• The Living Mountain Conversations (bonus episode) - Karen MacKelvie and Dr Chloe Evans
    Nov 16 2020

    Episode 10 - For this bonus episode Jenny chats with Karen MacKelvie and Dr Chloe Evans about 'Nature Prescriptions' - a partnership project between NHS Shetland and RSPB Scotland which sees GPs prescribing nature as part of their patient's treatment. Thought to be the first of its kind in the UK (and possibly the world!), the initial pilot project has since been extended across Shetland and plans are in place to pilot urban Nature Prescriptions. They talk about the development of Nature Prescriptions, how the natural world can benefit health and wellbeing, prescribing nature along with standard medicine prescriptions, sea swimming and taking time to be outside - whatever the weather! This episode was supported by Help Musicians UK, a charity offering help for musicians throughout their careers. You can find out more about the vital work they do at https://www.helpmusicians.org.uk. 

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    47 mins
  • The Living Mountain Conversations - Robyn Spice
    Oct 6 2020

    In this episode Jenny meets up with photographer and filmmaker Robyn Spice (www.robynspicemedia.com) at Lyth Arts Centre in Caithness. They chat about Robyn’s experiences working in the outdoors, story lead film making, the mental health benefits of spending time outside, pros and cons of technology and making time for the things you enjoy.

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    20 mins
  • The Living Mountain Conversations - Simone Kenyon
    Sep 30 2020

    Jenny chats with dancer, choreographer and producer Simone Kenyon.

    (http://www.intothemountain.co.uk). They talk about Simone’s career in dance, her working practice which includes walking arts and links between dance and the environment, site specific projects, Simone’s recent project ‘Into The Mountain’ inspired by Nan Shepherd’s book The Living Mountain and women in the mountains.

    Sept 30

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    57 mins
  • The Living Mountain Conversations - Kyle Noble
    Sep 23 2020

    In this episode Jenny chats with artist Kyle Noble about his creative process, his connection the the Cairngorms and how it informs his work - which ranges from large scale paintings to detailed mark making on animal skulls (http://www.kylenoble.com). Kyle’s works offer an alternative meditation on the Scottish landscape, influenced by the ancient landscape of Aberdeenshire, a passion for rewilding the Scottish wilderness and the Chinese Landscape Painting traditions he saw whilst living in Taiwan and Hong Kong.

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    56 mins
  • The Living Mountain Conversations - Nicky Bolland
    Sep 16 2020

    Jenny chats with ceramicist, community worker and activist Nicky Bolland about her connection to the outdoors and how wild places influence her work. They discuss nature as a source of inspiration, making time for creativity alongside working another job, Nicky's experience working with people seeking asylum in Scotland, the creativity and constraints of being a carer for Nicky’s 4 year old daughter, Iris, and how that relationship influences her creative practice.

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    42 mins
  • The Living Mountain Conversations - Doug Gilbert
    Sep 9 2020

    In this episode Jenny chats with Doug Gilbert, operations manager at rewilding charity Trees for Life. Doug is based in the Highlands of Scotland at Dundreggan and manages the native tree nursery and planting sites. They chat about the various strands of Trees for Life, how the charity began and its plans for the future (https://treesforlife.org.uk). Trees for Life are a conservation charity dedicated to rewilding the Scottish Highlands. They have established 44 tree planting sites and planted nearly two million trees.

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    42 mins
  • The Living Mountain Conversations - Charlotte Peacock
    Sep 2 2020

    Jenny chats with Nan Shepherd biographer Charlotte Peacock (www.charlottepeacock.co.uk). They discuss the process of researching and writing a biography, the Scottish Renaissance, feminism in the early 20th Century and Charlotte’s insight in to Nan’s working and walking life.

    Jenny's new album 'The Living Mountain' is released October 16th on Hudson Records.


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    37 mins
  • The Living Mountain Conversations - Rory Dowling
    Aug 26 2020

    In this episode Jenny meets up with guitar maker Rory Dowling (www.taranguitars.co.uk). They discuss how Taran Guitars came into being, the process of building bespoke guitars, working to a musician’s brief, what the Cairngorm’s means to Rory and the making of the ‘Nan Taran’ - a guitar Rory and apprentice Zachie made for Jenny’s The Living Mountain music project from reclaimed Scottish materials.

    Jenny's new album 'The Living Mountain' is released October 16th on Hudson Records.


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    15 mins