• Meditations 2.7
    Sep 29 2024
    In this episode, I discuss Meditation 7 from Book 2 of Meditations, where Marcus Aurelius advises us to give ourselves moments of quiet to focus on learning something good, while also warning against aimlessness. I explore how modern distractions—whether from media, politics, or content creators—are constantly vying for our attention. Marcus’ advice to focus on "something good" can be interpreted as learning about virtue, which helps quiet the noise of the world. Alternatively, it can mean focusing on something personally meaningful, not driven by fear of missing out, but chosen for its value. However, Marcus cautions that even when we think we are focusing on something good, we must beware of aimlessness. Those who live without broader goals, Marcus says, waste their lives in trivial pursuits. I analyze how this warning applies to modern content that distorts Stoicism, particularly hyper-masculine and red-pill ideologies that mislead young men by portraying women as distractions. These misguided ideas lead people to chase false solutions to non-existent problems, wasting time and attention. The meditation emphasizes that distractions are not external forces, but a result of our lack of attention management. A Stoic response is not to eliminate external influences, but to strengthen inner resolve and temperance. Marcus reminds us that a Stoic should not allow external events, like a breakup, to compromise moral character. Instead, the Stoic improves, recognizing that virtue is the only true good, and distractions—whether relationships or the noise of society—are indifferent unless we let them affect us. "Do things from outside break in to distract you? Give yourself a time of quiet to learn some new good thing and cease to wander out of your course. But, when you have done that, be on your guard against a second kind of wandering. For those who are sick to death in life, with no mark on which they direct every impulse or in general every imagination, are triflers, not in words only but also in their deeds." - Meditations 2.7 -- Go ad-free : https://stoicismpod.com/members Follow the print publication : https://stoicismpod.com/print Take the free course : https://understandingstoicism.com Order my book : https://stoicismpod.com/book Source Text : https://stoicismpod.com/far Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    12 mins
  • Meditations 2.6
    Sep 23 2024
    In this episode, I explore Meditation 6 from Book 2 of Meditations, where Marcus Aurelius reflects on how we often fail to honor our own well-being, instead placing it in the hands of others. I dive into the Stoic concept of violence, explaining that true violence, in Stoic terms, is the damage we do to our own moral character through vice, not the physical acts we traditionally associate with violence. Using examples like murder, I explain how Stoicism teaches that no external action can harm another’s virtue, but choosing to act unjustly damages our own character. This episode also touches on the nuanced relationship between Stoicism, religion, and moral decision-making, emphasizing that for Stoics, the measure of uprightness is the quality of one’s character, aligned with Nature and the pursuit of virtue. "You are doing yourself violence, violence, my soul; and you will have no second occasion to do yourself honour. Brief is the life of each of us, and this of yours is nearly ended, and yet you do not reverence yourself, but commit your well-being to the charge of other men's souls." - Meditations 2.6 -- Go ad-free : https://stoicismpod.com/members Follow the print publication : https://stoicismpod.com/print Take the free course : https://understandingstoicism.com Order my book : https://stoicismpod.com/book Source Text : https://stoicismpod.com/far Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    28 mins
  • Meditations 2.5
    Sep 16 2024
    In this episode, I begin by correcting a mistake I made about the word "Prokoptôn," clarifying that it is the singular form, not the plural. We then dive into Meditation 5 of Book 2, which focuses on acting with precision, dignity, love, freedom, and justice in every moment, as if it were your last. I break down the importance of being aligned with nature and explain how Marcus Aurelius emphasizes the need to be in awe of the Cosmos, rather than "god-fearing" as some translations might suggest. I also touch on how we should fulfill our roles and responsibilities according to our nature, using the Stoic principle of Oikeiosis to live a life aligned with the Cosmos. "Each hour be minded valiantly as becomes a Roman and a man to do what is to your hand with preciseness . . . and unaffected dignity natural love freedom and justice; and to give yourself repose from every other imagination. And so you will if only you do each act as though it were your last freed from every random aim from willful turning away from the directing Reason from pretense self-love and displeasure with what is allotted to you. You see how few things a man need master in order to live a smooth and godfearing life; for the gods themselves will require nothing more of him who keeps these precepts." - Meditations, 2.5 -- Go ad-free : https://stoicismpod.com/members Follow the print publication : https://stoicismpod.com/print Take the free course : https://understandingstoicism.com Order my book : https://stoicismpod.com/book Source Text : https://stoicismpod.com/far Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    20 mins
