• Paul's Ephesians 5 Rape & Sex Slave Doctrine of One Flesh Coverture Laws
    Jan 10 2023

    Ephesians 5 declares woman a body object thing sack of flesh a man owns as his body ~ his sex slave. Paul glorifies rape and sex slavery as "love" as a man "loves himself". So, Saul/Paul is glorifying pathological narcissism in which a man does not regard his wife as a human being, a person, or as a child of God - but as a bodily extension of himself as a body he owns as his body. The relationship dynamic is rape and sex slavery.

    The evil of this Ephesians 5 doctrine that produced the one flesh/coverture law is obscene, profane, perverse, deplorable, wicked, blasphemous apostasy. How Christians cannot decipher the meaning of these words is a testimony of the deceiving power of satan.

    My website: www.theladyvictory.com

    Book Series: Yahshua I Know. Paul, I Don't Know.

    Big Bad Wolves Hiding Under Bible Covers: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/big-bad-wolves-hiding-under-bible-covers-the-lady-victory/1141844338

    Genesis 2 All In A Day's Work: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/genesis-2-all-in-a-days-work-the-lady-victory/1142560883

    Genesis 2 Lucifer & His Church https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/genesis-2-lucifer-his-church-the-lady-victory/1142599849

    Rachel Ablow, “‘One Flesh,’ One Person, and the 1870 Married Women’s Property Act”


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    1 hr and 1 min
  • True & False Word. The False Babylonian Church Has A Pornographic Addiction Spirit.
    Jan 9 2023

    I talk about my experience in the Saul/Paul Church that the religious sexism was a form of sexual harassment emotionally by men in which the male ego demanded female admiration. So male domination/female subjugation is a pornographic lust addiction to a female admiration from a defenseless, helpless woman in a "flirt dynamic". And these men come out with hostile sexism when their male egos are not fed with female admiration that Saul/Paul tells them "women owe men".

    It is all very Stepford impure - and I give some point of view of my own experience how impure and unholy as well as exploitative and abusive I found it all to me in these Babylonian institutional Saul/Paul churches.

    Then I talk a little about Jeremiah 31 and John 15.

    My website: www.theladyvictory.com

    Book Series: Yahshua I Know. Paul, I Don't Know.

    Big Bad Wolves Hiding Under Bible Covers: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/big-bad-wolves-hiding-under-bible-covers-the-lady-victory/1141844338

    Genesis 2 All In A Day's Work: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/genesis-2-all-in-a-days-work-the-lady-victory/1142560883

    Genesis 2 Lucifer & His Church https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/genesis-2-lucifer-his-church-the-lady-victory/1142599849

    Rachel Ablow, “‘One Flesh,’ One Person, and the 1870 Married Women’s Property Act”


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    59 mins
  • God's Fury Towards Rape & Sex Slavery False Male Headship "Scripture" of Genesis 2 & Saul/Pauline False Epistles
    Jan 8 2023

    Isaiah 51,, 52, and 66. God's fury is towards men who claim to be Christians and spew forth the wickedness of male headship teaching of male deification and female sexual slavery and rape. Reviewing this information, my fury is expressed at this wickedness.

    Rachel Ablow, “‘One Flesh,’ One Person, and the 1870 Married Women’s Property Act”


    Tales Legal Fictions Tell


    A brief history of marital rape


    My website: www.theladyvictory.com

    Book Series: Yahshua I Know. Paul, I Don't Know.

    Big Bad Wolves Hiding Under Bible Covers: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/big-bad-wolves-hiding-under-bible-covers-the-lady-victory/1141844338

    Genesis 2 All In A Day's Work: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/genesis-2-all-in-a-days-work-the-lady-victory/1142560883

    Genesis 2 Lucifer & His Church https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/genesis-2-lucifer-his-church-the-lady-victory/1142599849

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    1 hr and 1 min
  • Genesis 1 Egalitarian True Scripture Vs Genesis 2 Patriarchy & Misogyny Apostasy
    Jan 6 2023

    Genesis 2 is a Luciferian parabolic fable added to the Hebrew True Bible by nefarious actors. Genesis 2 is a pornographic rape sex slavery fantasy written by inspiration of the devil. In Genesis 2, a woman is a body a man owns as his body; not a person, human being, or child of God. She has no power of consent. Woman is defined as a sex slave body as if she is a Stepford robot with a biological material body.

