• Parashat Chukat: The Last Sighting of the Parah Aduma.
    31 mins
  • Mishna Berura Daf Hashavua Siman 90 Seif 4-6 The Requirement To Have Windows in the Shul
    Jul 8 2024
    15 mins
  • Mishna Yomis Sota Perek 5 Mishna 2-3
    4 mins
  • Daf Hashavua Iyun Sugya Kesuvos 95b - Explicating the Status of "The Devious Rasha"
    20 mins
  • Enhancing Seudas Rosh Chodesh{Shoneh Halachos Siman 419}
    11 mins
  • The Extra Pesukim Added to the Parshas Hatamid on Rosh Chodesh{Shoneh Halachos Siman 421}
    7 mins
  • Mishna Yomis Sota 4:5, 5:1
    3 mins
  • Mishna Yomis Sota Perek 4 Mishna 3-4
    3 mins