• The Holy Spirit Snitched on Me!! Season 1 Finale STORY TIME
    Dec 30 2024

    In true Live Out Loud fashion, I'm ending season 1 by straight up exposing myself in the name of bringing God glory 🤣 And before anyone says anything... a "snitch" is simply an informer. The Holy Spirit informed my parents of my shenanigans and foolishness many a times and guess what? Thank God He did. Getting caught in lies and having to regain my parent's trust taught me so much about the God that I serve. He wants His very BEST for me. And I can assure you God's best doesn't include getting drunk and making spaghetti at 3am (spoiler alert). All jokes aside, the Holy Spirit is the greatest gift in the life of a Christian. He makes it possible for us to hear from God and commune with Jesus. He leads us into truth and helps us to make decisions. He brings Scripture to our remembrance in times of need. He also tells our parents when we're actin' a FOOL. As this season draws to a close, I pray the last 10 episodes have offered encouragement in your walk with God and joy to your daily life, drawing you closer to Jesus every step of the way. Season 2 coming 2025!!!

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    31 mins
  • Living in the Tension of "Not Yet"
    Dec 16 2024

    One of the hardest positions I've ever found myself in is knowing something is so close, yet still having to remain more patient and hopeful than ever before. Whether it be starting a family, getting a new job, marrying the love of your life, or for the second coming of Christ, every Christian on planet earth is waiting for something. Heck the Bible even tells us creation itself is groaning as it eagerly looks forward to the return of Jesus (Romans 8:20-23)!! So now the question is... How do we live in this tension? While our emotions may try to deceive us into believing He isn't a Promise Keeper, how do we grow closer to God in this "not yet"? Well, I have some thoughts... and from personal experience it requires more vulnerability and honesty with God than you might've ever imagined. In the midst of every trial, waiting, and wilderness, relationship with Jesus is the only way we'll make it through. I pray this episode leaves you feeling hopeful and excited to live life with God in every circumstance. I love you!!! Be blessed, sweet friends.

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    34 mins
  • I Stopped Weighing Myself: How Jesus Healed My Body Image
    Dec 2 2024

    As the year draws to a close, now is the time we start setting fitness goals and thinking about implementing lifestyle changes. That's great! But if you've struggled with body image or insecurities like me, before we hit the gym, we have to hit our knees. Before we prep our meals, we need to prep our hearts. In this deeply personal episode, I’m finally sharing my story of overcoming struggles with body image, body dysmorphia, and the insecurities that held me captive for years. For the longest time, I struggled with my self-worth, allowing the number on a scale and societal standards of beauty to define how I saw myself. But through God's grace and guidance, I've learned that true transformation starts from within — believing that I was created in God's image. That truth must be what motivates us. We're temples of the Living God! I pray this episode encourages you to invite Jesus into your health and wellness journey, allowing Him to correct any lies you may believe and fully heal all wounds that you may carry. I love you! So much! Be blessed, friends.

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    32 mins
  • You're Single... Now What?
    Nov 25 2024

    Our Instagram feeds are flooded with "day in the life" videos, but what if your life doesn't look like theirs? What does it look like to live fully in singleness while preparing for the future you're praying for? We may not have extra mouths to feed in the morning or little hands to clean up after yet, but that doesn't mean our lives aren't filled with purpose right now. How we live today matters. How we choose to spend the days we have been given will directly impact the years to come, especially when our time isn't just ours anymore. This episode shares 5 practical tips for the day-to-day life of a single that will lead to greater dependency on Jesus. Let's use singleness and every season we'll ever walk through as an opportunity to grow with and lean on the God who walks with us. Be blessed, friends! I love you :)

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    27 mins
  • How to *actually* Get out of a Spiritual Funk...
    Nov 4 2024

    Dry seasons, spiritual funks, spiritual slumps, ruts, wildernesses, whatever you wanna call em— no Christian wants to find themselves feeling far from God, yet the reality is so many of us at times do. The longer we go without opening our Bibles or saying a prayer, the more we become convinced that it's too late, we're too deep into it, and there's no way God would even want to talk to us anymore. As the kids say these days...THAT'S CAP. In this episode I'm calling the devil out for the liar that he is, but more importantly reminding you of the TRUTH of the Gospel. In my personal experience, conversations and teachings on this topic have left me 1) feeling shame and condemnation for even getting to that point and/or 2) no practical application on how to actually get out of the rut I've found myself in. This episode provides not only steps that can be immediately applied, but also the why behind it all. I pray that as you listen, you leave feeling encouraged, equipped, and fiercely loved by God.

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    42 mins
  • My Dating Experience as a 25-Year-Old Virgin
    Oct 28 2024

    Buckle up babes… from secret boyfriends to hinge date disasters, we’re going on a detailed journey through my dating life. In a world that has completely normalized premarital sex, what has it looked like for me to navigate dating, relationships, and my virginity? Well, I'm gonna tell ya! In this episode I disclose details I never imagined sharing publicly.... Rebellion. Disobedience. Damaging my parents' trust. Fracturing my identity. All stemming from my attempt to satisfy the inherent desire to be loved in all the wrong places. I've learned my fair share of lessons over the past 12 years and by God's grace have grown closer to Him every step of the way. Tune into my most juicy and slightly unhinged episode yet. Ahhh!

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    32 mins
  • The Hard Truth About (Christian) Adult Friendships
    Oct 21 2024

    Friendship is an irreplaceable gift in the life of every Christian. Yet, why are so many of us having such a hard time navigating them as adults? Well... I've got my thoughts, theories, and Scripture to back it up as I share from a place I don't often speak from— tough love. The truth is so many of us are trying to replicate friendship from worldly standards and then are left wondering what the deal is. Spoiler alert!!! God's design means we do it God's way. This episode exposes the issues with our current cultural standards of friendship while addressing practical ways we can make friends while becoming better ones. I'm passionate about friendship and I'm passionate about Jesus who is truly my very best friend. Let's seek Him, His Kingdom, and His design for friendship together. LOVE YOU!!

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    35 mins
  • God Is Not a Girly Pop
    Oct 14 2024

    Friend, have you ever been lied to? Has anyone ever promised you something and then failed to deliver? Have you ever felt the sting of betrayal by someone you thought you could trust? If you've answered yes to any of these questions let me be the first to tell you- same here. It's an unfortunate result of living in an imperfect world, yet too often we allow the disappointments of this life to taint our view of a perfect God. We're so quick to put our guards up, question others' motives, and not trust anyone. What we may fail to realize is that same mentality can easily trickle its way into our hearts toward God. Let this episode serve as a reminder: God will never switch up on you. He has never given you a reason not to trust Him and He never will. People may have walked out on you, your old friend group may have abandoned you, but God promises He'll never leave you nor forsake you. Why? Because He's God, not a girly pop.

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    27 mins