
  • Season 3 | Episode 6 – Argumentation, Justification & Conjecture Guests: Drs. Jody Guarino and Chepina Rumsey
    Nov 21 2024
    Rounding Up Season 3 | Episode 6 – Argumentation, Justification & Conjecture Guests: Jody Guarino and Chepina Rumsey Mike Wallus: Argumentation, justification, conjecture. All of these are practices we hope to cultivate, but they may not be practices we associate with kindergarten, first-, and second-graders. What would it look like to encourage these practices with our youngest learners? Today we'll talk about this question with Jody Guarino and Chepina Rumsey, authors of the book Nurturing Math Curiosity with Learners in Grades K–2. Welcome to the podcast, Chepina and Jody. Thank you so much for joining us today. Jody Guarino: Thank you for having us. Chepina Rumsey: Yeah, thank you. Mike: So, I'm wondering if we can start by talking about the genesis of your work, particularly for students in grades K–2. Jody: Sure. Chepina had written a paper about argumentation, and her paper was situated in a fourth-grade class. At the time, I read the article and was so inspired, and I wanted it to use it in an upcoming professional learning that I was going to be doing. And I got some pushback with people saying, “Well, how is this relevant to K–2 teachers?” And it really hit me that there was this belief that K–2 students couldn't engage in argumentation. Like, “OK, this paper's great for older kids, but we're not really sure about the young students.” And at the time, there wasn't a lot written on argumentation in primary grades. So, we thought, “Well, let's try some things and really think about, ‘What does it look like in primary grades?’ And let's find some people to learn with.” So, I approached some of my recent graduates from my teacher ed program who were working in primary classrooms and a principal that employed quite a few of them with this idea of, “Could we learn some things together? Could we come and work with your teachers and work with you and just kind of get a sense of what could students do in kindergarten to second grade?” So, we worked with three amazing teachers, Bethany, Rachael, and Christina—in their first years of teaching—and we worked with them monthly for two years. We wanted to learn, “What does it look like in K–2 classrooms?” And each time we met with them, we would learn more and get more and more excited. Little kids are brilliant, but also their teachers were brilliant, taking risks and trying things. I met with one of the teachers last week, and the original students that were part of the book that we've written now are actually in high school. So, it was just such a great learning opportunity for us. Mike: Well, I'll say this, there are many things that I appreciated about the book, about Nurturing Math Curiosity with Learners in Grades K–2, and I think one of the first things was the word “with” that was found in the title. So why “with” learners? What were y'all trying to communicate? Chepina: I'm so glad you asked that, Mike, because that was something really important to us when we were coming up with the title and the theme of the book, the message. So, we think it's really important to nurture curiosity with our students, meaning we can't expect to grow it in them if we're not also growing it in ourselves. So, we see that children are naturally curious and bring these ideas to the classroom. So, the word “with” was important because we want everyone in the classroom to grow more curious together. So, teachers nurturing their own math curiosity along with their students is important to us. One unique opportunity we tried to include in the book is for teachers who are reading it to have opportunities to think about the math and have spaces in the book where they can write their own responses and think deeply along with the vignettes to show them that this is something they can carry to their classroom. Mike: I love that. I wonder if we could talk a little bit about the meaning and the importance of argumentation? In the book, you describe four layers: noticing and wondering, conjecture, justification, and extending ideas. Could you share a brief explanation of those layers? Jody: Absolutely. So, as we started working with teachers, we'd noticed these themes or trends across, or within, all of the classrooms. So, we think about noticing and wondering as a space for students to make observations and ask curious questions. So, as teachers would do whatever activity or do games, they would always ask kids, “What are you noticing?” So, it really gave kids opportunities to just pause and observe things, which then led to questions as well. And when we think about students conjecturing, we think about when they make general statements about observations. So, an example of this could be a child who notices that 3 plus 7 is 10 and 7 plus 3 is 10. So, the child might think, “Oh wait, the order of the addends doesn't matter when adding. And maybe that would even work with other numbers.” So, forming a conjecture like ...
