberlin/ https://poolcast.bandcamp.com/ https://mixcloud.com/ThePoolcasts/ https://pooltracks.bandcamp.com/ https://open.spotify.com/show/5YxJHKoPPflbj9NKleINUz https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/poolcast/id1462173000 https://overcast.fm/itunes1462173000/poolcast https://pca.st/tC92 https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/the-pool-berlin/poolcast https://bit.ly/2LwuUBE https://amzn.to/2K3elN4
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    57 mins