• 45 | Getting Back On Stage: 4 Performance Tips for Rusty Singers
    Mar 11 2025

    There are seasons of the vocal journey when we step away from the stage, lean into the silence, and spend some time away ~ whether we’re seemingly forced into it or we intentionally choose to take a break from performing. And sometimes we even shut down our voice and stop singing altogether ~ I’ve been there.

    If you’ve been in such a season, it can feel a bit intimidating to get back into it and start sharing your voice again. Maybe you’re thinking... I’m so rusty, my voice is out of shape, I feel like I’ve reverted and lost my confidence, I don’t even know if I’ve still got it…

    Deep breath… Ease your mind because in this episode, I’ll be taking you step by step through the planning, preparation, practice, and performance phases of the process, offering tips for each stage as you get back out there, start singing for audiences, and take that initial step towards sharing your voice again ~ with ease, and joy, and peace.

    I pray these 4 tips will help encourage you to go out there and just get that first performance under your belt ~ and help you ease back into it with peace and JOY.

    You can sing again.

    <3 Lainey

    Listen to Related Episodes:

    39 | How to Get Comfortable Singing in Front of People: 5 Tips to Grow Your Confidence

    14 | Calm Your Nerves Before Singing for Others with this Step-by-Step Grounding Practice

    7 | Fear of Singing in Front of Others? 4 Steps to Find Your Courage & Build the Confidence to Share Your Voice

    5 | Break Free from the Inner Critic & Get Back to the Heart of Singing with this ONE Simple Shift

    Next Steps:

    Work with Lainey: reawakenyourvoice.com/coaching

    Watch the Free Workshop: reawakenyourvoice.com/workshop

    Visit the Website: reawakenyourvoice.com

    Email Us: support@reawakenyourvoice.com

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    31 mins
  • 44 | Improve Your Overall Sound with These 3 Simple Vocal Tips for Singers
    Mar 4 2025

    In this episode, I share 3 simple vocal tips that will help you open your voice, find vocal freedom, and improve your overall tone quality as a singer and vocalist. These are quick remedies to common mistakes that I see and hear singers making time and time again. When you know how to bring awareness to them, they are actually quite easy to fix.

    No matter where you are on your vocal journey, these minor adjustments will guide you back to the importance of the foundational elements of great singing ~ and make a major difference in your overall sound and tone quality.

    So listen up, take out your notebook and a pen, and get ready to hear a big shift in your voice when you apply these three small tweaks to your vocal technique.

    <3 Lainey

    Listen to Related Episodes:

    33 | Shut Down Your Voice? Open it Up Again With this ONE Simple Singing Practice

    20 | Learn to Navigate Your Full Vocal Range by Understanding These 3 Key Areas of Resonance

    Next Steps:

    Work with Lainey: reawakenyourvoice.com/coaching

    Watch the Free Workshop: reawakenyourvoice.com/workshop

    Visit the Website: reawakenyourvoice.com

    Email Us: support@reawakenyourvoice.com

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    15 mins
  • 43 | Finding Your Artistic Voice: 3 Things You Need to Hone Your Unique Sound as a Singer & Songwriter
    Feb 25 2025

    If you want to uncover your unique sound and find your artistic voice as a singer, there are 3 things that stand out to me as critical parts of the process.

    In this episode, we dive into each of these 3 essentials as I explain why they’re important, how they help you get to the heart of your creative voice, and how to actually implement them in your life and practice as a singer, songwriter, and vocal artist.

    So if you’ve found yourself comparing your voice to others, judging your sound, wishing you could just figure out what your own unique style is and confidently lean into that with true authenticity, then you’re gonna want to listen in.

    Let’s talk about what it REALLY takes to liberate your artistic voice from the inside out ~ and sing your song in the way that only YOU can.

    <3 Lainey

    Next Steps:

    Work with Lainey: reawakenyourvoice.com/coaching

    Watch the Free Workshop: reawakenyourvoice.com/workshop

    Visit the Website: reawakenyourvoice.com

    Email Us: support@reawakenyourvoice.com

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    28 mins
  • 42 | Music Making & Motherhood: Nurturing Your Children AND Your Creativity as a Mother & Vocal Artist
    Feb 18 2025

    This one goes out to all the singing mamas out there, the musical mamas to be, the singers who also aspire to be mothers one day.

    Can we just say… motherhood is hard! It is both the most difficult thing I’ve ever done AND the most rewarding.

    So what does all of this mean for your creative life, your music, your voice, your art?

    Today’s episode is more of a candid, open conversation in which I’ll share a bit of my story, but I also want to give you some ideas in terms of what has worked for me when it comes to balancing motherhood and artistry as a singer. I hope this episode will give you a dose of encouragement to keep singing through it all, and reassurance that you can do and be both.

    Though it may look different and require adaptation… though it may feel impossible to find the time and energy for singing and making music when you’ve been pouring everything you have into your children… you can be BOTH a mother AND an artist.

    <3 Lainey

    Related Episode: 11 | How to Make Time for Music When You Have No Time

    Next Steps:

    Work with Lainey: reawakenyourvoice.com/coaching

    Watch the Free Workshop: reawakenyourvoice.com/workshop

    Visit the Website: reawakenyourvoice.com

    Email Us: support@reawakenyourvoice.com

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    34 mins
  • 41 | What You Need to Get Started with Vocal Improvisation: A Simple Roadmap for Singers
    Feb 11 2025

    One of the best practices for opening your voice and creativity is Vocal Improvisation. In today's episode, I'll walk you through what it is, why you should weave it into your singing practice, and what you need to get started.

