• Pitfalls – Mistakes People Make
    Feb 24 2021

    So You Want to be a Podcaster episode 19

    1. Not being prepared
      • Solution: allow time to prepare

    2. Not being in agreement with the co-host
      • Solution: make an agreement upfront

    3. Unrealistic expectations
      1. Time
        • Solution: make a schedule

      2. Amount of work
        • Solution: Record and edit 4-8 episodes before you publish your first

      3. Audience size
        • Solution: would you enjoy speaking to the number of people that you get downloads
        • Solution: Be OK with the idea that it may take you years and hundreds of episodes to grow your podcast

      4. Financial investment/cost
        • Solution: research upfront the cost

    4. Not knowing your audience
      • Solution: need to learn who your audience is; you would ask your audience for feedback

    5. Not knowing your purpose
      • Solution: Do you want your listeners to learn something? Be entertained? Work to answer the question, “What is your show about?” in 10 words or less.

    6. Commitment
      • Solution: this is a decision one must make

    7. Loss of passion
      • Solution: Know your purpose

    8. Background noise
      • Solution: change the environment
      • Solution: put the dog out

    9. Unexpected technical issues
      • Solution: learn the technology

    10. Not getting the appropriate help
      • Solution: make sure that the person helping you knows what they are talking about

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    45 mins
  • Podcasting Services
    Feb 10 2021

    So You Want to be a Podcaster episode 18

    1. Hiring out services
      1. Hosting – episode 2 – Podcast RSS Feed, Hosting and Websites
      2. Where to find people
        1. https://www.upwork.com
        2. Fiver.com

      3. Coaching
      4. Manager
      5. Editing
      6. Marketing
      7. Transcription

    2. Do it yourself
      1. Training
        1. Videos
        2. Classes

      2. Transcription
        1. Otter.io
        2. Temi (https://www.temi.com/)
        3. Descript
        4. AudioBurst

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    25 mins
  • How to monetize your podcast
    Nov 19 2020

    So You Want to be a Podcaster Episode 17

    1. Donations & subscriptions

    • patreon
      • Membershil tiers

    • PayPal
    • Donations through your website
      • https://donorbox.org/

    • Membership
      • Premium episodes only for members

    1. Advertising

    • Advertising
      • Small
      • Larger advertisers
        • Most require at least 5000 downloads/episode in the first 30 days

      • Pay per thousand downloads in first 30 days
        • Here are the industry average rates for podcast advertising. Note CPM is cost per mille or cost per 1,000 listeners.
          • 30 sec $18
          • 60 sec$25

    • Podcorn
    • Show sponsor
    • Some hosts provide advertising options/or advertising network
      • Anchor
      • Red Circle

    1. Merch

    • Make your own
    • Teespring
    • Printiful/shopify
    • Amazon

    1. YouTube

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    39 mins
  • Sharing your episodes and social media
    Sep 17 2020

    So You Want to be a Podcaster episode 16

    1. What to share
      1. Share website link if possible or from the host site
      2. Don’t share Apple or other app links

    2. Social Media
      1. Facebook
        1. Pages vs. Groups
        2. Pages
        3. Groups

      2. Twitter
      3. Instagram

    3. Use automatic tools if possible some can be tied to your website
    4. Email List
    5. Newsletter
      1. Mail Chimp
      2. Constant Contact

    6. Ministry site

    Check out all the podcasts are the Christian Podcast Community

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    29 mins
  • Show titles and Artwork
    May 21 2020

    So You Want to be a Podcaster episode 15

    1. How to name
      1. Apple names
      2. Use questions
      3. Describe a problem
      4. Be descriptive of the content
      5. Catch attention but be honest about the show
      6. Do not use clickbait

    2. Show artwork
      1. Logo or show specific photos
      2. Size of artwork
      3. Do you have the rights to use the artwork?

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    26 mins
  • Show Notes
    May 7 2020

    So You Want to be a Podcaster episode 14

    1. Importance of show notes
      1. SEO value
      2. Apple will now search audio

    2. How do different apps handle show notes
      1. Apple Podcast
      2. Google Podcast
      3. Overcast
      4. Castbox
      5. Downcast
      6. Spotify
      7. Tunein
      8. Sticher
      9. iHeart Radio
      10. Podbean
      11. Podcast addict

    3. Blog post vs. description
      1. Transcription or not?
      2. Chapters or skip to
      3. Add all your resources mentioned in the episode
      4. https://www.brokenlinkcheck.com

    4. RSS feed size
      1. 1 MB is the practical maximum, but I recommend smaller than 512 KB.
      2. How to Shrink Your Podcast RSS Feed and Why It Matters The Audacity to Podcast with Daniel J. Lewis
      3. Free RSS Validators
        1. Podbase: For podcast feeds. Podbase will check your URL, make sure your XML is well-formed, and whether it is iTunes-compatible. It will also check for things like your cover art being in iTunes compliance, correct category, correct summary, and more.
        2. Cast Feed Validator: For podcast feeds. This validates your feed, checks the main image, as well as media files while letting you visualize your podcast RSS feed.
        3. Feed Validator: Feed Validator is for Atom, RSS, and KML feeds. LIke W3C, it also gives you highlighted errors with messages and information for each problem found.
        4. W3C: W3C is for syndicated feeds. It works with RSS 0.90, 0.91, 0.92, 0.93, 0.94, 1.0, and 2.0. Enter the address of your feed and click “validate.” Errors will be highlighted, with messages for each problem. Not sure what the message means? There’s a “help” link with more details.

    5. Examples
      1. The Feed
      2. The Briefing with Al Mohler example – don’t downgrade your show notes
      3. The Audacity to Podcast
      4. The imaged life

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    34 mins
  • How to Interview with Tracy Winchell
    Mar 19 2020

    So You Want to be a Podcaster episode 13

    Andrew and Coleen invite Tracy Winchell to discuss how to interview guests.

    Tracy is a professional journalist and has expertise in interviewing guests, which is important for podcasts, especially those that interview guests.

    Tracy will reveal that how being shot at was normal for her in a time in her life … What???? Yes you got to listen to this episode.

    Things discussed:

    • What makes a good guest
    • Importance of honesty with the guest

    • Need for preparation with a guest

    • How to perform an interview

    Get Tracy’s Radio Interview Tips

    Check out Tracy’s Reboots podcast: Reboots Podcast

    Listen to Andrew on Tracy’s show: Personal look into the Testimony of Andrew Rappaport

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    43 mins
  • Podcast Guests
    Feb 12 2020

    So You Want to be a Podcaster episode 10

    Podcast Guests
    1. Getting Guests
      1. Contacting guests

    2. Scheduling Guests
      1. Calendly
      2. Schedulista

    3. Media Package
      1. Recording information
      2. Any expectations (sharing, dress, etc)
      3. Technical information (mics, noise, etc)
      4. Waiver forms

    4. Guest Communication
      1. Getting guests to share the episode

    5. Giveaways
      1. Books from the guests
      2. Publishers

    6. Legal and Other Concerns
      1. Be careful with implicate endorsements. Let your audience know if you have disagreements. The disagreements do not have to be mentioned but enough that the audience knows it is not an endorsement of everything they teach or believe.

    7. Follow up
      1. Remind guests to share the episode
      2. Send a thank you card

    Enter the Christian Podcast Community contest

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    37 mins