• “Kingdom Builders” (Acts 4:32-5:11)
    Sep 30 2024

    What does it look like to build the Kingdom of God? What happens when we start to build our own kingdom in opposition to God’s kingdom? How should we view the Holy Spirit in relation to the rest of the triune godhead?

    In his sermon, “Kingdom Builders,” centered on Acts 4:32-5:11, Pastor Josiah answers these questions and others as he unpacks the story of Ananias and Sapphira and their deceitfulness.

    As Christians, it is important that we remain united around the gospel and put God first in every aspect of our lives.

    This sermon was preached on September 29th, 2024. Copyright 2024. For more information, please visit RedeemingLifeUtah.org.

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  • “Go Boldly” (Acts 3:1-4:31)
    Sep 22 2024

    How were Christ’s apostles able to stand firm against opposition from the religious rules and leaders of their day? How can we as Christians boldly proclaim the gospel in situations that are overwhelming or intimidating? How does the Holy Spirit equip and empower us for the work of ministry? What role does prayer play when it comes to our gospel witness?

    In his sermon, “Go Boldly,” centered on Acts 3:1-4:31, Pastor Josiah answers these questions as he shows through God’s word how the Holy Spirit, accompanied by Peter and John’s faithfulness, equipped them to boldly proclaim the gospel regardless of the circumstances.

    The Holy Spirit that empowered the apostles with the courage and strength to faithfully proclaim the gospel in the face of opposition and persecution is the same Holy Spirit that is alive and active in every believer, working to equip us to be bold in our proclamation and stand firm in our faith today.

    This sermon was preached on September 22nd, 2024. Copyright 2024. For more information, please visit RedeemingLifeUtah.org.

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  • “The Promise Fulfilled” (Acts 2:1-47)
    Sep 16 2024

    What happened when the Holy Spirit was poured out at Pentecost? How were 3,000 people saved and added to the church that day? What does it look like to be a devoted follower of Christ?

    In his sermon, “The Promise Fulfilled,” centered on Acts 2:1-47, Pastor Josiah answered these questions as he shared how the promise of the Holy Spirit was fulfilled at Pentecost as believers were empowered to speak in different languages to all those who had traveled from around the world to gather in Jerusalem.

    Pastor Josiah also shared how, as Christians, we should be a people who are devoted to God and willing to serve Him. It is through our devotion to Christ, and the power of the Holy Spirit that we are able to proclaim the hope of the gospel to the lost and see people rescued from darkness and find new life in Christ. No matter where we go, the world should be fascinated by our love for Christ and sincere devotion for Him.

    This sermon was preached on September 15th, 2024. Copyright 2024. For more information, please visit RedeemingLifeUtah.org.

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  • “The Waiting Room” (Acts 1:12-26)
    Sep 9 2024

    What are the requirements necessary for being called as an apostle? Do apostles still exist in the church today? What did Jesus’ followers do while they waited on the Holy Spirit to come?

    In his sermon, “The Waiting Room,” centered on Acts 1:12-26, Pastor Josiah answered these questions and others as he shared from God’s word the important work that the apostles completed as they waited on the helper to arrive.

    Pastor Josiah also shared how as modern-day Christians it is important that we are persistent in prayer and focused on Christ as we seek the Lord’s will and direction for our lives. Otherwise, when the storms of life rage around us, we will find ourselves struggling to stay afloat and survive the painful battles that life brings our way.

    This sermon was preached on September 8th, 2024. Copyright 2024. For more information, please visit RedeemingLifeUtah.org.

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  • “Mission Possible” (Acts 1:1-11)
    Sep 1 2024

    How old is the Christian church? How did the church even start? What happened to Christ’s apostles after Christ ascended into Heaven? Who is actually qualified to share the gospel?

    In his sermon “Mission Possible,” centered on Acts 1:1-11, Pastor Josiah answered these questions as he shared how God builds His church through the faithful witness of Christian believers.

    As Christians, each one of us has been commissioned by Christ to share the gospel everywhere we go so that others can find salvation and true life in Christ the same way that we have. We don’t need a specific blessing or special assignment from the church in order to share the gospel, because as believers, each one of us has been commissioned by Christ to preach the gospel everywhere we go, even to the ends of the earth.

    This sermon was preached on September 1st, 2024. Copyright 2024. For more information, please visit RedeemingLifeUtah.org.

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  • "Be The Church” (1 Timothy 6:17-21)
    Aug 26 2024

    Is it wrong for a Christian to be rich? What does it look like to be a generous giver? What role should Christians play when it comes to defending God’s word? What does it mean to be entrusted with the gospel?

    In his message “Be The Church,” based on 1 Timothy 6:17-21, Pastor Josiah shares how it is important for us to be kingdom minded rather than focused solely on the temporary things of this life, what’s here today and gone tomorrow.

    He also shares how, as Christians, it is important that we guard the truth of the gospel and stand firm on the solid rock of Christ Jesus.

    This sermon was preached on August 25th, 2024. Copyright 2024. For more information, please visit RedeemingLifeUtah.org.

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  • “A Charge to Keep” (1 Timothy 6:11-16)
    Aug 19 2024

    What does it look like to be a man or woman of God? What roles do confessions or doxologies play in the life of a Christian? How do we fight the spiritual battles that are happening around us? How can we endure to the end?

    In his sermon, “A Charge to Keep,” based on 1 Timothy 6:11-16, Pastor Josiah answers these questions and more as he unpacks some of the final instructions and exhortations from Paul to Timothy in the closing of his letter

    As Christians, it is important that we not only flee from the things that are evil, but that we also pursue, or run after, the things that are good and draw us closer to God. It is important that each one of us “fights the good fight” as we grab hold of eternity and keep our eyes fixed on Christ.

    This sermon was preached on August 18th, 2024. Copyright 2024. For more information, please visit RedeemingLifeUtah.org.

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  • “Satisfied with Christ” (1 Timothy 6:1-10)
    Aug 11 2024

    How can we find satisfaction in life? Where does our contentment come from? Are the blessings we receive from God contingent on how godly our lives are? What does it mean to have a “Jesus-Plus” mentality?

    In his sermon “Satisfied with Christ,” based on 1 Timothy 6:1-10, Pastor Josiah answers these questions and more as he shares from Paul’s letter to Timothy on how “godliness with contentment is a great gain.”

    It is important that we find our contentment in Christ alone and not in the things of this earth. The same false teachings that were causing problems in the church in Ephesus are wreaking havoc in Christian churches today. As a result, it is important that we as Christians, continue to guard the gospel and defend the truth found in God’s word.

    This sermon was preached on August 11th, 2024. Copyright 2024. For more information, please visit RedeemingLifeUtah.org.

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