
  • Beyond Blame: Understanding Workplace Burnout, by Jonathan H. Westover PhD
    Oct 1 2024

    Abstract: Burnout presents a significant challenge for organizations seeking to promote employee well-being and performance. However, traditional views often attribute burnout to individual weaknesses rather than systemic causes embedded within workplace conditions and culture. This article provides a foundation for shifting perspectives on burnout's antecedents by reviewing recent empirical studies on its defining characteristics and underlying workplace factors. Drawing from Maslach and Leiter's areas of worklife model, the brief examines how sustained imbalances across domains like workload, control, reward and values can fuel burnout over time. Practical applications are proposed for consultants and leaders to adopt a proactive, systems-oriented approach through activities like engagement surveys, open communication, values alignment and iterative cultural improvements. The goal is to foster organizational environments and conditions aligned with innate human needs for autonomy, competence and relatedness shown to sustain motivation and resilience in the long term.

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    11 mins
  • Leading with Heart: The Importance of Emotional Intelligence for Effective 21st Century Leadership, by Jonathan H. Westover PhD
    Oct 1 2024

    Abstract: This article examines the importance of emotional intelligence for effective 21st century leadership. It defines emotional intelligence as having four key components - self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management - which allow leaders to connect with others, navigate social situations effectively, and make well-rounded decisions. A review of research finds strong correlations between higher emotional intelligence and stronger leadership abilities across industries, as emotionally intelligent leaders inspire higher employee engagement, make strategic choices considering both logic and emotions, and effectively develop talent through understanding others' perspectives. The article provides practical strategies for leaders to develop their emotional skills and illustrates real-world examples, arguing that focusing on emotional intelligence through self-reflection, active listening, role-playing, and soliciting regular feedback is crucial for leaders seeking to reach their full leadership potential and positively transform their organizations.

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    11 mins
  • The Dark Side of Forced Positivity: Why Faking Positive Emotions Can Backfire at Work, with Jonathan H. Westover PhD
    Sep 30 2024

    Abstract: This article explores the potential costs of enforcing strict positivity norms and emotional display rules in organizational settings. It examines the concepts of emotional labor and surface acting through a review of the academic literature documenting the personal and interpersonal tolls of dissociating outward affect from inner feelings over prolonged periods. Two real-world examples are provided of companies where mandated positivity policies backfired by damaging employee well-being, engagement, and productivity. Drawing from emotional labor theory and research on compassionate cultures, guidelines are offered for leaders seeking healthier ways to cultivate optimism without compromising psychological safety or problem-solving capacity. Specifically, the brief recommends permitting genuine expression of a full range of emotions, focusing feedback on competence rather than smiles, fostering employee autonomy, and modeling self-care behaviors. Overall, the potential damage of forcing positivity at work is examined, with practical implications discussed for balancing positivity with safety and performance.

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    9 mins
  • Preparing the Workforce for Ethical, Responsible and Trustworthy AI, by Jonathan H. Westover PhD
    Sep 30 2024

    Abstract: This article proposes a holistic multi-pronged strategy for establishing an ethical workforce ready for the rise of AI, beginning with examining the current AI landscape and projections of jobs impacted to understand organizational preparedness needs. Key elements include developing an ethical framework through stakeholder engagement outlining shared principles for responsibility; implementing comprehensive technical and soft-skills training programs; creating new dedicated ethics and data governance roles while expanding existing functions to oversee AI accountability; and integrating metrics and career pathways tied to system and process assessments through an ethical lens to drive cultural normalization. Continuous self-evaluation through qualitative and quantitative metrics aids transparency, justification of investment, and framework improvement. The goal of proactively cultivating stewardship abilities across all functions through values clarification, tailored learning, distributed responsibilities, and self-reflection is positioned as exemplary leadership guiding technology's societal impacts amid workplace transformations from emerging technologies.

