
  • Ep. 36 Using Strength in Numbers IRL by Tipping Your Server Continued
    Mar 2 2024

    Tipping is intimidating to some people. Maybe that's you. This episode is for you. Take a listen and learn.

    This is a continuation of the prior episode so please listen to Ep. 35 first.

    Our goal is to help you BUILD your strength in numbers so you can USE your strength in numbers IRL.

    Need help with math? Contact us at www.sint.org

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    8 mins
  • Ep. 35 Using Strength in Numbers IRL by Tipping Your Server
    Mar 2 2024

    I reached out to some friends about what they would like to hear on this podcast. The best tip I received was to do an episode about tipping. Before we begin I have a tip for you - listen to the episode two times, and you'll start to see the scales tip in your favor as you understand more and more.

    I think I've covered all the tipping puns so if you're feeling tipsy by now I totally get it. Without further ado, let the games begin! We are ready for tipoff.

    Need help with math? Contact us www.sint.org

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    5 mins
  • Ep. 34 The Story of Strength in Numbers: My Mom & The Manual Transmission
    Feb 21 2024

    There's few situations quite like learning - or teaching - how to drive a stick shift, or manual transmission. Maybe how to operate a parachute after jumping from the plane is close. But my Mom did it. She taught me how to do this hard thing, but it's not so much the mechanics of the driving that I remember most. It's how she taught me that I treasure the most, and it's those same principles I have used in tutoring for 25+ years. So jump in with us in our 1993 Honda Accord stick shift, and buckle up... because I'm driving. Hold on!

    Need help with math? Contact us at www.sint.org

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    7 mins
  • Ep. 33 The Story of Strength in Numbers: My Dad in the Peanut Butter Aisle
    Feb 20 2024

    This episode is the first in a series called The Story of Strength in Numbers. You will see “The Story of Strength in Numbers” in the episode name along with the specific topic of the episode. 

    Each episode tells a story of a dear person who has contributed a foundational principle to Strength in Numbers. 

    This story begins in the most unlikely of places.

    Need help with math? Contact us at www.sint.org

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    6 mins
  • Ep. 32 Building Strength in Numbers with the IRS? The Distribution Property
    Feb 16 2024

    Last episode was so happy and blissful. This one? Sad, because of this thing called payroll deductions. And the IRS crashes your paycheck party. But the silver lining? All this somehow relates to the distributive property, which is a pretty big deal in math.

    Need help in math? Contact us at www.sint.org

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    6 mins
  • Ep. 31 Building Strength in Numbers with Your Job’s Paycheck? The Distribution Property
    Feb 15 2024

    Break free from your - or My - Dear Aunt Sally, and see what there is to learn about the distributive property. You probably already have used the idea before somewhere in life but didn't know it had a fancy name in math. Let's see how it works with a few examples.

    Need help with math? Contact us at www.sint.org

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    8 mins
  • Ep. 30 Building Strength in Numbers as a Groupie? No, This is Not About Taylor Swift... Again
    Feb 8 2024

    There is nothing about Taylor Swift here, sorry to disappoint. But we do have room for groupies! OK, OK yes it is about grouping... numbers... in math problems. But it's still gonna be fun. Bring a piece of paper, a pen and your hiking boots. Don't ask, just listen.

    Need help with math? Contact us at www.sint.org

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    7 mins
  • Ep. 29 Building Strength in Numbers by Dividing Repeatedly: Logarithms!
    Feb 5 2024

    Since you already listened to the last episode, you know that repeated multiplication is represented by an exponent, and you already knew repeated addition was multiplication. But what is repeated division? I just know you were wondering about that. You are in the right place, my friend.

    Listen, learn and be amazed.

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    6 mins