    At the end of our conversation today, I hope to leave you with a roadmap that leads you to creative flow and vocal freedom ~ one that you can take with you on an experimental journey of self-discovery.

    So make it your own, add in some detours, take the scenic route, and enjoy the process!

    Let's Play!

    <3 Lainey

    Related Episode: 31 | Vocal Improvisation: A Powerful Tool to Free Your Voice, Creativity, and Expression

    Next Steps:

    Watch the Free Workshop: reawakenyourvoice.com/workshop

    Book a Free Discovery Call: reawakenyourvoice.com/discovery

    Work with Lainey: reawakenyourvoice.com/coaching

    Visit the Website: reawakenyourvoice.com

    Email Us: support@reawakenyourvoice.com

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    20 mins
  • 40 | Perfectionism vs. Excellence: How to Create Beautiful Work Without Falling into the Trap
    Feb 4 2025

    If you’ve ever considered yourself to be a perfectionist, then today’s episode is for you.

    As a “recovering perfectionist” myself, who has learned to see the truth through the lies and who has found a way to deal with these tendencies when they inevitably creep in, I want to share with you some of the tools that have worked for me.

    Because if you allow perfectionism to take over and infiltrate your creativity, it can completely derail you as an artist. And it doesn’t have to be that way.

    You can create beautiful work without beating yourself up along the way.

    You can achieve greatness without the pressure of never feeling like it’s good enough.

    You can move beyond the paralysis of tearing yourself up throughout the creative process and back into playful, joyful creating while still making beautiful music.

    Here are 3 questions you can ask yourself to discern between the destructive energy of perfectionism and the constructive energy of reaching toward excellence so you can rediscover the joy in singing.

    <3 Lainey

    Next Steps:

    Work with Lainey: reawakenyourvoice.com/coaching

    Watch the Free Workshop: reawakenyourvoice.com/workshop

    Visit the Website: reawakenyourvoice.com

    Email Us: support@reawakenyourvoice.com

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    21 mins
  • 39 | How to Get Comfortable Singing in Front of People: 5 Tips to Grow Your Confidence
    Jan 28 2025

    Sharing your voice in the world requires vulnerability.

    Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable.

    Stepping into the unknown and allowing people to witness you in it.

    Being seen and heard in this way can bring up a lot of fear and insecurities when it comes to your singing voice and your creative expression as a whole.

    The good news is that when you practice doing this, it becomes familiar, it becomes known.

    Through practice, preparation and repetition, you begin to feel at home in your voice and on stage ~ whether it be a physical stage with spotlights and a live audience, or a metaphorical stage where you’re stepping in front of the microphone to record something you’ll share later, or in front of the camera in a virtual space… or even just opening your mouth to sing in a group of people sitting around a campfire.

    But how do you get to that place of being comfortable singing in front of people, opening your voice and sharing your heart so vulnerably?

    Well that’s what this week’s episode is all about. I want to share with you 5 tips to grow your confidence and expand your comfort zone so that you can overcome the fear of singing in front of people and confidently share your voice with others.

    And hey – You got this.

    I believe in you.

    It’s time for you to start believing in yourself.

    Here’s how.

    <3 Lainey

    Related Episodes Referenced:

    7 | Fear of Singing in Front of Others? 4 Steps to Find Your Courage & Build the Confidence to Share Your Voice

    14 | Calm Your Nerves Before Singing for Others with this Step-by-Step Grounding Practice

    33 | Shut Down Your Voice? How to Open it Up Again with This ONE Simple Singing Practice

    Next Steps:

    Watch the Free Workshop: reawakenyourvoice.com/workshop

    Visit the Website: reawakenyourvoice.com

    Email Us: support@reawakenyourvoice.com

    Work with Lainey: reawakenyourvoice.com/coaching

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    26 mins
  • 38 | Permission to Sing: How to Nurture Your Desire to Make Music
    Jan 21 2025

    There’s a seed within you that was planted long ago and is only awaiting your activation in order to crack open, rise up, reach for the light, open and blossom. And that seed is your desire to sing, to make music, to use your creativity and your voice as an instrument to express what’s in your heart.

    But it’s all too common to allow that seed to go dormant, burying it deep, fearful of what may happen if we begin to acknowledge it and water it and allow it to grow roots in us.

    I’ve heard from so many people just like you throughout the years who have expressed their sadness in realizing how much they have denied themselves permission to follow their passion and have suppressed their desire to sing.

    Today, I want to help you eliminate this denial and take that pivotal step of giving yourself the permission to sing. By making this simple yet essential decision to nurture your voice, you allow the natural growth process to unfold ~ so that you can move forward in giving that seed everything it needs to thrive.

    May this episode help your voice to grow and flourish with ease!

    <3 Lainey

    Mention: Who Sang the First Song? By Ellie Holcomb

    Next Steps:

    Work with Lainey: reawakenyourvoice.com/coaching

    Watch the Free Workshop: reawakenyourvoice.com/workshop

    Visit the Website: reawakenyourvoice.com

    Email Us: support@reawakenyourvoice.com

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    24 mins