Service Entrance People

By: Ben Schuman (Boomer) Pixie Montero
  • Summary

  • Have you ever worked in the service industry? Working somewhere that you say at least once per day "they don't pay me enough for this!"? A job you have to park way far away and come through a special door - the service entrance?This podcast is for you and by you (us)! The underpaid, under appreciated, gritty workers dealing with the Karen's and Florida Men on a daily basis. This podcast will regale with tales of the shocking the strange the scary and the HILARIOUS! And just maybe, we can open some eyes into the why's of why we do what we do. If you're just al little curious come on in!Twitter - @entranceserviceInstagram -@serviceentrancepeoplepodFacebook - @serviceentrancepeople
    © 2023 PB Living Productions
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  • Episode 110 - I'll Prix Fixe You!
    Feb 27 2025

    This week Boomer and Pixie talk about the frustrations of having Prix Fixe menus. From a Valentine’s Day scammer, to doing it Disney style we go over all the complications and craziness of getting away from your normal menu.

    Don’t forget to rate (5 stars) and review on whatever platform you are listening on. Send us your industry stories: And become a producer at Tune in to new episodes every other Thursday on your major podcast platforms.

    Esta semana Boomer y Pixie hablan sobre las frustraciones de tener menús de precio fijo. Desde un estafador del Día de San Valentín hasta hacerlo al estilo Disney, repasamos todas las complicaciones y locuras de alejarse de su menú normal.

    No olvides calificar (5 estrellas) y dejar una reseña en la plataforma en la que estés escuchando. Envíanos tus historias de la industria: Y conviértete en productor en Sintoniza nuevos episodios cada dos jueves en tus principales plataformas de podcast.

    Ove nedelje Boomer i Pikie pričaju o frustracijama koje imaju Prik Fike meni. Od prevaranta za Dan zaljubljenih, do toga da to radimo u Diznijevom stilu, prelazimo na sve komplikacije i ludost bežanja od normalnog menija.

    Ne zaboravite da ocenite (5 zvezdica) i pregledate na bilo kojoj platformi na kojoj slušate. Pošaljite nam svoje priče iz industrije: I postanite producent na Gledajte nove epizode ​​svakog drugog četvrtka na vašim glavnim podcast platformama.

    Check out our sponsor Dragon Roast Coffee! Use promo code SERVICEENTRANCEPEOPLE for 15% off your orders!

    ⁠Dragon Roast Coffee⁠




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    We are proud brand ambassadors for Reaper Apparel Co. Check them out and use our code SERVICEENTRANCEPEOPLE for 10% off your orders!

    Code: Serviceentrancepeople

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    53 mins
  • Episode 109 - Allergies, Bad Tippers, and Felonious Magicians
    Feb 13 2025

    This week Boomer and Pixie jump into some server tales and share stories about how to deal with returning bad tippers, people who fake allergies, Boomer’s propensity to douse himself in water at work, and how NOT to do a magic trick at a restaurant!

    Don’t forget to rate (5 stars) and review on whatever platform you are listening on. Send us your industry stories: And become a producer at Tune in to new episodes every other Thursday on your major podcast platforms.

    Esta semana, Boomer y Pixie saltan a algunos cuentos de servidor y comparten historias sobre cómo lidiar con los devoluciones de malla, personas que falsifican alergias, la propensión de Boomer a apagarse en el agua en el trabajo, ¡y cómo no hacer un truco de magia en un restaurante!

    No olvides calificar (5 estrellas) y dejar una reseña en la plataforma en la que estés escuchando. Envíanos tus historias de la industria: Y conviértete en productor en Sintoniza nuevos episodios cada dos jueves en tus principales plataformas de podcast.

    Овом седмицом Боомер и Пикие ускочу у неке приче о серверу и размењују приче о томе како да се баве враћањем лоших даваоца, људи који лажу алергију, склоност Бомера да се у води у води на послу и како да не ураде чаробни трик у ресторану.

    Ne zaboravite da ocenite (5 zvezdica) i pregledate na bilo kojoj platformi na kojoj slušate. Pošaljite nam svoje priče iz industrije: I postanite producent na Gledajte nove epizode ​​svakog drugog četvrtka na vašim glavnim podcast platformama.

    Check out our sponsor Dragon Roast Coffee! Use promo code SERVICEENTRANCEPEOPLE for 15% off your orders!

    ⁠Dragon Roast Coffee⁠




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    We are proud brand ambassadors for Reaper Apparel Co. Check them out and use our code SERVICEENTRANCEPEOPLE for 10% off your orders!

    Code: Serviceentrancepeople

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    58 mins
  • Episode 108: “A Wintry Mix (Assorted Stories)”
    Jan 30 2025

    This week Boomer and Pixie talk about everything from the “Snowpocalypse” in the South, to employees having Only Fans sites, having to cut off 70+ year-old people at the bar, and more Pixie fun at “Hen and Clucksters”!

    Don’t forget to rate (5 stars) and review on whatever platform you are listening on. Send us your industry stories: And become a producer at Tune in to new episodes every other Thursday on your major podcast platforms.

    Esta semana, Boomer y Pixie hablan de todo, desde el “Apocalipsis de nieve” en el sur, hasta empleados que tienen sitios Only Fans, tener que cortarle el paso a personas mayores de 70 años en el bar y más diversión Pixie en “Hen and Clucksters”.

    No olvides calificar (5 estrellas) y dejar una reseña en la plataforma en la que estés escuchando. Envíanos tus historias de la industria: Y conviértete en productor en Sintoniza nuevos episodios cada dos jueves en tus principales plataformas de podcast.

    Ove nedelje Boomer i Pikie pričaju o svemu, od „Snovpocalipse“ na jugu, do zaposlenih koji imaju sajtove Onli Fans, da moraju da odseku ljude starije od 70 godina u baru i više Pikie zabave u „Hen and Clucksters“!

    Ne zaboravite da ocenite (5 zvezdica) i pregledate na bilo kojoj platformi na kojoj slušate. Pošaljite nam svoje priče iz industrije: I postanite producent na Gledajte nove epizode ​​svakog drugog četvrtka na vašim glavnim podcast platformama.

    Check out our sponsor Dragon Roast Coffee! Use promo code SERVICEENTRANCEPEOPLE for 15% off your orders!

    ⁠Dragon Roast Coffee⁠




    Apple podcast:




    We are proud brand ambassadors for Reaper Apparel Co. Check them out and use our code SERVICEENTRANCEPEOPLE for 10% off your orders!

    Code: Serviceentrancepeople

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    1 hr and 4 mins

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