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    24 mins
  • Season 3 | Episode 5 - Building Asset-Focused Professional Learning Communities - Guests: Summer Pettigrew and Megan Williams
    Nov 7 2024
    Rounding Up Season 3 | Episode 05 - Building Asset-Focused Professional Learning Communities Guests: Summer Pettigrew and Megan Williams Mike Wallus: Professional learning communities have been around for a long time and in many different iterations. But what does it look like to schedule and structure professional learning communities that actually help educators understand and respond to their students’ thinking in meaningful ways? Today we're talking with Summer Pettigrew and Megan Williams from the Charleston Public Schools about building asset-focused professional learning communities. Hello, Summer and Megan. Welcome to the podcast. I am excited to be talking with you all today about PLCs. Megan Williams: Hi! Summer Pettigrew: Thanks for having us. We're excited to be here. Mike: I'd like to start this conversation in a very practical place, scheduling. So, Megan, I wonder if you could talk just a bit about when and how you schedule PLCs at your building. Megan: Sure. I think it's a great place to start, too, because I think without the structure of PLCs in place, you can't really have fabulous PLC meetings. And so, we used to do our PLC meetings once a week during teacher planning periods, and the teachers were having to give up their planning period during the day to come to the PLC meeting. And so, we created a master schedule that gives an hour for PLC each morning. So, we meet with one grade level a day, and then the teachers still have their regular planning period throughout the day. So, we were able to do that by building a time for clubs in the schedule. So, first thing in the morning, depending on your day, so if it's Monday and that's third grade, then the related arts teachers—and that for us is art, music, P.E., guidance, our special areas—they go to the third-grade teachers’ classrooms. The teachers are released to go to PLC, and then the students choose a club. And so, those range from basketball to gardening to fashion to STEMs. We've had Spanish club before. So, they participate with the related arts teacher in their chosen club, and then the teachers go to their PLC meeting. And then once that hour is up, then the teachers come back to class. The related arts teachers are released to go get ready for their day. So, everybody still has their planning period, per se, throughout the day. Mike: I think that feels really important, and I just want to linger a little bit longer on it. One of the things that stands out is that you're preserving the planning time on a regular basis. They have that, and they have PLC time in addition to it. Summer: Uh-hm. Megan: Correct. And that I think is key because planning time in the middle of the day is critical for making copies, calling parents, calling your doctor to schedule an appointment, using the restroom … those kind of things that people have to do throughout the day. And so, when you have PLC during their planning time, one or the other is not occurring. Either a teacher is not taking care of those things that need to be taken care of on the planning period. Or they're not engaged in the PLC because they're worried about something else that they've got to do. So, building that time in, it's just like a game-changer. Mike: Summer, as a person who’s playing the role of an instructional coach, what impact do you think this way of scheduling has had on educators who are participating in the PLCs that you're facilitating? Summer: Well, it's huge. I have experienced going to A PLC on our planning and just not being a hundred percent engaged. And so, I think having the opportunity to provide the time and the space for that during the school day allows the teachers to be more present. And I think that the rate at which we're growing as a staff is expedited because we're able to drill into what we need to drill into without worrying about all the other things that need to happen. So, I think that the scheduling piece has been one of the biggest reasons we've been so successful with our PLCs. Mike: Yeah, I can totally relate to that experience of feeling like I want to be here, present in this moment, and I have 15 things that I need to do to get ready for the next chunk of my day. So, taking away that “if, then,” and instead having an “and” when it comes to PLCs, really just feels like a game-changer. Megan: And we were worried at first about the instructional time that was going to be lost from the classroom doing the PLC like this. We really were, because we needed to make sure instructional time was maximized and we weren't losing any time. And so, this really was about an hour a week where the teachers aren't directly instructing the kids. But it has not been anything negative at all. Our scores have gone up, our teachers have grown. They love the kids, love going to their clubs. I mean, even the attendance on the grade-level club day is so much better because they love coming in. And they start the day really getting ...
