
  • Ep 66 - The Princess Bride (1987)
    Apr 7 2021

    Daniel is revealed to be The Dread Pirate Roberts, Harrison reads his grandson a book and the two say As You Wish as they review: The Princess Bride (1987)


    Movie Summary: 02:00

    Spoiler-Free Review: 03:47 Seconds

    See it or Not: 08:48 Seconds

    Spoiler Review: 09:43 Seconds

    What we Liked/Didn't Like: 25:16 Seconds

    What we would Change: 34:30 Seconds

    What we Rate It: 34:38 Seconds

    The Princess Bride's IMDb Page: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0093779/

    The Network's Socials and Patreon:

    Twitter Instagram Patreon

    Daniel's Socials:

    Twitter Instagram Twitch

    Harrison's Socials:

    Twitter Twitch

    Show more Show less
    39 mins
  • Ep 65 - Mortal Kombat (1995)
    Mar 31 2021

    Daniel gets thrown by Goro, Harrison accidently goes to Outworld and the two compete in the tournament known only as Mortal Kombat as they review: Mortal Kombat (1995)


    Movie Summary: 01:19 Seconds

    Spoiler-Free Review: 02:07 Seconds

    See it or Not: 15:31 Seconds

    Spoiler Review: 16:54 Seconds

    What we Liked/Didn't Like: 01:04:35 Seconds

    What we would Change: 01:29:27 Seconds

    What we Rate It: 01:33:50 Seconds

    Mortal Kombat's IMDb Page: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0113855/

    The Network's Socials and Patreon:

    Twitter Instagram Patreon

    Daniel's Socials:

    Twitter Instagram

    Harrison's Socials:

    Twitter Twitch

    Show more Show less
    1 hr and 37 mins
  • Ep 64 - Tenet (2020) Feat: Brendan
    Mar 24 2021

    Daniel correctly speaks backwards on the fly, Brendan asks a question about The Justice League and the two invert then re-invert as they review: Tenet (2020)


    Movie Summary: 03:28 Seconds

    Spoiler-Free Review: 05:41 Seconds

    See it or Not: 22:40 Seconds

    Spoiler Review: 23:43 Seconds

    What we Liked/Didn't Like: 52:18 Seconds

    What we would Change: 01:15:35 Seconds

    Question Time: 01:30:38 Seconds

    What we Rate It: 01:53:15 Seconds

    Tenet's IMDb Page: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6723592/

    The Episode Includes the Voices of:

    John David Washington as The Protagonist

    Robert Pattinson as Neil

    Martin Donovan as Fay

    The Network's Socials and Patreon:

    Twitter Instagram Patreon

    Brendan's Socials:


    Daniel's Socials:

    Twitter Instagram

    Harrison's Socials:

    Twitter Twitch

    Show more Show less
    2 hrs and 3 mins
  • Ep 63 - The Umbrella Academy Season 2 (2020) Part 5
    Mar 18 2021

    Daniel fights all of The Commission, Harrison has been waiting for five weeks and the two finish the second season as they review: The Umbrella Academy Season 2 (2020) Part 5


    Ep 9: 00:38 Seconds

    Ep 10: 33:32 Seconds

    Final Thoughts: 01:13:03 Seconds

    What we Rate It: 01:26:29 Seconds

    Main Prediction for Season 3: 01:27:18 Seconds

    The Umbrella Academy's IMDb Page: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1312171/

    The Network's Socials and Patreon:

    Twitter Instagram Patreon

    Daniel's Socials:

    Twitter Instagram

    Harrison's Socials:

    Twitter Twitch

    Show more Show less
    Less than 1 minute
  • Ep 62 - Justice League (2017) Feat: Cameron
    Mar 17 2021

    Daniel has multiple mental breakdowns, Harrison applies real world physics to a fake world, Cameron is keen for The Snyder Cut and the three are really tired as they review: Justice League (2017)


    Movie Summary: 01:42 Seconds

    Spoiler-Free Review (Just a heads up, they spoiler everything from the get-go): 04:254 Seconds

    See it or Not: 46:44 Seconds

    Spoiler Review: 49:26 Seconds

    What we Liked/Didn't Like: 01:25:08 Seconds

    What we would Change: 01:31:31 Seconds

    What we Rate It: 01:32:25 Seconds

    Justice League's IMDb Page: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0974015/

    The Network's Socials and Patreon:

    Twitter Instagram Patreon

    Cameron's Socials:

    Twitter Twitch

    Daniel's Socials:

    Twitter Instagram

    Harrison's Socials:

    Twitter Twitch

    Show more Show less
    1 hr and 39 mins
  • Ep 61 - The Umbrella Academy Season 2 (2020) Part 4
    Mar 11 2021

    Daniel experiences Paradox Psychosis, Harrison calls someone from the phonebook and the two meet their older selves as they review: The Umbrella Academy Season 2 (2020) Part 4


    Ep 7: 00:59 Seconds

    Ep 8: 43:24 Seconds

    The Umbrella Academy's IMDb Page: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1312171/

    The Network's Socials and Patreon:

    Twitter Instagram Patreon

    Daniel's Socials:

    Twitter Instagram

    Harrison's Socials:

    Twitter Twitch

    Show more Show less
    1 hr and 12 mins
  • Ep 60 - Wonder Woman (2017)
    Mar 10 2021

    Daniel tries to fight Aries with half a brick, Harrison gets Lasso of Truthed and the two yell SHIELD as they review: Wonder Woman (2017)


    Movie Summary: 00:50 Seconds

    Spoiler-Free Review: 01:47 Seconds

    See it or Not: 06:11 Seconds

    Spoiler Review: 07:32 Seconds

    What we Liked/Didn't Like: 27:17 Seconds

    What we would Change: 41:30 Seconds

    What we Rate It: 42:41 Seconds

    Wonder Woman's IMDb Page: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0451279/

    The Network's Socials and Patreon:

    Twitter Instagram Patreon

    Daniel's Socials:

    Twitter Instagram

    Harrison's Socials:

    Twitter Twitch

    Show more Show less
    47 mins
  • Ep 59 - The Umbrella Academy Season 2 (2020) Part 3
    Mar 4 2021

    Daniel figures out that Grace is actually The Predator, Harrison is terrible at Operation and the two love Pogo as they review: The Umbrella Academy Season 2 (2020) Part 3


    Ep 5: 00:47 Seconds

    Ep 6: 42:11 Seconds

    The Umbrella Academy's IMDb Page: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1312171/

    The Network's Socials and Patreon:

    Twitter Instagram Patreon

    Daniel's Socials:

    Twitter Instagram

    Harrison's Socials:

    Twitter Twitch

    Show more Show less
    1 hr and 15 mins