• SE07 EP05 - Short on Singers or Dough? Enter Concertato Motets. - with Dr. Janet Hunt
    Mar 10 2025
    Discover a genre designed for choirs with limited forces and money with our guest, Dr. Janet Hunt. We discuss the origins of the concertato motet, various composer who composed in this genre, texts set, and liturgical use of the pieces. Dr. Janet E. Hunt, FAGO, received performance degrees from Oberlin Conservatory, Southern Methodist University, and the University of North Texas. Equally proficient on organ and harpsichord, she has been a finalist in the Bodky Competition for Early Music twice, the Edinburgh Festival Harpsichord Competition, the SEHKS competition, and two appearances at the Prix André Marchal Competition in Biarritz, France. She has recorded two compact discs of works by César Franck and Louis Vierne. Dr. Hunt publishes editions of early 17th century sacred music for solo voices and organ at www.huntmusic.us, and had an article on the genre appear in the Summer, 2024 issue of Sacred Music. She is the organist at St. Anthony’s Parish in Allston, MA. Dr. Hunt recommends a few resources to help those who are developing their ability to play basso continuo. Here's a link to the free keyboard accompaniment book: https://forschung.schola-cantorum-basiliensis.ch/en/forschung/keyboard-accompaniment-1600.html The website for all things continuo is https://bassus-generalis.org Learn more about Catholic Institute of Sacred Music's summer graduate program here: https://forschung.schola-cantorum-basiliensis.ch/en/forschung/keyboard-accompaniment-1600.html
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    34 mins
  • SE07 EP04 - When and Why Did Ut Change to Do? And Other Historical Questions about Solfège - with Dr. Charles Weaver
    Mar 3 2025

    Dr. Charles Weaver joins us to outline a history of solfège and the practical and theoretical knowledge that arises from employing the early hexachordal system to understanding and singing Gregorian chant.

    Learn more about Dr. Weaver here: https://www.juilliard.edu/music/faculty/weaver-charles and here: https://catholicinstituteofsacredmusic.org/faculty/

    Find out more about the summer graduate courses at the Catholic Institute of Sacred Music here: https://catholicinstituteofsacredmusic.org/summer-courses/

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    41 mins
  • SE07 EP03 - Singing the Credo: Historical Origins and Development - with Dr. Harrison Russin
    Feb 24 2025

    What are the origins of the liturgical use of the Credo? Do we still have the original melodies to which it was sung? How did the singing of the Credo develop during the medieval period into the Renaissance? Dr. Harrison Russin joins us to answer these questions.

    Learn more about Dr. Russin here: https://www.svots.edu/people/rev-dn-dr-harrison-basil-russin

    Join the CMAA and get a subscription to Sacred Music journal here: https://churchmusicassociation.org/journal/

    Find out more about the Fons et Culmen Sacred Liturgy Summit here: http://liturgysummit.org/

    Find out more about summer graduate study at the Catholic Institute of Sacred Music here: https://catholicinstituteofsacredmusic.org/summer-courses/

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    44 mins
  • SE07 EP02 - How Did the Parts of the Mass Ordinary Get Arranged into Groups in the Kyriale? with Dr. Andrew Kirkman
    Feb 18 2025

    How did we end up with a Kyriale in the Graduale Romanum, with its 18 Masses, group of Credos, and ad libitum section? Find out the specifics, as well as the general trends and conditions that brought about this organization in the liturgy.

    Find out more about Dr. Andrew Kirkman and his work here: https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/staff/profiles/music/kirkman-andrew

    Find our more about the summer courses at the Catholic Institute of Sacred Music here: https://catholicinstituteofsacredmusic.org/summer-courses/

    Find out more about the Fons et Culmen Sacred Liturgy Summit here: https://liturgysummit.org

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    36 mins
  • SE07 EP01 - Building a Great School & Parish Sacred Music Program in a Rural Community - with Kelsey LaCour
    Feb 12 2025

    We're back with season 7 and we've got an inspiring story of building up people, a parish and school, and fostering vocations through a sacred music education program and some elbow grease.

    Listeners can learn more about the program profiled in this episode, and access LaCour's free-use lesson plans and resources by visiting http://epiphanysacredmusic.org, or by visiting their YouTube Channel: @epiphanysacredmusic.

    Find out more about the Fons et Culmen Sacred Liturgy Summit here: http://liturgysummit.org/

    Find out more about the Catholic Institute of Sacred Music here: http://catholicinstituteofsacredmusic.org/

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    53 mins
  • SE06 EP17 - The “Viennese” Orchestral Mass and the Work of Johann Michael Haydn - with Dr. Erick Arenas
    Jun 19 2024

    The 18th century orchestral mass repertoire comes with all sorts of questions for the liturgical musician. Is this repertoire properly called "Viennese"? Does this music really fit, in style and length, with the sacred liturgy? What does the Church have to say about this style of music? Are there any of these Masses that I can do with my choir? Dr. Erick Arenas of the San Francisco Conservatory of Music joins us to answer these questions, and to talk about the wonderful oeuvre of Johann Michael Haydn, the younger brother of the more famous Haydn.

    To learn more about Dr. Arenas, click here: https://sfcm.edu/study/faculty/erick-arenas

    To learn more about the Catholic Institute of Sacred Music, please visit: http://catholicinstituteofsacredmusic.org/

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    37 mins
  • SE06 EP16 - Music and the Eucharistic Revival - with Bishop Earl Fernandes
    Jun 19 2024

    For Bishop Earl Fernandes of Columbus, Ohio, sacred music and the Eucharistic revival are inextricably linked. When he was consecrated bishop at age 49 in 2022, he was the U.S.'s youngest bishop, and his experience with sacred music as a young person involved a mix of typical U.S. parish music, but also special liturgical and musical experiences sought out by his parents, and this has shaped in him a deep understanding of the importance of sacred music. Join us as we discuss the role he sees for sacred music in reviving faith in the presence of Christ in the Most Holy Eucharist.

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    50 mins
  • SE06 EP15 - Medieval Irish Chant: Sources and Liturgical Practice - with Dr. Ann Buckley
    Jun 6 2024

    What do we know about music in the earliest liturgies celebrated in Ireland? Did sacred music and the liturgy develop as a distinguishable "Celtic rite" in Ireland? What impact did the Church in Ireland, and specifically the monastic impact of Ireland, have on the European continent? We discuss these and other questions with Dr. Ann Buckley, a visiting research fellow in the Medieval History Research Centre of Trinity College Dublin.

    To learn more about Dr. Buckley and her work, please visit: https://www.tcd.ie/medieval-history/expertise/ann-buckley.php

    To see an edition of the sequence for St. Patrick, edited by Dr. Buckley, click here: https://sacredmusicpodcast.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/PATRICK_MS-78_Responsory.and_.prosa_.pdf

    To learn more about the Catholic Institute of Sacred Music, visit: http://catholicinstituteofsacredmusic.org/

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    45 mins