    Christian men who "believe this is scripture" need their faces slapped figuratively!! They are dreaming of raping women!! Inspired by the devil!! They are filled with pride and lust!! And that is all that Saul/Paul ministers: - the pornographic fantasy of a Greco Roman mythology in which men own Stepford robot sex slave robots whose religion is to serve and worship men as SEX GODS who rape a wife at will as a sex toy a man owns as "his body."

    Come on, guys! What is wrong with you? God is not a pornographer in the sky!

    And women DO NOT have to put up with this pride, lust, and perversion preached and taught by prophets of BAAL in these false churches of Babylon that Saul/Paul founded for Constantine in Ancient Rome!


    I review how Genesis 1 and Genesis 2 are completely opposite.

    Genesis 1 is egalitarian and holy.

    Genesis 2 is a filthy pornographic lust sex slave rape fantasy written by men and for men.

    Arise women of ZION!


    Micah 4:11 Now also many nations are gathered against thee, that say, Let her be defiled, and let our eye look upon Zion.12 But they know not the thoughts of the Lord, neither understand they his counsel: for he shall gather them as the sheaves into the floor.13 Arise and thresh, O daughter of Zion: for I will make thine horn iron, and I will make thy hoofs brass: and thou shalt beat in pieces many people: and I will consecrate their gain unto the Lord, and their substance unto the Lord of the whole earth.

    Isaiah 51, 52, Malachi 2, Micah 4, 2 John, Revelation 12, etc.

    My website: www.theladyvictory.com

    Book Series: Yahshua I Know. Paul, I Don't Know.

    Big Bad Wolves Hiding Under Bible Covers: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/big-bad-wolves-hiding-under-bible-covers-the-lady-victory/1141844338

    Genesis 2 All In A Day's Work: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/genesis-2-all-in-a-days-work-the-lady-victory/1142560883

    Genesis 2 Lucifer & His Church https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/genesis-2-lucifer-his-church-the-lady-victory/1142599849

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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • Genesis 2 Antichrist Empire Worship of Men As God By False Apostle Saul/Paul
    Jan 3 2023

    Review how Genesis 2 is a false Gnostic and Luciferian Parabolic fable interjected into the Bible by Constantine and popes. This is a Greco Roman Pandora Myth added by nefarious actors corrupting God's True Hebrew Bible. This Pandora Luciferian parabolic creation fable of Genesis 2-3 teaches that woman is not a person, is not a human being, is not a child of God originally created with a spirit born of God; but is rather a lump of flesh object chattel property sex slave.

    Saul/Paul teaches the same false doctrine of male deification in 1 Corinthians 11:7 lying to state that men are "the Image and Glory of God" as false Christs in the Antichrist Empire. Saul/Paul makes men God and women non-person, non-entity prostitutes men own body and soul as men's slaves.

    This false Antichrist Empire is being taught by perverse men who have corrupted God's Word to teach that men are God as "heads" and women are things as prostitutes men own body and soul as "men's bodies."

    There is no excuse for Christians preaching and promoting this level wickedness and claiming that their teaching comes from God. This is not "the Bible" - this is Ancient Roman Empire (the Antichrist Empire) State Religious propaganda of the sexual enslavement of women to men who falsely claim to be God as "heads" of women. Pride, lust, and perversion compel men in the spirit of Lucifer to teach this wicked doctrine of Saul/Paul that women are object things owned by men as "bodies men own as men's bodies."

    My website: www.theladyvictory.com

    Book Series: Yahshua I Know. Paul, I Don't Know.