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    18 mins
  • Season 3 | Episode 4 - Making Sense of Unitizing: The Theme That Runs Through Elementary Mathematics - Guest: Beth Hulbert
    Oct 24 2024
    Rounding Up Season 3 | Episode 4 – Making Sense of Unitizing: The Theme That Runs Through Elementary Mathematics Guest: Beth Hulbert Mike Wallus: During their elementary years, students grapple with many topics that involve relationships between different units. This concept, called “unitizing,” serves as a foundation for much of the mathematics that students encounter during their elementary years. Today, we're talking with Beth Hulbert from the Ongoing Assessment Project (OGAP) about the ways educators can encourage unitizing in their classrooms. Welcome to the podcast, Beth. We are really excited to talk with you today. Beth Hulbert: Thanks. I'm really excited to be here. Mike: I'm wondering if we can start with a fairly basic question: Can you explain OGAP and the mission of the organization? Beth: Sure. So, OGAP stands for the Ongoing Assessment Project, and it started with a grant from the National Science Foundation to develop tools and resources for teachers to use in their classroom during math that were formative in nature. And we began with fractions. And the primary goal was to read, distill, and make the research accessible to classroom teachers, and at the same time develop tools and strategies that we could share with teachers that they could use to enhance whatever math program materials they were using. Essentially, we started by developing materials, but it turned into professional development because we realized teachers didn't have a lot of opportunity to think deeply about the content at the level they teach. The more we dug into that content, the more it became clear to us that content was complicated. It was complicated to understand, it was complicated to teach, and it was complicated to learn. So, we started with fractions, and we expanded to do work in multiplicative reasoning and then additive reasoning and proportional reasoning. And those cover the vast majority of the critical content in K–8. And our professional development is really focused on helping teachers understand how to use formative assessment effectively in their classroom. But also, our other goals are to give teachers a deep understanding of the content and an understanding of the math ed research, and then some support and strategies for using whatever program materials they want to use. And we say all the time that we're a program blind—we don't have any skin in the game about what program people are using. We are more interested in making people really effective users of their math program. Mike: I want to ask a quick follow-up to that. When you think about the lived experience that educators have when they go through OGAP’s training, what are the features that you think have an impact on teachers when they go back into their classrooms? Beth: Well, we have learning progressions in each of those four content strands. And learning progressions are maps of how students acquire the concepts related to, say, multiplicative reasoning or additive reasoning. And we use those to sort, analyze, and decide how we're going to respond to evidence in student work. They're really maps for equity and access, and they help teachers understand that there are multiple right ways to do some mathematics, but they're not all equal in efficiency and sophistication. Another piece they take away of significant value is we have an item bank full of hundreds of short tasks that are meant to add value to, say, a lesson you taught in your math program. So, you teach a lesson, and you decide what is the primary goal of this lesson. And we all know no matter what the program is you're using that every lesson has multiple goals, and they're all in varying degrees of importance. So partly, picking an item in our item bank is about helping yourself think about what was the most critical piece of that lesson that I want to know about that's critical for my students to understand for success tomorrow. Mike: So, one big idea that runs through your work with teachers is this concept called “unitizing.” And it struck me that whether we're talking about addition, subtraction, multiplication, fractions, that this idea just keeps coming back and keeps coming up. I'm wondering if you could offer a brief definition of unitizing for folks who may not have heard that term before. Beth: Sure. It became really clear as we read the research and thought about where the struggles kids have, that unitizing is at the core of a lot of struggles that students have. So, unitizing is the ability to call something 1, say, but know it's worth maybe 1 or 100 or a 1,000, or even one-tenth. So, think about your numbers in a place value system. In our base 10 system, 1 of 1 is in the tenths place. It's not worth 1 anymore, it's worth 1 of 10. And so that idea that the 1 isn't the value of its face value, but it's the value of its place in that system. So, base 10 is one of the first big ways that kids have to understand unitizing. Another ...
