• Day 63: God details which animals and insects are safe to eat | Jesus is challenged by religious leaders
    Mar 4 2024

    In Leviticus 11-12, God gives Moses and Aaron detailed instructions on what the Israelites can and cannot eat, defining clean and unclean animals, and also outlines the laws of purification after childbirth. These chapters emphasize the importance of holiness and purity in everyday life, setting apart the Israelites from other nations through their diet and rituals. As the Israelites navigate these divine laws, one might wonder, "How will these detailed dietary and purification laws affect the daily lives and spiritual commitments of the Israelite community?"

    In Mark 12:13-27, Jesus faces a series of challenges from religious leaders trying to trap Him with questions about paying taxes to Caesar and the resurrection of the dead. He astutely answers their questions, teaching about giving to God what is God's and affirming the resurrection by referencing God as the God of the living, not the dead. This passage showcases Jesus' wisdom and authority, leaving His challengers amazed and silenced. Will the religious leaders' attempts to discredit Jesus ultimately lead them to see the truth of His teachings, or will their hearts remain hardened?

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    Leviticus 11

    Leviticus 12

    Mark 12: 13-27

    Psalm 30:1-7

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    15 mins
  • Day 62: God vaporizes Nadab and Abihu | Jesus teaches the Parable of the Farmer and his Son
    Mar 3 2025

    In Leviticus 9, Aaron and his sons prepare for their first offerings to God under Moses' guidance, marking the beginning of their priesthood. Fire comes from the Lord to consume the offering, signifying His approval, and the people rejoice in awe. However, in Leviticus 10, Aaron's sons, Nadab and Abihu, offer unauthorized fire before the Lord, violating His command, and are consumed by fire from the Lord as a result. Will Aaron's remaining sons heed this divine warning and faithfully follow God's specific commands?In Mark 11:27-12:12, Jesus enters the temple courts, where religious leaders challenge His authority, questioning by what authority He does these things. Jesus responds with a question about John's baptism, which they cannot answer without incriminating themselves, revealing their hypocrisy. He then tells the Parable of the Tenants, a veiled critique of the religious leaders' failure to recognize God's messengers and foreshadowing His own rejection and death. Will the religious leaders heed Jesus' warning, or will their actions fulfill the prophecy of the rejected stone becoming the cornerstone?

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    Leviticus 9

    Leviticus 10

    Mark 11:27-33

    Mark 12:1-12

    Psalm 29

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    17 mins
  • Day 61: Moses appoints the Priests | Jesus enters Jerusalem | Jesus curses a fig tree
    Mar 2 2025

    In Leviticus 7:11-8, the scripture outlines the laws regarding the peace offerings to the Lord, emphasizing how different portions of the offerings are to be consumed by the priests and the offerer, marking a communal sharing in God's provisions. It transitions into Leviticus 8, where Moses consecrates Aaron and his sons as priests through elaborate rituals involving sacrifices, anointing oil, and the sprinkling of blood, symbolizing their purification and dedication to God's service. As Aaron and his sons undergo these intricate ceremonies to become God's chosen priests, one wonders, will they uphold the sanctity and the immense responsibilities of their divine roles?

    In Mark 11:1-26, Jesus enters Jerusalem triumphantly on a colt, fulfilling a prophecy and receiving a king's welcome from the crowds. The narrative quickly shifts to Jesus cleansing the temple, driving out those who were buying and selling there, asserting it should be a house of prayer for all nations, not a den of robbers. The next day, Jesus curses a fig tree for being fruitless, symbolizing the judgment on superficial faith. As Jesus' authority is challenged by religious leaders, and He speaks of faith that can move mountains, we're left pondering: Will the people recognize the true essence of faith and worship, or will they cling to their traditions and appearances?

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    Leviticus 7: 11-38

    Leviticus 8

    Mark 11: 1-26

    Psalm 28

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    19 mins
  • Day 60: Guilt Offerings and Grain Offerings | Jesus teaches about servant leadership
    Mar 1 2025

    In Leviticus 5:14 to 7:10, God instructs Moses on the guilt offering, emphasizing restitution for sins committed unintentionally against the Lord's sacred things. This section details the precise rituals for presenting the guilt offering, including specific animals and grain offerings, to make amends and secure forgiveness. It underscores the importance of obedience and making things right with God through prescribed offerings. Will the people follow these detailed instructions to restore their relationship with God?

    In Mark 10:32-52, Jesus, on the way to Jerusalem, foretells His death and resurrection to His disciples, highlighting the path of suffering and servitude He must endure. Despite this solemn prophecy, James and John request positions of glory beside Him, leading Jesus to teach about true greatness being found in serving others. The chapter concludes with Jesus healing blind Bartimaeus, showcasing His compassion and power to restore. Will the disciples grasp the true meaning of leadership and sacrifice as they approach Jerusalem with Jesus?

