
  • Cosmic Queries – Before the Big Bang
    Mar 11 2025

    What does it really mean for us to be made of stardust? Neil deGrasse Tyson and co-host Paul Mecurio answer fan questions about particle colliders, time travel, and what existed before the Big Bang.

    NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here:

    Thanks to our Patrons John 73, BrianSmiley, Brian Johnson, TIm, Klaus Wagner, Cynthia A Stevens, Valentijn van tongeren, Jmcarman23, J Gonzales, Kaden Brown, Sam Spencer, BSM1989, Caleb, Cristian Gonzalez, Stephen Davis, Stefan Jones, Walt Krutzfeldt, Hazel, Lukáš Mašek, Andrew, Craig Haagenson, Jessi, Taj Orndorff, Jacob Hernandez, Keith Thienpondt, Dusty Salyer-Elliott, Ignacio Karacsonyi, Bradley Foster, Melissa Forlini, Seth Lotstein, Hamid Pourkasraei, Linda, Ali Mojabi, and Mahmoud Hassan for supporting us this week.

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    43 mins
  • Can We Predict the Future? with Charles Liu
    Mar 7 2025

    What does the future hold? Neil deGrasse Tyson teams up with comic co-host Chuck Nice, Gary O’Reilly, and astrophysicist Charles Liu to break down our visions of the future – and take Neil to task on his own predictions.

    NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here:

    Thanks to our Patrons Walter Kinslow, Eric Johnston, Marta M, Rick Stevens, Miguel, Gary Randall, Daniel Rhea, Sam Rodriguez, Mike Parker, Duncan Weatherspoon, Bonney M ELY, Claudio Gallo, Sidney Carthell, Scott Starr, Victor Herbrecht, Lawrence, Dylan Quay, Ablu, Sean Smitth, James Falconi, Rottenjosh aka Transmedal2, Hilbert Malada, TronoWolf, Courtney Makara, William Flaherty, Justin Andrade, Dipen, Krystal Tellez, David Murdock, John Tedesco, Sasank, Bill Herbert, Ismail Shahtakhtinski, and Scott Wasserman for supporting us this week.

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    54 mins
  • Hubble Trouble with Hakeem Oluseyi
    Mar 4 2025

    Is “now” just an illusion? Neil deGrasse Tyson and comic co-host Paul Mecurio answer questions on the Higgs Field, dark energy, and the feasibility of Dyson spheres with astrophysicist Hakeem Oluseyi.

    NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here:

    Thanks to our Patrons Omar Video, Dan Carson, Joy Jack, Christine Bryant, Andrea Andrade, mahmoud hassan, Kyal Murray, Mercedes Dominguez, Christopher Rogalski, Eric De Bruin, Telmore, Gabe Ramshaw, James Edward Humphrey, Laurel Herbert, AJ Chambers, Bill WInn, Mayson Howell, Julianne Markow, Manthan Patel, Sonya Ponds, Depression Rawr, David Leys, Garon Devine, Vishal Ayeppun, BIIZZxGaming, Kurt Clark, Max Goldberg, Beth McDaniel, Shelby Staudenmaier, Kinnick Sutton, Jane von Schilling, Joanne karl, Walter Kinslow, and Eric Johnston for supporting us this week.

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    48 mins
  • The Future of Fusion Energy with Fatima Ebrahimi
    Feb 25 2025

    Is fusion the future of energy and space travel? Neil deGrasse Tyson and co-host Paul Mecurio explore the cutting-edge science of plasma physics and fusion energy with Fatima Ebrahimi, a physicist at Princeton Plasma Physics Lab.

    NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here: https://startalkmedia.com/show/the-future-of-fusion-energy-with-fatima-ebrahimi/

    Thanks to our Patrons Christopher Salins, Alan Zismann, Paul Johansson, Aaron Brodsky, Debbie Fleming, Thayna Scarpetto, Kris, Jacob Mayfield, Danny Desmond, Tim Ellis, The Running Knitter, Kevin Collins, Mario Funes, Wendi McCall, Paula Patzova, derek lindstrom, Dave Jankus, Mercy Robinson, Linda Safarli, Hexeris, Julian Rassolov, Templex, Joseph, Adrian Aguilar, Nathan Colbert, Andoni Cardenas Huerta, Terrance B, William Strawbridge, Gabriel Torres, enrico janssens, Jonathan Winterrowd, Valentin Scherrer. For Chuck, just call me Val, Ozzie Springer, and Moon Light for supporting us this week.

