• Episode 63: Episode 63: Rhianna Could've Been Better
    Feb 19 2023
    We're off the cuff on a Sunday. Some Super Bowl Talk, specifically half-time performances, we play a "retro game" about our childhood, and we spent time trying to figure out how we can improve our own dynamic when it comes to challenging discussions in the family arena. Men Versus Women
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    46 mins
  • Episode 62: The 7 Year Itch
    Feb 8 2023
    On the 2 year anniversary of the podcast's first episode, and the eve of the event that unfortunately started our lives on a completely different path, the feelings going on currently, the things that have tested our marriage, how we try to handle things when we're the best versions of ourselves, and we go through our word of the year to help us stay connected taking on all that life throws at us the only way we know how; together.  Check it out and let us know your thoughts and feelings. Staci is far more active on Social Media than Doug, not that it would be difficult to accomplish, so find her if you don't already have her contact info. Here's to a new life born out of pain seven years ago and fulfilled through the love of God and each other. 
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    50 mins
  • Episode 61: 2023: Year of the Word
    Jan 12 2023
    "Polygamy may just be the winning word." New Year, New Every Couple. We explore the past year, how we did last year and what we can focus on for the year to come. Dedication might have to be the word so that we can be more consistent with providing checkins on the journey we're on together. Here's to another great year and let us know your word and/or what's going on with you and your significant other! 5 Things To Let Go Of 3 Couples Resolutions 8 Relationship Resolutions
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    45 mins
  • Episode 60: 1...2...3...FOOTBALL!
    Sep 29 2022
    Doug and Staci are back and ready to share where life has them in this current moment. Shout out to therapy, kids who run crazy through the neighborhood, braces, and figuring out this crazy mess together. Study Hall #1  Study Hall #2
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    46 mins
  • Episode 44: Episode 44 Who Needs Gluten???
    Sep 15 2022
    "Do I really see myself staying in this job for that long?" Back again a little quicker this time. Check out the episode, share with others and please hit us up for feedback on instagram, Facebook or wherever you can reach out to us. Thank you for listening. Here's tonight's article links-- Getting Motivated Regrets
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    38 mins
  • Episode 43: Livin My Best Life
    Jul 26 2022
    We're still alive!!! Yes, we've had a touch of a hiatus but we found a great reason to celebrate tonight; Staci's Birthday! We dive into the things we've experienced, play a few games and get into a few surprisingly deep concepts (not surprising if you've heard Doug drop the occasional nugglet of knowledge.  Thanks for waiting this long and hopefully you enjoy. Send us questions or feedback through Staci's multiple social media platforms, text/phone calls (Doug only) if you know us like that, and you can follow us on Instagram @TheAddictedToLovePodcast 
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    1 min
  • Episode 59: Save it for the Other Podcast
    Apr 7 2022
    "All of these thoughts are the express written consent of Doug." Here's our latest. If you're working through the "lost" episodes that were re-posted, then this will the next one in the lineup recorded on April 6th 2022. Enjoy and provide feedback on our Instagram Page or wherever you can find Staci online. 
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    42 mins
  • Episode 58: Episode 19 June 8th, 2021 You're My Baby Moana
    Mar 31 2022
    There was a glitch in the Matrix and a handful of episodes got deleted. If you've listened to them already, then you can listen again or bypass along the way to our more recent ones. This isn't a TV series but for those that have been asking for them, here ya go!
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    35 mins