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    30 mins
  • Season 3 | Episode 3 - Choice as a Foundation for Student Engagement - Guest: Drs. Zandra De Arajuo and Amber Candela
    Oct 10 2024
    Rounding Up Season 3 | Episode 3 – Choice as a Foundation for Student Engagement Guest: Drs. Zandra de Araujo and Amber Candela Mike Wallus: As an educator, I know that offering my students choice has a big impact on their engagement, their identity, and their sense of autonomy. That said, I've not always been sure how to design choice into the activities in my classroom, especially when I'm using curriculum. Today we're talking with Drs. Zandra de Araujo and Amber Candela about some of the ways educators can design choice into their students' learning experiences. Welcome back to the podcast, Zandra and Amber. It is really exciting to have you all with us today. Zandra de Araujo: Glad to be back. Amber Candela: Very excited to be here. Mike: So, I've heard you both talk at length about the importance of choice in students' learning experiences, and I wonder if we can start there. Before we talk about the ways you think teachers can design choice in a learning experience, can we just talk about the “why”? How would you describe the impact that choice has on students' learning experiences? Zandra: So, if you think about your own life, how fun would it be to never have a choice in what you get to do during a day? So, you don't get to choose what chores to do, where to go, what order to do things, who to work with, who to talk to. Schools are a very low-choice environment, and those tend to be punitive when you have a low-choice environment. And so, we don't want schools to be that way. We want them to be very free and open and empowering places. Amber: And a lot of times, especially in mathematics, students don't always enjoy being in that space. So, you can get more enjoyment, engagement, and if you have choice with how to engage with the content, you'll have more opportunity to be more curious and joyful and have hopefully better experiences in math. Zandra: And if you think about being able to choose things in your day makes you better able to make choices. And so, I think we want students to be smart consumers and users and creators of mathematics. And if you're never given choice or opportunity to kind of own it, I think that you're at a deficit. Amber: Also, if we want problem-solving people engaged in mathematics, it needs to be something that you view as something you were able to do. And so often we teach math like it's this pre-packaged thing, and it's just your role to memorize this thing that I give you. You don't feel like it's yours to play with. Choice offers more of those opportunities for kids. Zandra: Yeah, it feels like you're a consumer of something that's already made rather than somebody who's empowered to create and use and drive the mathematics that you're using, which would make it a lot more fun. Mike: Yeah. You all are hitting on something that really clicked for me as I was listening to you talk. This idea that school, as it's designed oftentimes, is low choice. But math, in particular, where historically it has really been, “Let me show you what to do. Let me have you practice the way I showed you how to do it,” rinse and repeat. It's particularly important in math, it feels like, to break out and build a sense of choice for kids. Zandra: Absolutely. Mike: Well, one of the things that I appreciate about the work that both of you do is the way that you advocate for practices that are both really, really impactful and also eminently practical. And I'm wondering if we can dive right in and have you all share some of the ways that you think about designing choice into learning experiences. Amber: I feel like I want “eminently practical” on a sticker for my laptop. Because I find that is a very satisfying and positive way to describe the work that I do because I do want it to be practical and doable within the constraints of schooling as it currently is, not as we wish it to be. Which, we do want it to be better and more empowering for students and teachers. But also, there are a lot of constraints that we have to work within. So, I appreciate that. Zandra: I think that choice is meant to be a way of empowering students, but the goal for the instruction should come first. So, I'm going to talk about what I would want from my students in my classroom and then how we can build choice in. Because choice is kind of like the secondary component. So, first you have your learning goals, your aims as a teacher. And then, “How do we empower students with choice in service of that goal?” So, I'll start with number sense because that's a hot topic. I'm sure you all hear a lot about it at the MLC. Mike: We absolutely do. Zandra: So, one of the things I think about when teachers say, “Hey, can you help me think about number sense?” It's like, “Yes, I absolutely can.” So, our goal is number sense. So, let's think about what that means for students and how do we build some choice and autonomy into that. So, one of my favorite things is something like, “...
