Sep 16 2024
    There has been a major shift in the animal kingdom as it prepares to lead the way in the ascension or our Mother Earth and humanity. Animals hold frequency and because of their close relationship with Mother Earth and Humanity, they serve as a conduit of these higher frequencies. The Animals are now preparing for their New Role as the Healers and Teachers of the ascending humans not as sources of food to be fed upon but as teachers of compassion, unconditional love, and how to work with, absorb and hold the frequencies of our Mother Earth and the Deva Kingdom. Many of you have recently lost your animal companions. I feel deeply your pain and loss! This can be devastating for star seeds of our ascending infinite human family since our animals are often the only living beings that we can fully understand and love us without conditions.. But know first there is NO DEATH only transformation of form. And the souls of our beloved pets do come back to us in other forms or if not they are clearing the way for a higher soul to come to you and work with you supporting you to these higher frequencies. Our Guest Amma Sol will share her experiences as an animal Guardian and empath and her journey rescuing animals from slaughterhouses and all kinds of trauma. We will talk about the transition away from seeing animals a walking sources of meat or hard labor and as companions and spiritual teachers to l be loved, honored and respected as sovereign living beings. In Mexico, I spoke with New Earth community leaders who were forming animal “husbandry” simply making parallel moves from the finite Earth to a sudo “new” earth while maintaining the same practices of the old Earth not transiting onto the higher frequencies of the KRYSTALA spiral of LIFE frequencies but maintain the path of the Fib-o NOT CHI spiral of Death parasitising off of the animal kingdom. This is not about shaming people who eat meat because in the lower frequencies, this is what we were programmed to do and many still may need to do this for a while. But know this on the highest manifestation of Earth before the FALL Humans were breatharians and had no digestive tract and we are moving back to the future and towards this. Many of you have been experiencing digestive issues as our food becomes increasingly more toxic. The cure for this is for us to come together in communities and grow our own food. I became a vegetarian in 1992 but due to my life story and the ascending frequencies I have had a “multidimensional” diet but have recently corrected all my digestive woes by eating only fruits and vegetables which cleans out the mucoid plague and allowed me to finally lose weight and pull my entire body up to a much higher frequency! The truth is the time has come to expand our love for animals to all animals not just dogs and cats but the lambs and cows and chickens that want to love us too
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    1 hr
    Sep 9 2024
    A powerful SHIFT has occurred due to the 888 Lion’s Gate portal through Siris B producing a massive influx of energy to our planet, colossal solar flares pushed the Schumann Resonance to a new level! This is a joyous occasion for our Mother Earth who has entered a whole new frequency! The New Earth is here! The Krystal River Fail Safe Host is taking hold and the KRYSTALA Spiral is reaching massive amounts of quantum coupled with the Nomi Wave which has cleared the fallen angelic’s demonic trumpet pulses and is allowing us to move into a new octave cycle of uplifting positive energy! These next eight years we will have the opportunity to co-create the kind of world we want to LIVE by aligning with INFINITE SOURCE and the KRYSTALA spiral of LIFE! It is a rare opportunity to make all your dreams come true and they WILL come true! Many of us will be called to co- create and participate in NEW EARTH communities. These will be strategically positioned hubs around our Mother Earth where we will serve as the Guardians of our Mother Earth maintaining the extremely high frequencies. They will become the prototype communities of the New Earth where people will come to be healed, to learn, co create and to restore their divine blueprint! These will be true Krystic cloisters that will serve to stabilize and disperse the incoming frequencies helping our Mother Earth in her ascension and restoration of her divine blueprint. The First wave of Volunteers are The FOUNDER RACES highly genetically encrypted divine infinite angelic beings who volunteered to come to this Time Matrix to BE THE CHANGE and help to make our Mother Earth and our entire UNI-verse transmute its darkness and re-align with the KRYSTALA path of ASCENSION moving onto the KRYSTALA Spiral of LIFE. These highly evolved beings have been hidden in and out of time for their own safety and are waking up now from their comatose state of unawareness. These are the leaders who will create leaders, the founders of the New Earth. But it ALL begins and ends WITHIN YOU!
