• #6 Facebook Overran by Russian Bots, Whitehouse Double Standard & What is a Caucus?
    Feb 18 2020

    Facebook is being overran with Russian Bots. Or are they Ukrainian? We get the scoop directly from the source – an Artificial Dumbass.

    Special Guest Band: Lying Dog Faced Pony Soldier singing their hit song “Nancy Nasty Pelosi”

    How would other World Leaders handle a Gay President?

    It seems like the double standard in the White House is Growing larger and larger every day. Be Best – Do as I say, not as I do. What can we do about it? Lets discuss. Has Trump learned his lesson after Impeachment?

    What the hell is a Caucus anyway? After much discussion we still don’t know. We are betting the DNC is in on the Fix for the Iowa App Screw Up. Biden is going down and going down hard.

    Spineless Bill Barr is at it again along with the rest of the GOP who lost their backbone.

    Stick around till the end for a Trump Tweet Musical.


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    57 mins
  • #5 We Still Need Justice Reform for Young Adults. Impeachment is the End Times.
    Jan 28 2020

    Mitch McConnell burns all the Bills in the Senate (Opening)

    We discuss why you have to be 21 to buy Alcohol, Smoke Cigarettes and Weed but can still be tried as an Adult for everything else at 18. We Justice Reform for Young Adults that make sense!

    Of course we have to address the Impeachment Trial and why Democrats and Republicans feel the need to wear blinders. You don't have to agree with everything in your party. You are not controlled by them. You have FREE Thought!

    We compare Trump to Prince thanks to Kevin Smith and why Trump just doesn't understand the world of Government.

    Adam Shifty Shift Vs Midnight Mitch McConnell - Fight to the death - Who would win?

    And we end with a death pool for our favorite Judge - RBG.


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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • #4 Tariff Money Conspiracy, Homeless Problems and of course IRAN
    Jan 14 2020

    Please enjoy the butchering of the National Anthem by Mr. Fullmer (Opening Song)

    We try to figure out where all the Tariff money is going and who is benefiting from it. Glenn and Erik also discuss the Homeless problem in America. What was it like in the 80's and 90's compared to how it is now. Are handouts the answer? Tents? Extra housing? You decide.

    Iran makes a comeback to the show with Erik's Political Opinion (new segment). Is the blood of the plane take down on Trump's hands? Are we out of danger?

    One shot to a Computer Monitor and two shots to the leg. An old white man gets his revenge. A cop shoots at him but misses. If the old man was black would the cop have taken better aim?

    Stick around to the end of the show for a Joe Biden Ad Campaign Spoof and our Trump Tweet of the week put to music. You will love it.

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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • #3 Google Facebook and your Tax Cut all Suck! How to deal with Iran and Meatloaf
    Jan 7 2020

    We prescribe Triggerol for Greta Thunberg Derrangement Syndrome sufferers (opening song). Meatloaf texts into the show to let us know how much Triggerol he needs. We discuss why Facebook and Google Suck the Big One. Your Tax Cut isn't really a cut. Its more of a gain for big corporations. You get to weigh in.

    We discuss Iran. Why does Trump not believe the Intelligence Community when it came to Russia but now its 100% accurate with Iran and the plot against America.

    Biden and Hannity have a push up Challenge.

    Stick around till the end of the show to hear one of Donald Trumps Tweet put to music along with a special Musical Tweet from Don Jr.


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    56 mins
  • #2 Racial Insensitivity, Impeachment and The Democratic Candidates - Who's Left?
    Dec 31 2019

    In this episode we discuss the many sides of racial insensitivity, including our own. Why are the Jews hated so much?

    We jump on the bandwagon of Impeachment - Should we or shouldn't we?

    Make sure you stick around until the end of the episode. Erik sings a special Trump Tweet and Mitch McConnell gets a prank call!

    Also we find out who's left standing on the democratic side of politics. The days are numbered for those not on top. Our favorites along with all the rest are discussed in detail.

    Bennet, Biden, Bloomberg, Booker, Buttigieg, Castro, Delaney, Gabbard, Klobuchar, Patrick, Sanders, Steyer, Warren, Williamson and Yang.


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    1 hr and 2 mins
  • #1 Is the Economy Really so Great? Am I ready for Death Threats?
    Dec 30 2019

    In this introductory episode we discuss death threats and the Economy. Are we on the Left or are we on the Right? Why are food stamps being taken away? Stick around until the end of the episode for a special song parody "Where are you Greta Thunberg?" We also discuss climate change, Race, the Po-Po, Donald Trump and ripping on everything in between.

    Why do I know Nancy Pelosi's name? Why do we know so much about politics without knowing anything at all?

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    45 mins