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    23 mins
  • Season 3 | Episode 2 - Principles for Responsive Curriculum Use - Guest: Dr. Corey Drake
    Sep 19 2024
    Rounding Up Season 3 | Episode 2 – Responsive Curriculum Guest: Dr. Corey Drake Mike Wallus: When it comes to curriculum, educators are often told to implement with “fidelity.” But what does fidelity mean? And where does that leave educators who want to be responsive to students in their classrooms? Today we're talking with Dr. Corey Drake about principles for responsive curriculum use that invite educators to respond to the students in their classrooms while still implementing curriculum with integrity. Mike: One of the age-old questions that educators grapple with is how to implement a curriculum in ways that are responsive to the students in their classroom. It's a question I thought a lot about during my years as a classroom teacher, and it's one that I continue to discuss with my colleague at MLC, Dr. Corey Drake. As a former classroom teacher and a former teacher educator who only recently began working for an organization that publishes curriculum, Corey and I have been trying to carve out a set of recommendations that we hope will help teachers navigate this question. Today on the podcast, we'll talk about this question of responsive curriculum use and offer some recommendations to support teachers in the field. Mike: Welcome back to the podcast, Corey. I'm excited to have you with us again. Corey Drake: It's great to be with you again. Mike: So, I've been excited about this conversation for a while because this question of, “What does it mean to be responsive to students and use a curriculum?” is something that teachers have been grappling with for so long, and you and I often hear phrases like “implementation with fidelity” used when folks are trying to describe their expectations when a curriculum's adopted. Corey: Yeah, I mean, I think this is a question teachers grapple with. It's a question I've been grappling with for my whole career, from different points of view from when I was a classroom teacher and a teacher educator and now working at The Math Learning Center. But I think this is the fundamental tension: “How do you use a set of published curriculum materials while also being responsive to your students?” And I think ideas like implementation with fidelity didn't really account for the responsive-to-your-students piece. Fidelity has often been taken up as meaning following curriculum materials, page by page, word for word, task for task. We know that's not actually possible. You have to make decisions, you have to make adaptations as you move from a written page to an enacted curriculum. But still the idea of fidelity was to be as close as possible to the written page. Whereas ideas like implementation with integrity or responsive curriculum use are starting with what's written on the page, staying consistent with the key ideas of what's on the page, but doing it in a way that's responsive to the students who are sitting in front of you. And that's really kind of the art and science of curriculum use. Mike: Yeah, I think one of the things that I used to think was that it was really a binary choice between something like fidelity, where you were following things in what I would've described as a lockstep fashion. Or the alternative, which would be, “I'm going to make everything up.” And you've helped me think, first of all, about what might be some baseline expectations from a large-scale curriculum. What are we actually expecting from curriculum around design, around the audience that it's written for? I wonder if you could share with the audience some of the things that we've talked about when it comes to the assets and also the limitations of a large-scale curriculum. Corey: Yeah, absolutely. And I will say, when you and I were first teachers probably, and definitely when we were students, the conversation was very different. We had different curriculum materials available. There was a very common idea that good teachers were teachers who made up their own curriculum materials, who developed all of their own materials. But there weren't the kinds of materials out there that we have now. And now we have materials that do provide a lot of assets, can be rich tools for teachers, particularly if we release this expectation of fidelity and instead think about integrity. So, some of the assets that a high-quality curriculum can bring are the progression of ideas, the sequence of ideas and tasks that underlies almost any set of curriculum materials; that really looks at, “How does student thinking develop across the course of a school year?” And what kinds of tasks, in what order, can support that development of that thinking. Corey: That's a really important thing that individual teachers or even teams of teachers working on their own, that would be very hard for them to put together in that kind of coherent, sequential way. So, that's really important. A lot of curriculum materials also bring in many ideas that we've learned over the last decades about how ...