  • Meditations 2.4
    Sep 9 2024
    In this week's meditation, we explore Meditation 2.4 from Book 2 of the Meditations. The conversation centers around the inevitability of death, the urgency of utilizing the present moment, and the Stoic approach to perceiving and appreciating life on Nature’s terms. Meditation Quoted: "Remember how long you have been putting off these things, and how many times the gods have given you days of grace, and yet you do not use them. Now is it high time to perceive the kind of Universe whereof you are a part and the nature of the governor of the Universe from whom you subsist as an effluence, and that the term of your time is circumscribed, and that unless you use it to attain calm of mind, time will be gone and you will be gone and the opportunity to use it will not be yours again." — Meditations, 2.4 -- Go ad-free : https://stoicismpod.com/members Follow the print publication : https://stoicismpod.com/print Take the free course : https://understandingstoicism.com Order my book : https://stoicismpod.com/book Source Text : https://stoicismpod.com/far Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    28 mins
  • Meditations 2.3
    Sep 2 2024
    In this episode, we delve into Meditation 2.3 of Marcus Aurelius’s Meditations. We explore the concepts of Providence and the interconnectedness of the universe as understood by the Stoics. We discuss how everything in the cosmos, including human life, is part of a logical and stable system governed by natural laws. Additionally, we touch upon the Stoic view of change and how it contributes to the stability of the universe. The practical takeaway? Embrace the logical nature of the cosmos, understand that change is not our enemy but rather a necessary aspect of existence, and remember that the answer to a contented life doesn’t lie in external sources like books or gurus but in accepting and playing our part in the grand scheme of things. Quoted Meditation: “The work of the gods is full of Providence: the work of Fortune is not divorced from Nature or the spinning and winding of the threads ordained by Providence. All flows from that other world; and there is, besides, necessity and the wellbeing of the whole universe, whereof you are a part. Now to every part of Nature that is good which the nature of the Whole brings, and which preserves that nature; and the whole world is preserved as much by the changes of the compound bodies as by the changes of the elements which compose those bodies. Let this be sufficient for you, these be continually your doctrines. But put away your thirst for books, that so you may not die murmuring, but truly reconciled and grateful from your heart to the gods.” — Meditations, 2.3 -- Go ad-free : https://stoicismpod.com/members Follow the print publication : https://stoicismpod.com/print Take the free course : https://understandingstoicism.com Order my book : https://stoicismpod.com/book Source Text : https://stoicismpod.com/far Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    27 mins
  • Meditations 2.2
    Aug 26 2024
    In today’s episode, we explore Meditations 2.2 by Marcus Aurelius, diving into the Stoic understanding of our bodies, the concept of the “god” in Stoicism, and the relationship between our physical body, life-sustaining breath, and rational mind. Marcus identifies these three parts of the human being and challenges us to take control of the only one we can—the governing self, or rational mind. We also touch on the Stoic concept of Logos, the naturalistic “god” that underpins the universe, and discuss the Stoic perspective on the body as a temporary vessel on loan from the universe. Finally, we delve into the importance of not letting our minds be controlled by selfish impulses or distractions, emphasizing the Stoic practice of paying attention to our thoughts and actions as the path to living a virtuous life. Meditation Quoted: “This whatever it is that I am, is flesh and vital spirit and the governing self. Disdain the flesh: blood and bones and network, a twisted skein of nerves, veins, arteries. Consider also what the vital spirit is: a current of air, not even continuously the same, but every hour being expelled and sucked in again. There is then a third part, the governing self. Put away your books, be distracted no longer, they are not your portion. Rather, as if on the point of death, reflect like this: 'you are an old man, suffer this governing part of you no longer to be in bondage, no longer to be a puppet pulled by selfish impulse, no longer to be indignant with what is allotted in the present or to suspect what is allotted in the future.'” (Meditations, 2.2) -- Go ad-free : https://stoicismpod.com/members Follow the print publication : https://stoicismpod.com/print Take the free course : https://understandingstoicism.com Order my book : https://stoicismpod.com/book Source Text : https://stoicismpod.com/far Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    31 mins
