
  • 3:43 AM - Otherworldly Contact
    Mar 11 2025

    3:43 AM is a time that Tim Kaney will never forget. It signifies a transformational period in his life of strange events. As he strived to live a normal life, the abnormal kept beckoning him for attention. UFOs, nightmares, lucid dreams, possible alien contact, and synchronicities showed up too often to ignore and have been the foundation of his questioning the reality in which we live.

    Tim Kaney investigates his own experiences to see if they can be explained away but keeps being routed to an avenue with the name of “Maybe?”. Bizarre and traumatic moments in his life are recounted here and offered has guideposts for others traveling along their own journey of self-discovery and reflection. The truth is revealed to be odder than fiction at times in this riveting, first-hand account of otherworldly contact and high-strangeness.

    Focused on a chronological narrative leading him into this field of research and investigation in South Central Wisconsin, Tim Kaney debuts as both author and UFO researcher in this title bound to transfix and enlighten.

    This deeply personal memoir is a message, warning, and invitation all in one. Tim Kaney invites the reader to acknowledge their weird and look into the dark depths of humanity to find out what goes on when and where we are not always willing to look.


    Tim Kaney is a marketer, artist, and graphic designer with 15+ years in the field of B2B marketing. He has also dabbled as an artist since he could hold a pencil. Recently, he shed his shackles and is delving deep into his experiences of the strange and weird. This is Tim’s first book and is as much a map for others as it is a personal exploration of a plain old weird aspect of his own life.

    Tim is a certified UFO investigator and holds professional certificates from the Centre of Excellence in the fields of Ufology and Cryptozoology. He worked from 2021 to 2023 with MUFON as both a Field Investigator and the state’s Assistant State Director. Tim held an intro presentation on Ufology in 2022 at his local public library. He has always had an interest in this topic and wants to help others on their path to understanding and to find their peace and truth and to connect with others.





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    11 mins
  • High Strangeness and Otherworldly Contact
    Mar 10 2025

    3:43 AM is a time that Tim Kaney will never forget. It signifies a transformational period in his life of strange events. As he strived to live a normal life, the abnormal kept beckoning him for attention. UFOs, nightmares, lucid dreams, possible alien contact, and synchronicities showed up too often to ignore and have been the foundation of his questioning the reality in which we live.

    Tim Kaney investigates his own experiences to see if they can be explained away but keeps being routed to an avenue with the name of “Maybe?”. Bizarre and traumatic moments in his life are recounted here and offered has guideposts for others traveling along their own journey of self-discovery and reflection. The truth is revealed to be odder than fiction at times in this riveting, first-hand account of otherworldly contact and high-strangeness.

    Focused on a chronological narrative leading him into this field of research and investigation in South Central Wisconsin, Tim Kaney debuts as both author and UFO researcher in this title bound to transfix and enlighten.

    This deeply personal memoir is a message, warning, and invitation all in one. Tim Kaney invites the reader to acknowledge their weird and look into the dark depths of humanity to find out what goes on when and where we are not always willing to look.


    Tim Kaney is a marketer, artist, and graphic designer with 15+ years in the field of B2B marketing. He has also dabbled as an artist since he could hold a pencil. Recently, he shed his shackles and is delving deep into his experiences of the strange and weird. This is Tim’s first book and is as much a map for others as it is a personal exploration of a plain old weird aspect of his own life.

    Tim is a certified UFO investigator and holds professional certificates from the Centre of Excellence in the fields of Ufology and Cryptozoology. He worked from 2021 to 2023 with MUFON as both a Field Investigator and the state’s Assistant State Director. Tim held an intro presentation on Ufology in 2022 at his local public library. He has always had an interest in this topic and wants to help others on their path to understanding and to find their peace and truth and to connect with others.





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    58 mins
  • Interactions With Non-Human Intelligences
    Mar 6 2025

    This book is an invitation to embrace Extraordinary Human Experiences (EHE) and the wonders of the unknown. It is a reminder that the pursuit of knowledge and curiosity of unexplained events can lead to enriching experiences, encouraging us to approach life with open minds, recognizing that we are much more than any single perspective or belief system would suggest.