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    30 mins
  • Season 3 | Episode 1 - Grouping Practices That Promote Efficacy and Knowledge Transfer - Guest: Dr. Peter Liljedahl
    Sep 5 2024
    Rounding Up Season 3 | Episode 1 – Grouping Practices That Promote Efficacy and Knowledge Transfer Guest: Dr. Peter Liljedahl Mike Wallus: We know from research that student collaboration can have a powerful impact on learning. That said, how we group students for collaboration matters—a lot. Today we're talking with Dr. Peter Liljedahl, author of “Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics,” about how educators can form productive, collaborative groups in their classrooms. Mike: Hello, Peter. Welcome to the podcast. Peter Liljedahl: Thanks for having me. Mike: So, to offer our listeners some background, you've written a book, called “Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics,” and I think it's fair to say that it's had a pretty profound impact on many educators. In the book, you address 14 different practices. And I'm wondering if you could weigh in on how you weigh the importance of the different practices that you addressed? Peter: Well, OK, so, first of all, 14 is a big number that publishers don't necessarily like. When we first started talking with Corwin about this, they were very open. But I know if you think about books, if there's going to be a number in the title, the number is usually three, five or seven. It's sometimes eight—but 14 is a ridiculous number. They can't all be that valuable. What's important about the fact that it's 14, is that 14 is the number of core practices that every teacher does. That's not to say that there aren't more or less for some teachers, but these are core routines that we all do. We all use tasks. We all create groups for collaboration. We all have the students work somewhere. We all answer questions. We do homework, we assign notes, we do formative, summative assessment. We do all of these things. We consolidate lessons. We launch lessons. Peter: These are sort of the building blocks of what makes our teaching. And through a lot of time in classrooms, I deduced this list of 14. Robert Kaplinsky, in one of his blog posts, actually said that he thinks that that list of 14 probably accounts for 95 percent of what happens in classrooms. And my research was specifically about, “How do we enact each of those 14 so that we can maximize student thinking? So, what kind of tasks get students to think, how can we create groups so that more thinking happens? How can we consolidate a lesson so we get more thinking? How can we do formative and summative assessments so the students are thinking more?” So, the book is about responding to those 14 core routines and the research around how to enact each of those to maximize thinking. Your question around which one is, “How do we put weight on each of these?” Peter: They're all important. But, of course, they're not all equally impactful. Building thinking classrooms is most often recognized visually as the thing where students are standing at whiteboards working. And, of course, that had a huge impact on student engagement and thinking in the classroom, getting them from sitting and working at desks to getting them working at whiteboards. But in my opinion, it's not the most impactful. It is hugely impactful, but the one that actually makes all of thinking classroom function is how we form collaborative groups, which is chapter two. And it seems like that is such an inconsequential thing. “We've been doing groups for forever, and we got this figured out. We know how to do this. But … do we really? Do we really have it figured out?” Because my research really showed that if we want to get students thinking, then the ways we've been doing it aren't working. Mike: I think that's a great segue. And I want to take a step back, Peter. Before we talk about grouping, I want to ask what might be an obvious question. But I wonder if we can talk about the “why” behind collaboration. How would you describe the value or the potential impact of collaboration on students' learning experiences? Peter: That's a great question. We've been doing collaborative work for decades. And by and large, we see that it is effective. We have data that shows that it's effective. And when I say “we,” I don't mean me or the people I work with. I mean “we, in education,” know that collaboration is important. But why? What is it about collaboration that makes it effective? There are a lot of different things. It could be as simple as it breaks the monotony of having to sit and listen. But let's get into some really powerful things that collaboration does. Number one, about 25 years ago, we all were talking about metacognition. We know that metacognition is so powerful and so effective, and if we get students thinking about their thinking, then their thinking actually improves. And metacognition has been shown time and time again to be impactful in learning. Some of the listeners might be old enough to remember the days where we were actually trying to teach students to be metacognitive, and the frustration that that ...