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    53 mins
  • Solving AI’s Energy Problem with Kathryn Huff
    Feb 21 2025

    Is nuclear power the key to sustainability? With data centers consuming massive amounts of energy, can we keep up? Neil deGrasse Tyson, Gary O’Reilly & Paul Mecurio discuss the physics, safety, and future of nuclear reactors in a world of increasing power demands with nuclear engineer Kathryn Huff.

    NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here:

    Thanks to our Patrons Diokindacute, Wheeler Weise, coryb440, Tim Itoi, Curiosidad científica podcast, Deborah Wales, nahar najjar, Scott Jewell, richard ravelo, Samuel Tomka, zackery Cool, Alexis Schad, Sean Smith, KEO LYPENG, Simon Tang, Thomas Coppola, Joseph, Monchelle Hicks, Paul Nowosielcki, Andrei Sirbu, bgbng, Neil Juanillo, Neal Beaton, Vic, PENE WILSON, Brendan Gombosi, Chad Jubyna, Jacob Narr, Mike, Nick H. is AllDamgeNoCntrol, Suliman, and Christoph Hermann for supporting us this week.

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    52 mins
  • Revenge of The Tipping Point with Malcolm Gladwell
    Feb 18 2025

    What do crime waves, contagious diseases, and social trends have in common? Neil deGrasse Tyson and co-host Chuck Nice welcome best-selling author Malcolm Gladwell to explore the hidden forces that drive human behavior.

    NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here:

    Thanks to our Patrons Matt Silkowski, Dylan moffitt, Grahan Rossiter, FunThings2See, Anthony Sipple, Micheal Kemp, Alexandria French, Ali Jasemi, Nick Charles, Christopher Scott, Graham Jones, Richarad Negus, Win Lương, Paul Durae Duncan, Ian Diaz, Micheal Kroes, Adam Bodenhamer, Chris, foo red, Micheal Rivera, Charles Stanley-Grey, Samuel Andrews, Damian Cartwright, Maliha Khan, Carleton Chang, Jay Holmes Jr. , Mike McKinney, Justin Zarsky, ImJustBeingLazy, Nicholas Elias, Ruth, Brian Toms, Zach Stein, Melanie, Noah, and Philip Taylor for supporting us this week.

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    51 mins
  • Cosmic Queries – Stoner Edition with Janna Levin
    Feb 14 2025

    Is anything real? Is time just a construct? On this episode, Neil deGrasse Tyson and comic co-host Matt Kirshen answer your far-out questions about black holes, dark matter, and the universe with astrophysicist Janna Levin.

    (Originally Aired Tuesday, March 8 2022)

    NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can watch or listen to this entire episode commercial-free here: https://www.startalkradio.net/show/cosmic-queries-stoner-edition-with-janna-levin/

    Thanks to our Patrons Ivan Masjuk, c, Nathan Mitchell, Conner Kemmsies, Dustin Dewayne Hart, Kyle Reinsberg, Andrew Magri, Virginia Cohen, Cathleen Corrie, and David Claassen for supporting us this week.

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    49 mins
  • The Extreme Universe with Tim Paglione
    Feb 11 2025

    What can gamma rays tell us about supernovae and galaxy formation? Neil deGrasse Tyson and co-host Chuck Nice sit down with astrophysicist Tim Paglione to explore high-energy cosmic phenomena, gamma rays, and the extreme events that create them.

    NOTE: StarTalk+ Patrons can listen to this entire episode commercial-free here:

    Thanks to our Patrons Alexander Storts, Chris Henderson, Micheal Mayo, Jose Lotzin, Rebecca Noland, Scientific Panda, Sander Bergheim, Aubrey Loftus, John Leon, Jaquelin Butkovic, Jesse McIntyre, Kelly Sheffield, Kaseim カセイム, Bradley Westbrook, Chris Rassette, Aquahood, BA_MPH_JD_PhD-aspirant, Ravenwingfeather, Kaity Sturgell, Norma Bazan, Mickey Brumfield, lamar Gibson, Bong Bong, Andrew Hayes, Billy Madison, Bruce Muller, parker martindale, James Pope, Carrie Williams, Robert Lester, Mike Bundy, and My Pug is a Bug for supporting us this week.

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    50 mins