
  • Are we living in simulation?
    Feb 11 2025
    This week, using Thomas Campbell's book trilogy, "My Big Toe", as a reference point, we do a deep dive into consciousness, the meaning of life, artificial intelligence, and whether we're actually living in a simulation.
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    1 hr and 13 mins
  • Marcus Crassus-The original Mark Zuckerberg and a worthy rival of Julius Caesar.
    Jan 14 2025
    This week, we dive into Roman history and discuss one of Julius Caesar's greatest rival, Marcus Crassus. Remembered as a mere side character in the story of Julius Caesar, Crassus was a great man in his own right. Crassus was not only known as the "richest man in Rome", he also defeated Spartacus and ruthlessly ended the largest slave rebellion in Roman history. Marcus Crassus, Julius Caesar, and Pompey Magnus formed the first triumvirate, and through their collective power, wealth, talent, and competition was able to impose their will on the Roman state. The modern parallel between powerful men such as Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg and their competition is also discussed.
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    1 hr and 6 mins
  • Brooks Corley:Correctional Peace Officer, Voice actor, audiobook narrator.
    Jan 4 2025
    This week, we got the awesome opportunity to chat it up with Brooks Corley: Voice Actor, Correctional Peace Officer, Martial arts Black Belt, and audio book narrator!! We learned about how he got his start as a Correctional Peace Officer, what his life is like holding such an admiral position, and about how he got started in the voice acting industry! We had a blast this episode!
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    1 hr and 23 mins
  • Attorney Dave Knadler: Son of a Green Beret, USMC Boot Camp graduate turn Army Veteran, and Attorney at law!
    Dec 16 2024
    This week, we had an awesome conversation with Attorney Dave Knadler, who shared priceless stories with us about his life growing up with a Green Beret veteran as a father. He discussed how it impacted his decision to join the United States Marine Corp reserves, switch to the army upon boot camp graduation, and ultimately become an attorney at law! We got a chance to hear the untold stories and of living American heroes you may not have yet heard about!
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    1 hr and 31 mins
  • Maximilian-The younger brother that became the last Emperor of Mexico.
    Dec 9 2024
    This week we discuss the story of Maximilian of Austria [ citing "The Last Emperor of Mexico" by Edward Shawcross] and how he went on to become the (short-lived) emperor of Mexico in the 1860s. We also discussed how his relationship with his older brother and throne successor, Franz Joseph, played a role in his desire to answer such far-reaching call. We further expound uoon the age-old tale of sibling rivalry and how oftentimes younger siblings may overcompensate from fear of being stuck in the permanent shadows of the older siblings, and what parents/guardians can do to eliminate unhealthy sibling rivalry.
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    50 mins
  • Do Termites have Souls?
    Dec 2 2024
    This week we have an In-Depth conversation about termites , how they function as a colony, shocking discoveries that they have INDIVIDUAL personalities instead of being mindless workers they were once thought to be, and why billions of dollars are currently being used to try and mimic their peculiar capabilities.
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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • Prehistoric Advanced Civilizations-Flood myths, Pyramids, and Ancient Maps.
    Nov 25 2024
    This week we discuss possible evidence of the existence of an ancient, ADVANCED, Prehistoric civilization that may have existed long before the current, commonly accepted time-line of human existence. We reference a book by Graham Hancock, "Fingerprint of the gods", in which he shares his findings that would lead one to deduce an advanced civilization may have already have existed. In his book, Hancock outlines several reasons for his theory- the most notable ones alluding to many occurrences that are mentioned in the Bible such as a Recurring christ-like figure showing up in various ancient civilizations throughout the world, 500 something different stories of a CASTASTROPHIC great flood being used as a reset tool to keep humans in check, more.
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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • P.DIDdy and the masks people wear.
    Nov 4 2024
    Today we were joined by Psychology graduate, Mother, Wife, And Attorney at Law, Trinicia F., to discuss the psychology behind why is it that we oftentimes see ultra-successful individuals exhibit traits of Dissociative Identity Disorder aka D.I.D., and how the negative aspects of said Disorder can lead them to do terrible things in their private lives while at the same time creating beautiful art in their public lives. We look at possible examples like R. Kelly, P. Diddy and others. We also discuss what it means to be human- even as a celebrity, and how we all exhibit multiple personalities to an extent.
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    56 mins