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    44 mins
  • Season 2 | Episode 18 - The Promise of Counting Collections - Guest: Danielle Robinson and Dr. Melissa Hedges
    May 23 2024
    Rounding Up Season 2 | Episode 18 – Counting Collections Guest: Danielle Robinson and Melissa Hedges Mike Wallus: Earlier this season, we released an episode focused on the complex and interconnected set of concepts that students engage with as they learn to count. In this follow-up episode, we're going to examine a powerful routine called “counting collections.” We'll be talking with Danielle Robinson and Dr. Melissa Hedges from the Milwaukee Public Schools about counting collections and the impact that this routine can have on student thinking. Mike: Well, welcome to the podcast, Danielle and Melissa. I can't tell you how excited I am to talk with y'all about the practice of counting collections. Danielle Robinson and Melissa Hedges: Thanks for having us. Yes, we're so excited to be here. Mike: I want to start this conversation by acknowledging that the two of you are actually part of a larger team of educators who really took this work on counting collections. You introduced it in the Milwaukee Public Schools. And, Melissa, I think I'll start with you. Can you take a moment to recognize the collaborators who have been a part of this work? Melissa: Absolutely. In addition to Danielle and myself, we are fortunate to work with three other colleagues: Lakesha King, Krista Beal, and Claire Madden. All three are early childhood coaches that actively support this work as well. Mike: So, Danielle, I wonder for some folks if we can help them see this practice more clearly. Can you spend time unpacking, what does counting collections look like in a classroom? If I walked in, what are some of the things that I might see? Danielle: Yeah, I think what's really amazing about counting collections is there might be some different ways that you might see counting collections happening in the classroom. When you walk into a classroom, you might see some students all over. Maybe they're sitting at tables, maybe they're on the carpet. And what they're doing is they're actually counting a baggie of objects. And really their job is to answer this question, this very simple but complicated question of, “How many?” And they get to decide how they want to count. Not only do they get to pick what they want to count, but they also get to pick their strategy of how they actually want to count that collection. They can use different tools. They might be using bowls or plates. They might be using 10-frames. They might be using number paths. You might see kiddos who are counting by ones. Danielle: You might see kids who are making different groupings. At times, you might also see kiddos [who] are in stations, and you might see a small group where a teacher is doing counting collections with a few kiddos. You might see them working with partners. And I think the beautiful piece of this and the unique part of counting collections within Milwaukee Public Schools is that we've been able to actually pair the counting trajectory from Doug Clements and Julie Sarama with counting collections where teachers are able to do an interview with their students, really see where they're at in their counting so that the kids are counting a just right collection for them—something that's not too easy, something that's not too hard, but something that is available for them to really push them in their understanding of counting. So, you're going to see kids counting different sizes. And we always tell the teachers it's a really beautiful moment when you're looking across the classroom and as a teacher, you can actually step back and know that every one of your kids are getting what they need in that moment. Because I think oftentimes, we really don't ever get to feel like that, where we feel like, “Wow, all my kids are getting what they need right now, and I know that I am providing the scaffolds that they need.” Mike: So, I want to ask you a few follow-ups, if I might, Danielle. Danielle: Yeah, of course. Mike: There's a bit of language that you used initially where I'm paraphrasing. And tell me where I get this wrong. You use the language “simple yet complicated,” I think. Am I hearing that right? Danielle: I did. I did, yeah. Mike: Tell me about that. Danielle: I think it's so interesting because a lot of times when we introduce this idea of counting collections with our teachers, they're like, “Wait a minute, so I'm supposed to give this baggie of a bunch of things to my students, and they just get to go decide how they want to count it?” And we're like, “Yeah, that is absolutely what we're asking you to do.” And they feel nervous because this idea of the kids, they're answering how many, but then there's all these beautiful pieces a part of it. Maybe kids are counting by ones, maybe they're deciding that they want to make groups, maybe they're working with a partner, maybe they're using tools. It's kind of opened up this really big, amazing idea of the simple question of how many. But there's just so many ...
