• Episode 10 - Getting Started Prepping | Part 2
    Oct 11 2021
    Prepping isn’t a set of steps to take. Prepping is a mentality.

    It means that you accept that a disaster could strike. It means accepting responsibility for your own safety and security, and that of your family. It means being active in the face of disaster instead of passive.

    Take some time to research the most likely disasters which could occur. These include risks like EMP attack, hurricanes and flooding, earthquakes, economic collapse…

    Yes, some of these threats are highly unlikely – but “highly unlikely” doesn’t mean it won’t happen.
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    1 hr and 30 mins
  • Episode 9 - Getting Started Prepping | Part 1
    Oct 4 2021
    Prepping isn’t a set of steps to take. Prepping is a mentality.

    It means that you accept that a disaster could strike. It means accepting responsibility for your own safety and security, and that of your family. It means being active in the face of disaster instead of passive.

    Take some time to research the most likely disasters which could occur. These include risks like EMP attack, hurricanes and flooding, earthquakes, economic collapse…

    Yes, some of these threats are highly unlikely – but “highly unlikely” doesn’t mean it won’t happen.
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    1 hr and 29 mins
  • Episode 8 - Should I Be Prepping
    Sep 27 2021
    Join us while we discuss the current state of affairs in the country regarding the growing civil unrest and answer the question, Should I be prepping.
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    1 hr and 18 mins
  • State of the Union Address - The end of Freedom as we know it
    Dec 15 2020
    State of the Union Address - The end of Freedom as we know it

    * Social distancing, Masking and Lockdowns
    * RT-PCR Tests driving the lockdowns and are being disputed by 22 leading physicians around the world because of 10 major scientific flaws and the limited number of cycles in the test and lack of any unique positive or negative control sample results in up to a 97% false positive rate.

    * Vaccine
    - no longterm testing done
    - scientific concerns ignored
    - does not prevent Sars-coV-2 only lessens Covid-19 symptoms
    - infertility in women

    * Agenda 21 - population control
    - homeless, inmates and blacks among the first in places
    - $1,500 stimulus incentive
    - Hep B / HIV in the 1970’s

    * what’s to come
    - vaccine mandates / requirements
    - covi-pass (50M sold already to 15 countries)
    - digital health passport
    - travel, school and employment restrictions for those not vaccinated
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    1 hr and 5 mins
  • Off The Cuff Special 2 - COVID-19 - The Perfect Storm pt2 - with special guest Citizen 3
    Apr 22 2020
    Citizen One, Citizen Two and special guest Citizen Three discuss motives behind directives implemented by State Governments using COVID-19 to test how many rights they can strip from the American people. Misconceptions on what exactly are the rights we as citizens enjoy by the Constitution, clarified by Supreme Court decisions, are set right in this episode. The discussion gives concrete examples of overreach by Democrat "authorities" which The Red Pill Syndicate finds disgusting and un-American.
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    1 hr and 33 mins
  • Off The Cuff Special 2 - COVID-19 - The Perfect Storm
    Apr 21 2020
    Citizen One and Citizen Two discuss motives behind directives implemented by State Governments using COVID-19 to test how many rights they can strip from the American people. Misconceptions on what exactly are the rights we as citizens enjoy by the Constitution, clarified by Supreme Court decisions, are set right in this episode. The discussion gives concrete examples of overreach by Democrat "authorities" which The Red Pill Syndicate finds disgusting and un-American.
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    59 mins
  • Off The Cuff Special 1 - What type of country do Americans want?
    Nov 20 2019
    No Real show outline - just a heartfelt discussion of What kind of America Americans want. Do we want stupid politicians? Liars? Corrupt ones that use their office to get rich? Who do we want at the helm of this great Nation? Grab your favorite browser and follow along as we discuss claims on: promiseskept.com, ontheissues.org, democrats.org/where-we-stand/party-platform/
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    1 hr and 16 mins
  • Episode 3 - The Depopulation Agenda - Is It Real?
    Nov 12 2019
    Agenda 21 Overview
    Via vaccines / Disease - pale horse excerpt
    Via birth control / abortion - Margaret Sanger
    Via transgender movement
    Via war
    Show more Show less
    1 hr and 19 mins