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    Sep 2 2024
    Elizabeth Monroy will be joined by Voice America Producer Tacy Trump and Harrison Ide Social Media Director to discuss the creation of The Infinite Human Talk Show which is based on the book The Infinite Human which Elizabeth wrote with her husband and twin soul Doctor Peter Monroy to serve as a foundation for a New Infinite Earth. She will be revealing the birth of the Infinite Human Foundation a Non-profit foundation and its mission to create products, publications, pilgrimages, conscious films, media, educational experiences, events, and eco- communities etcetera that excite, inspire, and support the creative imagination and uniqueness of individuals as the co-creators of an infinite new reality and NEW EARTH in alignment with the KRYSTALA SPIRAL OF LIFE leading us back HOME to Infinite Source! She will discuss her plans to create eco-village epicenters of advanced spiritual sciences called infinite human YOUniversites where people can come together to learn about themselves and co -create, grounded in new earth communities that live in harmony with our Mother Earth
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    1 hr
    Aug 26 2024
    INTEGRATING THE MASSIVE ASCENSION ENERGIES!!! TO MAKE THE SHIFT INTO YOUR MUCH-DESERVED UPGRADE!!! Our planet and all its life forms are experiencing a massive influx of energy. The Schumann Resonance has jumped into a new frequency. Colossal Solar flares are being unleashed within our Earth’s biofield. This is all happening with the intensity of upgrading. Everything from the smallest grade of grass is being upgraded in frequency as our Mother Earth steps up her ascension! This can be very traumatic for animals, plants and humans who are unprepared and challenging for the most evolved souls who are massively upgrading their physical bodies to become the leader and founders of the New Earth!. Many attachments, implants and overlays in the ethic body are purging creating healing crisis and dark nights of the soul scenarios as people release eons of karmic patterns and trauma. This is all happening so you can receive your long awaited upgrades and take your position as the Guardians of Mother Earth. So you can be the leaders who create leaders and the founders of The New Earth! Elizabeth Monroy will discuss ways you can support yourself and others in this massive ascension into the higher frequencies. Practices you can do to help you accrue more DNA strands and embody more of your higher selves into the physical. She will also address how you can learn to discern what is true and false light and above all begin to trust yourself to make wise decisions that support your perusal ascension and soul mission. How you can KNOW where you need to be, what you need to be doing and whom you need to be with.
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    1 hr
    Aug 19 2024
    DISCUSSIONS WITH DAVID EMERY ABOUT THE INCOMING ASCENSION ENERGIES AND HOW THEY ARE AFFECTING OUR BODIES AND MOTHER EARTH! David Emery discusses the incoming Ascension and how they are affecting our bodies and our Mother Earth. We also talk about the Forbidden Truth that should have been included our Holy Bible! Which is part of our recovering our memories and knowing who we are and why we came here and where we are from. This is a key factor in our ascension process! We will show how a failsafe program created over 260 Billion years ago has been activated and is currently restoring all the distortions in our multiverse and inside of us through internal Creation. We will expose the root cause of the disharmony and parasitic entities that entered our time matrix Infecting our time matrix with the victim /victimizer programming creating the blame game and the martyr/victim/ persecutor dramas we see playing out at large scale throughout our Earth’s history and today. We discuss how this needs to be corrected internally inside of each of us as we rewrite our life story to become our heroic self our True self and the one that will ascend out of this prison matrix of the mind and free all our other identities! We discuss how to use best the ascending energies of the Krystal River Fail-Safe Host, photonic light wave, and the nome silver seed to restore our Divine blueprint to complete our heroic journey home. We also discuss many of the ascension symptoms you may be feeling and how to deal with them, Why you may feel alone, and crazy at times as your psychic abilities kick in and have physical challenges, and how to best clear the lower frequencies and release seals, blocks, implants and miasmas locked into your physical and ethical bodies.