    Extraordinary Human Experiences include the near-death and out of body experience, extrasensory perception, synchronicities, reincarnation, spiritual awakenings, effects from psychoactive drugs, altered states of consciousness, and interactions with unidentified aerial phenomena and non-human intelligences, among others. The meaning and implication of EHEs have not been addressed by the scientific community, yet, they have impacted millions who consider them "realer than real," facilitating the enduring fascination and curiosity of the unexplained and the boundaries of human consciousness.

    We need to take up the challenge to further knowledge of what we prize as our most unique human characteristic, the untapped potential of our consciousness and connection with each other and reality itself. After all, the positive transformations facilitated by EHEs hold promise for us all, especially since they represent a movement away from destructive behavioral characteristics and the attainment of values which promote individual and collective survival.

    Collectively, this book reflects the significance of EHEs and their associated rationale for a needed paradigm shift. This proposed paradigm shift model - The Science of the Self - aligns common interests by minimizing conflict and promoting cooperation, fostering a common worldview that integrates the nature of EHEs with reality, science, and consciousness. After all, despite our modern-scientific principles, we are barely out of the primordial soup from which we evolved. Our knowledge is still in its infancy and we have a long journey ahead to fully understand the true nature and potential of our consciousness connection with the world around us.

    Clearly, there is hope, meaning, and joy in this journey of curiosity and discovery.


    Robert Davis is an internationally recognized research scientist and author, and after receiving his doctorate degree in 1981, he conducted research, taught, and was an administrator for the State University of New York for over thirty years. Bob has spoken about his research on the effects of environmental and toxic stimuli on the brain and sensory systems in venues that vary from national and international scientific conferences to over sixty published research articles in scholarly journals. Since his retirement, he has spoken on over one hundred national and international radio shows and podcasts about his recent research publications on the Science of the Subjective and human consciousness. Bob has also written .





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    11 mins
  • UFOs: The Consciousness Connection
    Mar 3 2025

    This book is an invitation to embrace Extraordinary Human Experiences (EHE) and the wonders of the unknown. It is a reminder that the pursuit of knowledge and curiosity of unexplained events can lead to enriching experiences, encouraging us to approach life with open minds, recognizing that we are much more than any single perspective or belief system would suggest.

    Extraordinary Human Experiences include the near-death and out of body experience, extrasensory perception, synchronicities, reincarnation, spiritual awakenings, effects from psychoactive drugs, altered states of consciousness, and interactions with unidentified aerial phenomena and non-human intelligences, among others. The meaning and implication of EHEs have not been addressed by the scientific community, yet, they have impacted millions who consider them "realer than real," facilitating the enduring fascination and curiosity of the unexplained and the boundaries of human consciousness.

    We need to take up the challenge to further knowledge of what we prize as our most unique human characteristic, the untapped potential of our consciousness and connection with each other and reality itself. After all, the positive transformations facilitated by EHEs hold promise for us all, especially since they represent a movement away from destructive behavioral characteristics and the attainment of values which promote individual and collective survival.

    Collectively, this book reflects the significance of EHEs and their associated rationale for a needed paradigm shift. This proposed paradigm shift model - The Science of the Self - aligns common interests by minimizing conflict and promoting cooperation, fostering a common worldview that integrates the nature of EHEs with reality, science, and consciousness. After all, despite our modern-scientific principles, we are barely out of the primordial soup from which we evolved. Our knowledge is still in its infancy and we have a long journey ahead to fully understand the true nature and potential of our consciousness connection with the world around us.

    Clearly, there is hope, meaning, and joy in this journey of curiosity and discovery.


    Robert Davis is an internationally recognized research scientist and author, and after receiving his doctorate degree in 1981, he conducted research, taught, and was an administrator for the State University of New York for over thirty years. Bob has spoken about his research on the effects of environmental and toxic stimuli on the brain and sensory systems in venues that vary from national and international scientific conferences to over sixty published research articles in scholarly journals. Since his retirement, he has spoken on over one hundred national and international radio shows and podcasts about his recent research publications on the Science of the Subjective and human consciousness. Bob has also written .





