• Highs and Lows
    Sep 16 2024

    Natalia Terfa - In today’s Gospel from Mark, we see Peter at both his highest and lowest points—first getting it right, and then so very wrong. It’s easy to judge Peter for his missteps, but if we look closely, we might see a reflection of ourselves in his actions. How is Peter’s journey a familiar pattern for all of us, especially in moments of doubt and growth? How do we handle it when following Jesus gets tough, and what does it mean to face both the highs and lows in faith?

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    20 mins
  • Sneaking In
    Sep 9 2024

    Chad Brekke - Have you ever gotten into someplace you really were not supposed to be? Maybe you moved down to better seats near the end of a ball game or found yourself up near the stage at a concert. People have always tried to limit access to Jesus to those with VIP status. Today we will take comfort in a couple people who found themselves in the front row!

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    21 mins
  • Wash Your Hands
    Sep 2 2024

    Natalia Terfa - Today’s Gospel may seem like a simple instructive, but it’s so much more. This story is a call for introspection and asking good questions, especially in the midst of things changing. Feels like maybe there might be a word for us right now in there too, doesn’t it?

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    22 mins
  • No Turning Back
    Aug 26 2024

    Katie Rykal - For some, the words Jesus speaks are simply too much and they turn back and no longer follow him. But not the 12. They knew what was in it for them. They knew the gift they received because they chose to stick with Jesus. Our young people have been on a similar journey this Summer. How have they lived out their calling as disciples of Jesus? How have they stuck with it, when it might have been easier to turn back?

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    19 mins
  • Make Melody
    Aug 19 2024

    Natalia Terfa - In these short verses from Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, Paul reminds the church how important it is to sing together - so that’s what we’re going to do today! Let’s sing!

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    Song: Morning Has Broken by Cat Stevens Cover by Paul Koopman

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    18 mins
  • The Good Life
    Aug 12 2024

    Chad Brekke - As we wade deeper into a presidential campaign season, the guidance offered in this passage sounds more than a little out of reach. “Put away all bitterness, speak the truth, share with the needy, no wrangling, slander, bitterness, anger or wrath!” It all sounds a bit naive and unrealistic. But maybe this rich passage is much more than an advice column. Perhaps we are being welcomed into a new community, defined more by who we are than how we behave.

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    18 mins
  • Bread of Life
    Aug 5 2024

    Natalia Terfa - Today’s Gospel story is a contrast in what the people want and what Jesus offers. But to understand it, we need to look at the entirety of John 6, especially what comes right before this. We want food and Jesus gives himself - what are we supposed to do with that?

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    23 mins
  • Two Banquets
    Jul 29 2024

    Chad Brekke - One was a lavish banquet held in the palace, filled with A-list celebrities and power brokers. This banquet ended in tragedy and despair. The other banquet was in a desolate place filled with hungry people searching for hope and healing. This banquet resulted in life-giving community. Invitations to these two very different banquets are always in the mail.

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    19 mins