• The Doubter's Prayer
    Oct 3 2024

    Were the disciples making idols of themselves?

    In this week’s episode of The Uncultured Saints, we dive deep into..

    The gospel of Mark 18

    The believer’s unbelief

    And how prayer changes you

    Contributor Rev. Harrison Goodman is the Higher Things Content Executive.

    Contributor Eli Lietzau is the pastor at Wheat Ridge Evangelical Lutheran Church in Wheat Ridge, CO.

    #higherthings #lcms #lutheran #prayer #faith

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    31 mins
  • Even the Believers Struggle
    Sep 26 2024

    Peter saw Jesus' glory on the mountain, but even in that moment, he was terrified and unsure of what to say. 😨✨

    Sometimes, we feel like we need to have all the right answers, but even the closest disciples struggled to understand everything. 🙃💡

    The good news?

    Jesus doesn’t demand perfection—He shows us mercy, even when we’re confused or afraid.

    Here's the truth: faith isn't about always getting it right or feeling 100% confident.

    It’s about trusting Jesus even when we don’t fully understand. The same Jesus who showed His glory also went down that mountain to the cross—for YOU.

    #higherthings #lcms #lutheran #transfiguration #jesus

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    32 mins
  • The Saliva Miracle
    Sep 19 2024

    ✨ **The Saliva Miracle: When Jesus Heals in Unexpected Ways** ✨

    Imagine this: you're blind, and Jesus comes up to you.

    Instead of a grand gesture, He spits on the ground, makes mud, and places it on your eyes.

    Kinda weird, right?

    Yet through this humble, messy act, sight is restored. 💡

    Sometimes God works through things that seem weak or even strange to you and me.

    We might not always get the ‘why’ or the ‘how’ of God's plans, but through the cross, we see God’s unfailing love and work in our lives, even in the messiest moments. 💫

    Contributor Rev. Harrison Goodman is the Higher Things Content Executive.

    Contributor Eli Lietzau is the pastor at Wheat Ridge Evangelical Lutheran Church in Wheat Ridge, CO.

    #higherthings #lcms #lutheran #miracles #jesus

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    38 mins
  • Fools Who Don't Understand
    Sep 12 2024

    If there is Christ, the right amount of miracles will be there, whether or not you see them.

    "We've got Jesus here in the land of the Gentiles... The disciples aren't dumb, right? We think they are, but it's not that they don’t think Jesus can feed people. It's that they don’t think He should feed these people. They're confused because this isn’t what they expected. They’ve seen Jesus feed 5,000 before—so why are they worried now? It's like they’re thinking, ‘Sure, He did it for the Jews, but these are Gentiles. Are they worthy of the same miracle?’ And that’s where we often find ourselves too—doubting, questioning when things don't fit our expectations, forgetting what Jesus has already done."

    Ever had that moment where you totally miss the point?

    When you’re so caught up in your doubts that you miss the miracle right in front of you. 🌊🍞 In Mark 8, the disciples had witnessed Jesus feed thousands with a few loaves of bread, but when faced with feeding 4,000 Gentiles, they couldn’t see beyond their own doubts and prejudices. They were too distracted by their own unbelief to remember that Jesus had already shown them the way.
    How often do we let fear and doubt cloud our vision of God’s work in our lives? Instead of trusting in His power, we question, we forget, we demand more signs. But faith isn’t about seeing, it’s about believing—even when we can’t see. Don’t be a fool caught up in distractions; remember what He’s done and trust what He’s promised. 🙏✨ #FaithOverFear #Mark8 #TrustInHim #GenZFaith #Miracles

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    31 mins
  • Mean Jesus For Unclean Hearts
    Sep 9 2024

    🤔 *Pharisee feuds and defilement*—what even is that about?! 📖

    In this week’s episode of ‘The Uncultured Saints’ Pastors Goodman and Lietzau explore…

    💥 Why Jesus clashed with the Pharisees
    🙅🏽‍♂️ What it means to be "defiled"
    How Jesus redefines clean vs. unclean

    ## Jesus and the Syrophoenician Woman

    In Mark 7:24-30, Jesus encounters a Syrophoenician woman.

    This interaction, on the surface, might come across as perplexing and confrontational.

    When the woman pleads for help for her demon-possessed daughter, Jesus initially responds with what seems like a rebuff:

    “Let the little children be fed first, for it is not right to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs.”

    The woman, undeterred, responds:

    “Yes, Lord, but even the dogs under the table eat the children's crumbs.”

    Her faith and humility are evident in this reply.

    Jesus acknowledges her faith and heals her daughter.

    But, this interaction isn’t just about the woman and her daughter.

    It also serves as a vital lesson for Jesus’ disciples and all onlookers (and you and me!).

    During Jesus’ time, strict societal and religious boundaries defined who was considered clean and worthy.

    The Syrophoenician woman defies these norms, illustrating that faith knows no bounds.

    Jesus emphasizes that true defilement isn’t about external factors but what comes from within a person.

    By healing her daughter, Jesus shows that God's grace and mercy extend beyond the Jewish community to all who have faith.

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    33 mins
  • Weaponized Traditions
    Aug 29 2024

    Are traditions, especially in the church, a bad thing? 🤔

    Traditions aren’t inherently bad.

    They can actually be a very good thing!

    In fact, they shape our society and provide structure.

    But what happens when we start elevating these traditions above the Gospel and God's commandments?

    In Mark 7, Jesus challenges the Pharisees who turned traditions into weapons, placing them above God's commandments.

    They were so focused on man-made rituals that they missed the point.

    Their traditions became weapons—used to control, exclude, and overshadow what was truly important.

    When we begin relying too much on the rituals of men, we risk setting them above not just the rituals of God, but the promises of God, too.

    Listen to the entire discussion on our YT channel!

    Contributor Rev. Harrison Goodman is the Higher Things Content Executive.

    Contributor Eli Lietzau is the pastor at Wheat Ridge Evangelical Lutheran Church in Wheat Ridge, CO.

    #lutheran #lcms #higherthings #unculturedsaints #traditions

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    27 mins
  • Jesus Sneaks Past You
    Aug 27 2024

    🔎 Ever feel like you're drowning in life's chaos? 🤔

    Remember, Jesus isn't just here to protect us from life's storms—

    He's here to make them powerless.

    When He walked on water, He wasn't just showing off. 🌊

    He was proving that death and fear have nothing on Him. 🚫

    Picture this: the sea, which symbolizes chaos and uncertainty, becomes a sidewalk for Jesus.

    He doesn't just walk by us in our struggles. ⤵️ ⤵️ ⤵️

    He leads us through them.

    Just like fishermen pull life from the depths of the ocean, Jesus pulls us from despair, flipping our fears into faith.

    Think about baptism—it's where the deadly waters become a source of new life. 💦

    Even in the face of death, Jesus stands with us, saying, "Take heart; it's me. Don't freak out." ✝️

    As we deal with our own storms, let's remember the absolute truth that Jesus isn't just beside us; He's walking ahead of us too. 🌟

    Contributor Rev. Harrison Goodman is the Higher Things Content Executive.

    Contributor Eli Lietzau is the pastor at Wheat Ridge Evangelical Lutheran Church in Wheat Ridge, CO.

    #lcms #lutheran #higherthings #Jesuswalksonwater #faith

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    31 mins
  • Where to Look For God's Help
    28 mins