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    59 mins
  • The Alien Bigfoot Connection
    Feb 26 2025

    In his latest book, Maxim Furek, a former psychologist and rock journalist, delves into the intriguing world of Bigfoot synchronicity, embracing interdimensional theories, mass hallucinations, and Jung's collective unconscious.

    Furek's dedication to the subject is evident in the hundreds of accounts from researchers who strive to answer the question, "If it's not flesh and blood, then what is it?" This question forms the heart of the author's evocative thesis as he tirelessly scours American and Canadian records for evidence of this elusive cryptid.

    For centuries, early newspapers printed accounts of bipedal creatures, variously listed as "Wild Men," "Hairy Giants," or "Sasquatch," a narrative that has expanded into a larger scientific, religious, and paranormal reality. This reality, as Furek presents it, is a complex web of scientific theories, religious interpretations, and paranormal phenomena that intersect in the study of Bigfoot.

    Furek's investigation into the tribes of true believers congregating at conferences, campsites, and online websites is a testament to their shared philosophy and "Bigfoot's sociocultural energy." He takes issue with hoaxers, whom he charges "have sold their souls," but his respect for the believers is unwavering.

    The author challenges traditional beliefs about Bigfoot and encourages readers to embrace the seemingly impossible. After reading this book, your perspective on Sasquatch will be forever changed as you look at traditional science, anthropology, and religion through a different lens and with a different expectation.


    Former psychologist and rock journalist Maxim W. Furek is recognized as an academic and avid student of the paranormal. His eclectic background includes aspects of psychology, addictions, and popular music. He has a master’s degree in Communications from Bloomsburg University and a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Aquinas College. He has written numerous rock biographies and paranormal books, such as Coal Region Hoodoo: Paranormal Tales from Inside the Pit and Flying Saucer Esoteric: The Altered States of Ufology. His book, Sheppton: The Myth, Miracle, and Music, was featured on Australia’s Mysterious Universe.

    He has been interviewed on podcasts, including Exploring the Bizarre with the legendary Timothy Green Beckley, Art Bell’s Midnight in the Desert with Heather Wade, and Dr. Dean Bertram’s Talking Weird. He is a respected contributor to Fate Magazine, Paranormal Underground, and Star Beacon. His previous book, Coal Region Hoodoo: Paranormal Tales from Inside the Pit, has been described as “A fascinating look into Pennsylvania’s paranormal wormhole through a never-seen-before sociolog ical and popular culture lens.”





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    11 mins
  • Explore the Anatomy of the Alien Greys
    Feb 25 2025

    The Fourth Mind is the first book ever to explore the anatomy, brains, genetics, beliefs and capabilities of the unknown entities the author refers to as "the visitors." He maintains that they have a set of abilities he describes as a "fourth mind" that include such powers as telepathy, levitation, the ability to move heavy objects without machinery, and many others.

    He then shows that there is a rich store of evidence that mankind once possessed these same powers, and that hidden knowledge of them has persisted into the 20th century.

    To explore why we lost them and how we can regain them, he takes a dive into the chaotic end of the last ice age when mass extinctions devastated the planet and mankind endured a catastrophe so terrible that it has buried by traumatic amnesia. He shows how it resulted in our loss of these powers, and describes how a forgotten event involving our visitors that took place in 1996 in Brazil holds the key to our recovery of them.

    There has never been another book like The Fourth Mind. It marks the beginning of a new way of thinking about who and what we are, and points toward the re-empowerment of mankind as a truly cosmic species.

    The Fourth Mind will be on sale as a Kindle on January 15, 2025, and as a softcover, hardcover and audiobook shortly thereafter.


    I started my writing career with the Wolfen in 1979. There have followed since over 40 books during a long writing lifetime. My books the Wolfen, the Hunger, Communion and Superstorm have all been made into films (Superstorm as the Day After Tomorrow). My series Alien Hunter was a TV series called Hunters on the SyFy Channel.

    In 1985 I had an experience of close encounter that frightened and confused me. I was injured by it but still could not believe that it had been a physical experience. It was just too strange. Still, I was very curious and began going out into the woods at night from our little upstate New York cabin to try to somehow re-engage. This worked, and the rest of my life began. I have become deeply engaged with the entities I call "the visitors" in Communion and my follow-on books, the latest of which is The Fourth Mind.