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    Leviticus 5:14-19

    Leviticus 6

    Leviticus 7:1-10

    Mark 10:32-52

    Proverbs 6:12-19

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    15 mins
  • Day 59: Sin offerings for accidental sins | A rich man refuses to follow Jesus
    Feb 28 2025

    In Leviticus 4-5:1-13, God introduces the laws of sin offerings, detailing how individuals, including priests and the whole community, must atone for unintentional sins to maintain holiness. Specific instructions are given for the type of sacrifice required, emphasizing repentance and the importance of obedience to God's laws. As the high priest prepares to offer a bull for atonement, one wonders, will this act of contrition restore the people's standing before God?In Mark 10:13-31, Jesus teaches profound lessons on entering the Kingdom of God, first by welcoming children and stating, "the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these." He then encounters a rich man seeking eternal life, challenging him to sell all he has and follow Him, illustrating the difficulty for the wealthy to enter God's Kingdom. As the disciples ponder their own sacrifices, Jesus promises rewards for those who leave everything for His sake. The question arises: Can the rich man and the disciples truly forsake all for the Kingdom of Heaven?

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    Leviticus 4

    Leviticus 5:1-13

    Mark 10:13-31

    Psalm 27:7-14

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    16 mins
  • Day 58: God sets rules for sacrifices | Jesus preaches on divorce, sin, and selfless service
    Feb 27 2025

    In Leviticus chapters 1-3, God instructs the Israelites on how to properly conduct offerings, detailing burnt offerings, grain offerings, and peace offerings as acts of worship and atonement for sins. Each offering has specific rules about the animals or foodstuffs to be used and how they should be prepared and presented to God at the Tabernacle. Through these rituals, the Israelites seek to maintain a holy relationship with God. Will the Israelites be able to faithfully follow these detailed instructions and remain in God's favor?

    In Mark 9:33-50, Jesus teaches his disciples about true greatness, emphasizing humility and service over seeking the highest status. He warns against causing others to sin, illustrating the seriousness of sin with vivid imagery of cutting off one's own limbs. As Jesus moves on to Mark 10:1-12, he addresses questions about divorce, upholding the sanctity of marriage and emphasizing its permanence, countering the cultural norms of his time. Will the disciples grasp the depth of Jesus' teachings on humility, service, and the sacredness of marriage amidst societal pressures?

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    Leviticus Introduction

    Leviticus 1

    Leviticus 2

    Leviticus 3

    Mark 9:33-50

    Mark 10:1-12

    Psalm 27:1-6

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    19 mins
  • Day 57: God descends to the Tent of Meeting | Jesus shows his Followers a heavenly vision
    Feb 26 2025

    In Exodus 39-40, the Israelites complete the construction of the Tabernacle and its sacred garments with unmatched skill and divine guidance, using materials of gold, blue, purple, and scarlet. As Moses assembles and consecrates the Tabernacle according to God's command, the glory of the Lord fills the sanctuary, signifying His dwelling among His people. Will this divine presence guide and protect the Israelites in their journey ahead?

    In Mark 9:2-32, Jesus is transfigured on a high mountain before Peter, James, and John, shining with divine glory alongside Moses and Elijah. This supernatural event, accompanied by a voice from heaven, affirms Jesus as God's beloved Son, deepening the disciples' understanding of His divine mission. How will this heavenly vision impact the faith and understanding of the disciples as they continue their journey with Jesus?

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    Exodus 39

    Exodus 40

    Mark 9:2-32

    Psalm 26:1-12

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    22 mins
  • Day 56: Bezalel builds the Lord's Holy Tent | Jesus prophesies His own death and resurrection
    Feb 25 2025

    In Exodus 37-38, Bezalel, filled with wisdom from God, crafts the Ark of the Covenant, the table for the bread of the Presence, the golden lampstand, the altar of incense, and other sacred items, while Oholiab assists in preparing the materials for the Tabernacle's construction. The Israelites generously contribute gold, silver, and bronze, ensuring the work is completed according to the Lord's command. As the Tabernacle takes shape, a symbol of God's presence among His people, one wonders: Will this sanctuary truly make the Israelites feel closer to God?

    In Mark 8:14-9:1, Jesus warns His disciples about the "yeast" of the Pharisees and Herod, using it as a metaphor for their corrupting influence. Despite their confusion and concern over having no bread, Jesus reminds them of the miracles of feeding the thousands, questioning their understanding and faith. He then foretells His death and resurrection, challenging anyone who wishes to follow Him to take up their cross, promising that some present will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God arrive with power. Amidst misunderstandings and forewarnings, will the disciples grasp the true meaning of Jesus's words and the imminent revelation of His glory?

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    Exodus 37

    Exodus 38

    Mark 8:14-38

    Mark 9:1

    Proverbs 6:1-11

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    19 mins