  • Meditations 2.1
    Aug 20 2024
    In this first episode of Season 2, we dive into one of my favorite meditations from Marcus Aurelius, Meditations 2.1. I’ll be using the Farquharson translation throughout this season, and today, I’m excited to get started. Meditation Quoted: "Say to yourself in the early morning: I shall meet today inquisitive, ungrateful, violent, treacherous, envious, uncharitable men. All these things have come upon them through ignorance of real good and ill. But I, because I have seen that the nature of good is the right, and of ill the wrong, and that the nature of the man himself who does wrong is akin to my own (not of the same blood and seed, but partaking with me in mind, that is in a portion of divinity), I can neither be harmed by any of them, for no man will involve me in wrong, nor can I be angry with my kinsman or hate him; for we have come into the world to work together, like feet, like hands, like eyelids, like the rows of upper and lower teeth. To work against one another therefore is to oppose Nature, and to be vexed with another or to turn away from him is to tend to antagonism." -- (Meditations, 2.1) In this episode, I explore how Marcus’s reflection captures the essence of Stoicism by reminding us of the importance of viewing others with compassion, even when they act out of ignorance. We are all striving toward Virtue, and acknowledging our shared imperfections can foster a deeper sense of unity and purpose. I also discuss the Stoic concepts of Virtue, the Unity of Virtue, and the idea that no one does wrong knowingly. These ideas challenge us to reconsider our judgments of others and ourselves, recognizing that everyone is acting from their own perceived understanding of what is right—even if that understanding is flawed. Finally, I leave you with two questions to ponder and discuss in the comments: How well do you balance your service to the greater good with your own personal well-being? And how do you manage the conflict between your higher ideals and the distractions of daily life? -- Go ad-free : https://stoicismpod.com/members Follow the print publication : https://stoicismpod.com/print Take the free course : https://understandingstoicism.com Order my book : https://stoicismpod.com/book Source Text : https://stoicismpod.com/far Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    29 mins
  • The Reboot
    Aug 13 2024
    In this primer episode for Season 2, I introduce the reboot of the podcast. If you're new here, welcome—I'm excited to have you join this journey. This season is not a reimagining but a refresh, building on the knowledge I've accumulated since I first started this podcast in 2022. While Season One was an exploratory beginning, Season Two aims to dive deeper into the Stoic canon with greater insight and understanding. In this episode, I explain some key Stoic vocabulary you'll need to know, such as "Prokoptôn," "Virtue," "sage," "impression," and "assent." I also discuss the Stoic concepts of "Good," "Bad," and "indifferents," clarifying common misconceptions about Stoicism and how it guides us in making moral choices. Additionally, I touch on the Stoic Circles of Concern and introduce my Pyramid of Concern, a tool I developed to help us better understand and prioritize our roles and responsibilities in the context of Stoic ethics. Finally, I discuss the Dichotomy of Control—or, as I prefer to call it, the Dichotomy of Choice—emphasizing the importance of focusing on what we can choose and letting go of what we cannot. This season will revisit the Meditations of Marcus Aurelius, starting with Book 2, Meditation 1. Together, we'll explore Stoic philosophy in a way that is both deep and accessible, aiming to help you progress on your path toward Virtue. Thanks for being here, and I'm looking forward to this journey with you. See you next week! -- Go ad-free : https://stoicismpod.com/members Follow the print publication : https://stoicismpod.com/print Take the free course : https://understandingstoicism.com Order my book : https://stoicismpod.com/book Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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    25 mins