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    9 mins
  • If You're So Successful, Why Are You Still Working 70 Hours a Week? Exploring the Costs and Benefits of an Always-On Work Culture, by Jonathan H. Westover PhD
    Sep 29 2024

    Abstract: This article explores the costs and benefits of working excessively long hours through an analysis of academic research and real-world industry examples. It argues that while dedication and hard work have driven success initially for many professionals, an "always on" culture risks normalizing unsustainable practices that undermine well-being in the long run. extensive research documents the negative impacts of chronic overwork on physical health, mental health, job satisfaction, and productivity. However, evidence also suggests that balanced boundaries between work and personal life can yield individual rewards like reduced stress and organizational rewards like stronger engagement and innovation. The article provides strategies for professionals and leaders to strike a balance appropriate for their context, through mechanisms like clearly communicating expectations, measuring outcomes over hours, guarding time for learning and relationships, and role modeling boundaries. With care and intention, even competitive industries can promote sustainable success over the long term.

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    12 mins
  • How AI Use Will Increase the Value of Soft Skills at Work, by Jonathan H. Westover PhD
    Sep 29 2024

    Abstract: This article discusses research on how artificial intelligence (AI) is impacting the skills needed for jobs. As AI automates routine tasks, studies find that cognitive and soft skills will become more important for problem-solving, collaboration, and interacting with technologies. Soft skills like communication, emotional intelligence, and adaptability will grow in value as humans work synergistically with AI. These skills are universally applicable and allow people to manage complex social situations that AI cannot yet handle. As jobs evolve rapidly with AI, soft skills also facilitate lifelong learning and strategic thinking. The article explores why soft skills will rise in prominence through several compelling reasons, including humans' continued superiority in managing social relationships and AI's role complementing rather than replacing people. It also outlines strategies for organizations to develop soft skills training, job design emphasizing human-AI strengths, and supportive cultures and leadership. Industry examples demonstrate how focusing on soft skills unlocks AI's full business benefits and ensures employees can thrive as work transforms.

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    13 mins
  • Talking to Employees About Performance Issues: A Collaborative Approach, by Jonathan H. Westover PhD
    Sep 28 2024

    Abstract: This article provides guidelines for managers on conducting effective performance discussions with employees who are failing to meet expectations. Drawing on an extensive body of academic research, it outlines best practices for planning, framing, and conducting performance conversations in a collaborative manner focused on employee development rather than punishment. The article explains how taking a coaching approach, focusing on objective performance data, understanding multiple perspectives, and jointly creating solutions leads to more constructive dialogues and sustainable performance improvement. Specific recommendations are offered around preparation, framing discussions factually yet supportively, and follow-up. An example scenario brings these strategies to life. The article argues that performance management handles as caring, collaborative processes create the conditions for open communication and real, lasting change.

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    12 mins
  • Future-Proofing Your Organization: Key Principles for Leading Through the AI Transition, by Jonathan H. Westover PhD
    Sep 28 2024

    Abstract: As artificial intelligence (AI) advances rapidly, organizations must develop meaningful long-term strategies to realize opportunities and mitigate risks, as academic research shows AI will significantly impact over 50% of jobs by 2030, requiring workforce planning, while industries like travel agencies have faced disruption from failing to adapt to digital technologies like AI. Effective AI strategies include establishing integrated 3-5 year technology roadmaps that articulate adoption timelines, skill development, and business transformations, identifying core capabilities to augment with AI, such as diagnostics for healthcare, while data and technology foundations are also critical for deploying AI projects at scale and continuous skills training is needed to fill emerging roles and offset potential job losses. The article discusses strategic considerations for industries like healthcare, where strategies focus on augmenting clinicians, standardizing data, and establishing governance, transportation organizations must plan for autonomous vehicle testing and adoption, and reskill mechanics, and financial institutions can develop robo-advisors and lending platforms while modernizing legacy systems. Therefore, organizational leaders need such integrated roadmaps and ongoing governance to leverage AI's productivity benefits while guiding responsible adoption and workforce evolution amid ongoing disruption through proactive strategic planning that will help direct, rather than undergo, technological transformation.

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    13 mins