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    28 mins
  • Season 2 | Episode 17 – Making Sense of Spatial Reasoning - Guest: Dr. Robyn Pinilla
    May 9 2024
    Rounding Up Season 2 | Episode 17 – Spatial Reasoning Guest: Dr. Robyn Pinilla Mike Wallus: Spatial reasoning can be a nebulous concept, and it's often hard for many educators to define. In this episode, we're talking about spatial reasoning with Dr. Robyn Pinilla from the University of Texas, El Paso. We'll examine the connections between spatial reasoning and other mathematical concepts and explore different ways that educators can cultivate this type of reasoning with their students. Mike: Welcome to the podcast, Robyn. I'm really excited to be talking with you about spatial reasoning. Robyn Pinilla: And I am excited to be here. Mike: Well, let me start with a basic question. So, when we're talking about spatial reasoning, is that just another way of saying that we're going to be talking about ideas that are associated with geometry? Or are we talking about something bigger? Robyn: It's funny that you say it in that way, Mike, because geometry is definitely the closest mathematical content that we see in curricula, but it is something much bigger. So, I started with the misconception and then I used my own experiences to support that idea that this was just geometry because it was my favorite math course in high school because I could see the concepts modeled and I could make things more tangible. Drawing helped me to visualize some of those concepts that I was learning instead of just using a formula that I didn't necessarily understand. So, at that time, direct instruction really ruled, and I'm unsure what the conceptual understandings of my teachers even were because what I recall is doing numbers 3 through 47 odds in the back of the book and just plugging through these formulas. But spatial reasoning allows us to develop our concepts in a way that lead to deeper conceptual understanding. I liked geometry, and it gave me this vehicle for mathematizing the world. But geometry is really only one strand of spatial reasoning. Mike: So, you're already kind of poking around the question that I was going to ask next, which is the elevator description of, “What do we mean when we talk about spatial reasoning and why does it matter? Why is it a big deal for students?” Robyn: So, spatial reasoning is a notoriously hard to define construct that deals with how things move in space. It's individually how they move in space, in relation to one another. A lot of my ideas come from a network analysis that [Cathy] Bruce and colleagues did back in 2017 that looked at the historical framing of what spatial reasoning is and how we talk about it in different fields. Because psychologists look at spatial reasoning. Mathematics educators look at spatial reasoning. There [are] also connections into philosophy, the arts. But when we start moving toward mathematics more specifically, it does deal with how things move in space individually and in relation to one another. So, with geometry, whether the objects are sliding and transforming or we're composing and decomposing to create new shapes, those are the skills in two-dimensional geometry that we do often see in curricula. But the underlying skills are also critical to everyday life, and they can be taught as well. Robyn: And when we're thinking about the everyday constructs that are being built through our interactions with the world, I like to think about the GPS on our car. So, spatial reasoning has a lot of spatial temporal processes that are going on. It's not just thinking about the ways that things move in relation to one another or the connections to mathematics, but also the way that we move through this world, the way that we navigate through it. So, I'll give a little example. Spatial temporal processes have to do with us running errands, perhaps. How long does it take you to get from work to the store to home? And how many things can you purchase in the store knowing how full your fridge currently is? What pots and pans are you going to use to cook the food that you purchase, and what volume of that food are you and your family going to consume? So, all those daily tasks involve conceptions of how much space things take. And we could call it capacity, which situates nicely within the measurement domain of mathematics education. But it's also spatial reasoning, and it extends further than that. Mike: That is helpful. I think you opened up my understanding of what we're actually talking about, and I think the piece that was really interesting is how in that example of “I'm going to the grocery store, how long will it take? How full is my fridge? What are the different tools that I'll use to prepare? What capacity do they have?” I think that really helped me broaden out my own thinking about what spatial reasoning actually is. I wonder if we could shift a bit and you could help unpack for educators who are listening, a few examples of tasks that kids might encounter that could support the development of spatial reasoning. Robyn: Sure. My research ...
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    24 mins