• 34. Sputnik Moment
    Aug 4 2022

    It was supposed to be the shot that took over the world. Russia's Sputnik vaccine was registered earlier than almost all other competitors, and Moscow was one of the first cities to have a vaccination campaign. Yet Sputnik is now lagging behind in the vaccination markets, with a low takeup rate within Russia and most countries not prioritizing Sputnik. The war in Ukraine has further dampened the prospects of the vaccine on the international politics. This is despite Sputnik being comparable in efficacy and safety with other similar shots. Is it a victim of international politics or of Russia's own disinformation campaign?


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    23 mins
  • 33. One Million Excess Deaths
    Jul 30 2022

    In 2021, Rosstat, the official statistics agency of Russia, announced that the country’s natural population, minus migration, declined by more than a million people. The main reason, unsurprisingly, is the COVID-19 pandemic. With nearly one million excess deaths over the past two years, the statistics show just the severe impact of the past two years of the coronavirus pandemic on the Russian people, as well as how much the Russian government has obscured their failure to manage the crisis.


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    29 mins
  • 32. Bad Meat from Private Butchers
    Jul 24 2022

    In 1979, a secretive lab in the Soviet city of Sverdlovsk accidentally released anthrax into the morning air, killing at least 67 people and countless other animals. The problem is, the Soviet Union was not supposed to have this anthrax. This was the single worst biological leak ever, one that almost exposed the Soviet's illegal biological weapons program. It was just bad meat from private butchers, the authorities claimed. It was not until 1992 onwards that the truth about the lab and the Russian biological weapons program would slowly leak out.


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    32 mins
  • 31. The Last Smallpox Outbreaks in Soviet Russia
    Jul 14 2022

    Smallpox is a horrific disease, we know that. With its high mortality rate, permanent disfigurement, and endemic status in just about every country up to the 20th century, it is no wonder the disease was the first on the list to be eliminated globally. And central to that effort from the very start was Russia, from the Empire into the Soviet Union.

    We’ll explore the history of smallpox from Catherine The Great’s early attempt at inoculation against the deadly disease, to the USSR’s work in eliminating smallpox, how they managed foreign outbreaks, and the status of smallpox in Russia today. This is the story of a Tsarina who took a risk, an unprecedented cooperative effort between Cold War enemies, and the last notable outbreaks of smallpox in the Soviet Union.


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    30 mins
  • 30. The First Media Disease
    Jul 7 2022

    The late 19th century brought in dramatic improvements in travel and communication. Now one can hear about news from across the European continent instantly, and travel hundreds of kilometers in a few days. And as the speed of travel increased, so did the speed of the spread of disease. We look at the 1890 flu pandemic, the so-called "Russian flu" or "Asiatic flu". Known as the first modern or first media epidemic, it spread faster than previous outbreaks, spreading around the world in just under a year. And thanks to the new global newspaper industry, the reactions to it were strikingly different than before. And yet, the similarities between the outbreaks of 1890 and 2020 are so similar, that some people are wondering if the answers to our current predicament can be found in this long forgotten outbreak.


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    26 mins
  • 29. The Bubonic Rus
    Jun 30 2022

    Trying something different. This is the start of a season where I look at Russia's historical relationship with diseases and outbreaks. Starting with Russia's track record of plague, from the black death to the 20th century. How the old Tsars managed outbreaks through quarantine, how the people sometimes rebelled, and the systems that the last Tsars and the Soviets set up in an attempt to rid themselves of plague forever.


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    34 mins
  • 28. Fake News in Naija
    Jun 9 2022

    Something a little different. We look at the fake news and conspiracies that Nigerians may have been inundated with during the pandemic, how distrust in their government breeds fertile ground for conspiracy theories, and how new media channels and older religious cultures work together to spread these ideas across Nigeria and the rest of Central Africa.


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    28 mins
  • 27. Pyres in the Parking Lot, Part 2
    Jun 2 2022

    When the Delta variant exploded in India in April 2021, many international observers were quick to point the finger at Prime Minister Nahendra Modi and his ruling party the BJP. Part of it is the general acknowledgment that the leader of a country is responsible when a disaster response fails so spectacularly. With the benefit of hindsight, we can now better examine what Prime Minister Nahendra Modi’s government and other local authorities did right, what they did wrong, and what they chose not to do at all. And, due to extensive corruption and incompetence, what we still don’t know about that period in time. We also touch on Vaccine Maitri, India's attempt at vaccine diplomacy, and how it took a hit when India's domestic woes overshadowed it's ambition on the world stage.


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    28 mins