
  • Ryusuke’s Return from Japan: Exploring the Beauty of Gifu and Gero Onsen Bliss!
    Sep 19 2024

    It’s really that hot!? But the beautiful landscapes woven by the mountains and rivers of Gifu, along with the crystal-clear water sparkling in emerald green, healed both body and soul. Staying at the best Ryokan in Gero Onsen made for a wonderful experience, and this is Ryusuke calmly narrating it all in a solo episode!
    そんなにあついの!?でも岐阜の美しい山と川が織りなす風景、そしてエメラルドグリーに輝く透き通った水に心も体も癒され、下呂温泉で一番の旅館に泊まりとてもいい体験ができた事をリュウスケが一人で淡々と喋るソロエピソードです! 是非最後までお楽しみ下さい!!

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    21 mins
  • Ryu is a going back to Japan! (For 2 weeks!!)
    Aug 29 2024

    Ryusuke is flying back to Japan for a two week vacay to see family and friends, relax in onsen and of course EAT! Listen to find out what Ryu is planning to do and where he’s going to go on his trip! Also stay tuned to our socials for updates on the places he’s visiting and delicious foods he’ll be eating!

    Is there anywhere you want Ryu to check out/eat or do? Let us know!

    もし、リュウスケにチェックしてもらいたい場所、食べてもらいたい場所、またはしてほしい場所などあれば 教えてください!

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    34 mins
  • EARTHQUAKES- Is Japan due for another BIG one!?
    Aug 22 2024

    Japan is constantly hit by jishin - “earthquakes”. Most Japanese grow up experiencing dozens of earthquakes throughout their life. Earthquakes are just simply a part of living in Japan. In this episode we talk about how often earthquakes occur, how they impact Japanese society and discuss some of the biggest most destructive earthquakes that have occurred in living memory. Could Japan get hit by another major earthquake soon?

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    36 mins
  • Street Level Japanese Ep4 : 10 Phrases for Dealing with the Summer Heat!
    Aug 15 2024

    Japanese summers can be unbearably hot and humid. We’re sharing 10 phrases you can use to express how you’re suffering during the Japanese summer or even better, to express what you need to beat the heat! Plus bonus tips on travelling to Japan during the summer, additional vocab and hot weather related onomatopoeia.
    日本の夏は耐えられないほど暑く、湿気が多いです!! 日本の夏にどれだけつらい思いをしているか、または暑さをしのぐために何が必要かを表現するのに使える 10 のフレーズをご紹介します。さらに、夏の日本旅行のヒント、追加の語彙、暑い気候に関連したオノマトペもご紹介します!!是非最後までお楽しみ下さい!!

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    29 mins
  • Kaidan! Tales of the strange and supernatural - a way to keep cool in the summer heat?
    Aug 8 2024

    This ep we’re talking about Kaidan or “strange tales” aka Japanese ghost stories! Japan has a long lasting love for tales of the strange and supernatural. Kaidan can include folk tales and urban legends featuring everything from yokai to ghosts and demons. They have influenced everything from kabuki plays up to manga and film. But why are we talking about ghost stories 2 months before Halloween? Listen to find out why summer is Japan’s spooky season!
    このエピソードでは、”カイダン”または”奇妙な物語”、別名日本の怪談について話しています。日本では、奇妙で超自然的な物語が古くから伝えられています。怪談には、妖怪から幽霊、悪霊まであらゆるものが登場する民話や都市伝説が含まれます。それらは、歌舞伎から漫画、映画に至るまで、あらゆるものに影響を与えてきました。しかし、なぜハロウィンの 2 か月前に怪談の話をするのでしょうか?なぜ夏が日本の不気味な季節なのかを聞いてみましょう!

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    34 mins
  • Nanashi 7: "On Time, Every Time" Exploring Japan's Train Punctuality
    Jul 25 2024

    Are Japanese trains really this punctual? They arrive and depart so accurately that it's almost unbelievable. We will delve into this question by comparing them to the current train situation in Canada, while also sharing two personal experiences!
    本当にこんなにも時刻表が正確でいいのだろうか?と、思う程正確に発着する日本の電車。今のカナダの電車と比較しながら、二人の体験談も交えつつ、この疑問に迫ってみます! 是非最後までお楽しみ下さい!!

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    35 mins
  • Doyou no Ushi no Hi: Why Eel is Eaten on the 'Day of the Ox' in Japan?
    Jul 18 2024

    Doyou no Ushi no Hi is a day steeped in tradition and cultural significance in Japan. Join us as we explore why eel is the preferred dish on this day, the historical context behind the custom, and how it has become a beloved part of Japanese summer. We'll also share personal stories and experiences related to this unique celebration.

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    46 mins
  • Natsumatsuri aka Japanese summer festivals!
    Jul 11 2024

    The warmest months of the year call for some of Japan’s biggest matsuri or festivals from Kanda matsuri in Tokyo, to the famous Gion matsuri in Kyoto, not to mention all the hundreds of local obon festivals held all across the country in August. This episode we’re talking about the key components, events, traditions and of course street food ! - that make up the classic, Japanese summer festival experience (plus recs for some of the coolest ones to check out!)

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    1 hr and 2 mins