Episode 3
It was a Monday morning and I was pacing around my apartment and looking at my phone.
“Why hasn’t he text back” What is he doing” “why is he doing this to me”
I pick up the phone and call one more time. Praying and Hoping.
I call work and tell them I’m sick, I feel like I am going to have a panic attack.
In Episode 3 I discuss our attachment to Men, attachment style & relationship styles.
Journal Prompts/Questions/Homework
What is your relationship style?
Independent, Dependent or Codependent, Interdependent
What is your attachment style? How does it show up /symptoms?
Who do you typically attach to? Are they normally the complete opposite
Can you see how we choose a person the opposite of our style to heal what we never received?
Do the people you desire love from have the same style as your parent/parents?
What is the attachment style of partners I have had?
How does this make me feel?
Why do I pick partners that are the opposite of me?
Additional Resources:
The Art of Modern Dating School: https://femininefrequencyrising.thinkific.com
Donations: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/daniellejohnson147?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US%E2%81%A3
Music Credit:
Onycs - Shine" is under a Creative Commons (CC-BY 3.0) license
Music promoted by BreakingCopyright: https://bit.ly/bkc-shine
Podcast Website:
Enjoy the journey.
Xoxo, Danielle Johnson Smith