Welcome to the third episode of the FarmTogether Investing Podcast, brought to you by a partnership between FarmTogether, a sustainability-minded investment company, and Acres U.S.A., the Voice of Eco-Agriculture. The goal of this series is to help you understand how farmland can be an investment tool, why it works, and how it can help support sustainability and the regenerative farming movement. In this episode, we will talk about the current state of farmland and what is threatening it, how these types of investments can help drive sustainability, and get to the bottom line — what is the value of investing and let’s talk real-world examples.
Welcome to episode 3 of the Farm Together podcast, where we will teach you about new ways to invest in an age-old asset class of our country’s farmland. I am Ryan Slabaugh, GM of Acres U.S.A., and I will be your host. I am joined today by David Chan, founding team member & COO of Farm Together.