    In March of 2021, I published Jesus: A New Vision, which is a look at the life of Jesus and what happened afterward. As the scientific evidence that the Turin Shroud really is a very unusual object has grown, it seems to me that a new look at Jesus, seeing him neither as a god distant from us or as an ordinary man was essential to deepening our understanding of what his teaching means, and what his life really was.

    I have a big website, Unknowncountry.com, which concentrates on the credible edge of science and reality. It is the home of my podcast, Dreamland and offers extensive social media platforms both for subscribers and non-subscribers.

    Some of my books have been eerily predictive. Notable among these are Nature's End, published in 1987, which predicts the California and Amazon fires and warns about drought in the US midwest.

    Then there was the Superstorm, which predicted that climate change would be much more sudden and violent than was thought in 1999 when it was published. This has proved to be true.

    In 2015, my wife Anne died. Within hours, even before anybody outside of my immediate family knew what had happened, friends began calling to say that they were hearing her tell them to phone me. As this continued, it became all but indisputable to me that she really was still present. Our relationship grew into a book called Afterlife Revolution, which afterlife expert Dr. Gary Schwartz called one of the most convincing stories of afterlife communication ever written. (He wrote a foreword for the book)

    In 1970, Anne and I began a meditative practice we learned in the Gurdjieff Foundation in New York. This organization was created by Armenian teacher and philosopher Georges Gurdjieff, and is based on the idea that man is not fully conscious, but that there are methods that can change this.

    When the visitors entered my life in 1985, they used the same teaching techniques that I was familiar with from my Gurdjieff Work. So I work with them, also. I have been active in my Foundation work now for more than 50 years, 30 of which I have also worked with the visitors.

    Although I am pretty much an outcast and a pariah when it comes to the mainstream, I lead a blessed life and consider myself the luckiest of the lucky.





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    11 mins
  • Bigfoot and UFOs
    Feb 24 2025

    In his latest book, Maxim Furek, a former psychologist and rock journalist, delves into the intriguing world of Bigfoot synchronicity, embracing interdimensional theories, mass hallucinations, and Jung's collective unconscious.

    Furek's dedication to the subject is evident in the hundreds of accounts from researchers who strive to answer the question, "If it's not flesh and blood, then what is it?" This question forms the heart of the author's evocative thesis as he tirelessly scours American and Canadian records for evidence of this elusive cryptid.

    For centuries, early newspapers printed accounts of bipedal creatures, variously listed as "Wild Men," "Hairy Giants," or "Sasquatch," a narrative that has expanded into a larger scientific, religious, and paranormal reality. This reality, as Furek presents it, is a complex web of scientific theories, religious interpretations, and paranormal phenomena that intersect in the study of Bigfoot.

    Furek's investigation into the tribes of true believers congregating at conferences, campsites, and online websites is a testament to their shared philosophy and "Bigfoot's sociocultural energy." He takes issue with hoaxers, whom he charges "have sold their souls," but his respect for the believers is unwavering.

    The author challenges traditional beliefs about Bigfoot and encourages readers to embrace the seemingly impossible. After reading this book, your perspective on Sasquatch will be forever changed as you look at traditional science, anthropology, and religion through a different lens and with a different expectation.


    Former psychologist and rock journalist Maxim W. Furek is recognized as an academic and avid student of the paranormal. His eclectic background includes aspects of psychology, addictions, and popular music. He has a master’s degree in Communications from Bloomsburg University and a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Aquinas College. He has written numerous rock biographies and paranormal books, such as Coal Region Hoodoo: Paranormal Tales from Inside the Pit and Flying Saucer Esoteric: The Altered States of Ufology. His book, Sheppton: The Myth, Miracle, and Music, was featured on Australia’s Mysterious Universe.