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    Aug 12 2024
    Bio Cyncing to our Mother Earth! In our crazy world where ALL media has been infiltrated and at times You may scream silently at the latest insanity the world is parading around as truth! Or perhaps you are on overload from the latest breaking news of full disclosure! Perhaps on this awakening journey you are more confused and are wishing about now you had taken the blue pill? Perhaps you have no idea what is true anymore??? The ultimate Truth is EVERYTHING IS ENERGY. So of course if you look to The external world of manifest creation and all it variations and distortions of ENERGY you will always be confused. You must go to the Infinite source of all Creation to KNOW THE TRUTH and this infinite Source is inside of YOU! So ultimately It all goes back to KNOW THY SELF since you are indeed infinite, all that is, ever has been and Ever will be! Which ultimately means you are…well everything! THE BIGGEST LIE EVER TOLD TO THE HUMAN was that we were separate from all creation. That God was something outside of us our mother Earth, the trees and mountains were non living things for our exploitation . We never thought of how interconnected we are and how what happens to our planet directly affects us! This is how the fallen finite parasites took control of us by taking over the energetic template of our Mother Earth, her ley lines, her star gates her dragon nodes. They took control of the holographic template that runs your software! As she fell so did the angelic humans! THE GOOD NEWS! Our Earth’s holographic template as well as the template of our entire UNIverse is being restored! But we must wake up to the truth and our true power so we can influence and interact with the world around us on an energetic level! This was the secret knowledge that the ancients held. This is where the true power lies and what the parasites do not want you to know! There was a time when this was the way we manifested everything! These abilities are coming back online with greater quantum! Which explains why the external world is desperately trying to get you to “pay” your attention outside of yourself so you will not discover that true power within you! This week we will have Fay Semple from England which holds the most ley lines on our Earth’s template! She is a Spiritual entrepreneur, psychic, wisdom holder of earth magic, nature lover, geomancer, dowser, mother of 2 and perpetually curious seeker of knowledge and learning. Her gift is enabling women to work with their higher self, energy and spirit at the deepest level to co-create a reality that supports them in their success. In our Last episode we discussed how The Women will give Birth to the New Earth and Fey will is here to support us in reclaiming this ancient wisdom and power that is returning to us! Also the learned David Emery is back to discuss the keylonic creations mechanics of our multiverse and how the Krystal River fail safe host and the nomi seed .
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    1 hr
    Aug 5 2024
    EVERYTHING IS ENERGY AND ENERGY DOES NOT LIE! Learn how to fine tune your abilities to tune into and work with ENERGY! Fay is spiritual geomancer who specialises in the energetic bond between people, their projects and business's and the places they live and work. Fay helps people utiliise the ancient science of geomancy in their contemporary lives to create home and work spaces to support their activities, and sacred spaces to facilitate altered states of consciousness. Fay believes that ancient beliefs and modern-day breakthroughs provide opportunities to use the powerful forces of earth energy to conjure the extraordinary and achieve the unimaginable. People, project and place is a sacred trinity that allows us to explore our human potential by working collaboratively with energy and consciousness outside of ourselves, and to bring our creations into pulsing life in a way that serves the needs of the world with integrity and love, and honours all life and the beings with which we share our world and cosmos. We will be discussing leylines, geomancy and why you live where you do, it is no coincident and how to clear up your living environment for optimize energetic patterns and frequencies for your soul mission. Aslo how to co- create with the DEVA kingdom.
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    1 hr
    Jul 29 2024
    The Return of the Goddesses Scattered throughout our Earth are ancient stones that hold the secrets of the Golden Age of the Goddess when our MOTHER EARTH was in perfect balance with the higher frequencies of unity, harmony, ONEness and LOVE. Who were these Goddesses who held our Earth in this divine balance? These were women who had obtain the perfect inner balance of the magnetic divine feminine and electric divine masculine. These women were the embodiment of the Eternal Mother made manifest. One summer’s night our Mother Earth was stolen from us. Her ley lines were polluted and her divine template was hijacked. This was the Fall of our Earth from Paradise and of women kind as Guardians of our Mother Earth.This was the beginning of End resulting in the 3D world you see today void of love, our eternal mother, the divine feminine and divine masculine working in perfect harmony. Unspeakable atrocities and traumas occurred to created both wounded males and females creating victim- victimizer programming. Women were banished from the light of their internal luminosity and power into the shadowy lunar recesses as dark masculine off planet patriarchal entities conquested our Mother Earth. Females were only keep alive to serve as breeders for the demonic spawn of the conquering races. This degradation of being torn from our positions as Goddess Guardians to serve as breedesr has created many miasma distortions in the female physic as can been seen by all kinds of female dis-eases mental and physical though out the ages. But the enduring feminine spirit found a way to survive and found her power in the home and hearth doing her best to influence the men who held power around her. These scarps of power were all we had throughout the dark eons. But the tides have changed and as we ascend the female collective is shedding her lunar harnesses and stepping out of the shadows into the her eternal inner Krystos of power. She will give brith to a new earth where the deck is no longer stacked against her. She will return to her rightful place and the Goddess, the Grandmother the Guardian clearing the way for her grandchildren and future generations to live freely in alignment with Infinite God Source! That Day has come!
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    1 hr