• Dark Matter (2016) (German Version)
    Nov 19 2024

    Was wäre, wenn du dich damals anders entschieden hättest? In Blake Crouchs packendem Sci-Fi-Thriller Dark Matter erwacht Physiker Jason Dessen plötzlich in einem Paralleluniversum, wo sein Leben einen völlig anderen Weg genommen hat. Eine fesselnde Achterbahnfahrt durch Quantenphysik und existenzielle Fragen nach Identität - und die verzweifelte Suche nach dem Weg zurück zu seiner Familie. Für alle, die ›Sliding Doors‹ lieben, aber mit einer ordentlichen Portion Wissenschaft und Spannung!


    • https://www.npr.org/2016/07/31/485865180/dark-matter-is-a-jet-propelled-science-thriller
    • https://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/31/books/review/dark-matter-blake-crouch.html#
    • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_Matter_(Crouch_novel)
    • https://www.kirkusreviews.com/contests-giveaways/
    • https://www.bookishelf.com/dark-matter-by-blake-crouch/
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    9 mins
  • Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep (1968)
    Nov 11 2024

    In this dystopian game-changer from 1968, visionary Philip K. Dick saw our AI anxieties coming from a mile away. Before personal computers were even a thing, his mind-bending novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? threw us into a world where humans and machines play an unsettling game of "spot the difference." As real-world astronauts prepped for moonshots, Dick was busy crafting a gritty future that would make us question everything about consciousness and humanity. Buckle up for the sci-fi classic that didn't just predict our robot reality—it completely nailed our complicated feelings about it. Essential reading that hits differently in today's age of ChatGPT and AI art generators. Bonus: It inspired a little movie called Blade Runner. You might've heard of it?


    • https://medium.com/@louissidwell/an-analysis-of-bladerunner-how-closely-does-it-our-own-modern-world-ae7a00e67506
    • https://frappesandfiction.com/2022/04/17/book-review-do-androids-dream-of-electric-sheep-by-philip-k-dick/
    • https://medium.com/observing-dystopia/do-androids-dream-of-electric-sheep-does-philip-k-dicks-1968-dystopia-cut-too-close-to-the-a4adf026305d
    • https://www.britannica.com/topic/Do-Androids-Dream-of-Electric-Sheep
    • http://nadine-allen.blogspot.com/2012/01/critical-analysis-of-do-androids-dream.html
    • https://philipdick.com/literary-criticism/reviews/review-by-jason-koornick-do-androids-dream-of-electric-sheep-1968/
    • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Do_Androids_Dream_of_Electric_Sheep%3F
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    11 mins
  • First Lensman (1950)
    Nov 7 2024

    Join us as we dive into First Lensman, the mind-bending 1950s sci-fi classic that changed space opera forever! Discover how E.E. ›Doc‹ Smith's genius crafted this pivotal chapter of the Lensman saga - a thrilling tale of cosmic cops, psychic powers, and galactic intrigue. Though published as book two but written last, this masterpiece connects all the dots, introducing us to the legendary Lens and the rise of the Galactic Patrol. Get ready for a wild ride through the story that inspired generations of sci-fi creators and still echoes through the stars today! 🚀✨

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    10 mins
  • Star Wars - Das Licht der Jedi (2021)
    Oct 15 2024

    🌟 Springe mit uns in den Hyperraum und erlebe den Jedi-Orden auf dem Höhepunkt seiner Macht! Vor den Skywalkers, vor dem Imperium, gab es die Hohe Republik. Charles Soules Das Licht der Jedi läutet dieses goldene Zeitalter von Star Wars mit einem Knall ein und katapultiert uns 200 Jahre in die Vergangenheit, als die Macht stark und die Jedi allgegenwärtig waren. Du denkst, du kennst Star Wars? Denk nochmal! Dies ist nicht die Galaxie, die du kennst – sie ist größer, kühner und geheimnisvoller als je zuvor. Schnall dich an für die ultimative Star Wars Origin-Story! 🚀✨

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    12 mins