    Big Bad Wolves Hiding Under Bible Covers: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/big-bad-wolves-hiding-under-bible-covers-the-lady-victory/1141844338

    Genesis 2 All In A Day's Work: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/genesis-2-all-in-a-days-work-the-lady-victory/1142560883

    Genesis 2 Lucifer & His Church https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/genesis-2-lucifer-his-church-the-lady-victory/1142599849

    ARTICLE QUOTED: Eve, Pandora, and Plato: How Greek Myth Shaped the First Christian Woman, By Katie Brown: www.thecollector.com/pandora-plato-first-woman/

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    57 mins
  • Most Of The New Testament Forged For Constantine
    Jan 2 2023

    I review my qualifications first couple minutes. Then do an overview of the big picture of the podcast. My studies show that Genesis 1 is the authentic Hebrew Bible. Genesis 2 and 3 are a forged Pandora Luciferian fable. Matthew, Mark, and Luke are forged Ancient Roman false gospels written by Greco Roman philosophers for Ancient Roman State Religious Propaganda. Acts is a forged pro-Roman historiography introducing Saul/Paul. Saul/Paul is the fabrication of Greco Roman philosophers used to lay the foundation of the false Ancient Roman State Church Constantine established 325 AD. The entire false Ancient Roman replacement religion is written by Saul/Paul founded upon the forged Genesis 2 and 3 false Gnostic creation account. Saul/Paul is teaching that Caesar is the king of the world, all men are God/gods, and women are bodies men own as men's bodies. That people believe this is Christian theology is the result of 70% of Christians never reading the Bible cover to cover. In America, only 9% of the people have read the Bible cover to cover more than once,. Most of the Bible is forged - and church leaders are either not born-again, or they have neither read the Bible cover to cover hardly at all. Likely, they simply read cheat sheets of religious indoctrination written by "theologians" who likewise have never read the Bible cover to cover multiple times. Personally, it is my calling to minister The Full Stature Move. I was called to read the Bible for myself to learn the truth. I have read the Bible thousands of times cover to cover. Without question, the vast majority of the New Testament is forged by Greco Roman philosophers as Ancient Roman State Religious Propaganda. The forged books feature the false Christ Lucifer "who comes to make men God." These books are Gnostic.

    My website: www.theladyvictory.com

    Book Series: Yahshua I Know. Paul, I Don't Know.

    Big Bad Wolves Hiding Under Bible Covers: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/big-bad-wolves-hiding-under-bible-covers-the-lady-victory/1141844338

    Genesis 2 All In A Day's Work: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/genesis-2-all-in-a-days-work-the-lady-victory/1142560883

    Genesis 2 Lucifer & His Church https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/genesis-2-lucifer-his-church-the-lady-victory/1142599849

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    59 mins
  • Antichrist Empire Worship Of Men As God
    Sep 11 2022

    Website: www.theladyvictory.com Order Book: Big Bad Wolves Hiding Under Bible Covers Gnostic Luciferianism worships men as God. This manifests the antichrist empire like building the Tower of Babel. Worship of men as God is worship of Lucifer as God. The Apocrypha was removed from the AKJV in 1885. Fifteen gnostic books were first included in the Bible. There are many more books that need to go! We review why Ephesians 5 is the antichrist empire religion of the worship of men as God. Ephesians 5 is not authored by the Holy Spirit. Brief introduction (at the end) of how Constantine merged worship of the Roman gods with Gnostic Luciferianism to produce Ancient Roman State Religion of the Antichrist Empire false church. Paul's letters come from Constantine - not the God and King of Israel. Many forged books are in the modern New Testament today. [Please note - I just began podcasting. I've ordered a podcast mic to improve sound quality. Next podcast! :) ]

    My website: www.theladyvictory.com

    Book Series: Yahshua I Know. Paul, I Don't Know.

    Big Bad Wolves Hiding Under Bible Covers: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/big-bad-wolves-hiding-under-bible-covers-the-lady-victory/1141844338

    Genesis 2 All In A Day's Work: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/genesis-2-all-in-a-days-work-the-lady-victory/1142560883

    Genesis 2 Lucifer & His Church https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/genesis-2-lucifer-his-church-the-lady-victory/1142599849

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    58 mins