    He has been interviewed on podcasts, including Exploring the Bizarre with the legendary Timothy Green Beckley, Art Bell’s Midnight in the Desert with Heather Wade, and Dr. Dean Bertram’s Talking Weird. He is a respected contributor to Fate Magazine, Paranormal Underground, and Star Beacon. His previous book, Coal Region Hoodoo: Paranormal Tales from Inside the Pit, has been described as “A fascinating look into Pennsylvania’s paranormal wormhole through a never-seen-before sociolog ical and popular culture lens.”





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    56 mins
  • The Anatomy and Capabilities of The Greys
    Feb 17 2025
    The Fourth Mind is the first book ever to explore the anatomy, brains, genetics, beliefs and capabilities of the unknown entities the author refers to as "the visitors." He maintains that they have a set of abilities he describes as a "fourth mind" that include such powers as telepathy, levitation, the ability to move heavy objects without machinery, and many others.He then shows that there is a rich store of evidence that mankind once possessed these same powers, and that hidden knowledge of them has persisted into the 20th century.To explore why we lost them and how we can regain them, he takes a dive into the chaotic end of the last ice age when mass extinctions devastated the planet and mankind endured a catastrophe so terrible that it has buried by traumatic amnesia. He shows how it resulted in our loss of these powers, and describes how a forgotten event involving our visitors that took place in 1996 in Brazil holds the key to our recovery of them.There has never been another book like The Fourth Mind. It marks the beginning of a new way of thinking about who and what we are, and points toward the re-empowerment of mankind as a truly cosmic species.The Fourth Mind will be on sale as a Kindle on January 15, 2025, and as a softcover, hardcover and audiobook shortly thereafter.BioI started my writing career with the Wolfen in 1979. There have followed since over 40 books during a long writing lifetime. My books the Wolfen, the Hunger, Communion and Superstorm have all been made into films (Superstorm as the Day After Tomorrow). My series Alien Hunter was a TV series called Hunters on the SyFy Channel.In 1985 I had an experience of close encounter that frightened and confused me. I was injured by it but still could not believe that it had been a physical experience. It was just too strange. Still, I was very curious and began going out into the woods at night from our little upstate New York cabin to try to somehow re-engage. This worked, and the rest of my life began. I have become deeply engaged with the entities I call "the visitors" in Communion and my follow-on books, the latest of which is The Fourth Mind.In March of 2021, I published Jesus: A New Vision, which is a look at the life of Jesus and what happened afterward. As the scientific evidence that the Turin Shroud really is a very unusual object has grown, it seems to me that a new look at Jesus, seeing him neither as a god distant from us or as an ordinary man was essential to deepening our understanding of what his teaching means, and what his life really was.I have a big website, Unknowncountry.com, which concentrates on the credible edge of science and reality. It is the home of my podcast, Dreamland and offers extensive social media platforms both for subscribers and non-subscribers.Some of my books have been eerily predictive. Notable among these are Nature's End, published in 1987, which predicts the California and Amazon fires and warns about drought in the US midwest.Then there was the Superstorm, which predicted that climate change would be much more sudden and violent than was thought in 1999 when it was published. This has proved to be true.In 2015, my wife Anne died. Within hours, even before anybody outside of my immediate family knew what had happened, friends began calling to say that they were hearing her tell them to phone me. As this continued, it became all but indisputable to me that she really was still present. Our relationship grew into a book called Afterlife Revolution, which afterlife expert Dr. Gary Schwartz called one of the most convincing stories of afterlife communication ever written. (He wrote a foreword for the book)In 1970, Anne and I began a meditative practice we learned in the Gurdjieff Foundation in New York. This organization was created by Armenian teacher and philosopher Georges Gurdjieff, and is based on the idea that man is not fully conscious, but that there are methods that can change this.When the visitors entered my life in 1985, they used the same teaching techniques that I was familiar with from my Gurdjieff Work. So I work with them, also. I have been active in my Foundation work now for more than 50 years, 30 of which I have also worked with the visitors.Although I am pretty much an outcast and a pariah when it comes to the mainstream, I lead a blessed life and consider myself the luckiest of the lucky.https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DR3WKB3Mhttps://www.unknowncountry.com/ https://www.pastliveshypnosis.co.uk/https://www.patreon.com/alienufopodcast
    Show more Show less
    58 mins