• Pedophilia Spelled Out
    Aug 20 2024

    Sexualization of our children is a mind control agenda, with transgenderism extending into deliberate depopulation.

    Trauma is the basis of mind control, and it had been found through Hitler/Himmler research that there is no trauma more horrific on the human mind than sexual abuse of a child prior to age 5 while the brain is still forming.

    This fact, brought into the US through Project Paperclip’s importation of Nazi and Fascist scientists in the wake of World War II, is a strong component of MK Ultra mind control. The scientific formula for MK Ultra is the same, whether it is of an individual, the nation, or the world. In addition to trauma, starvation of the brain through sleep, food, and water deprivation are basic components expanded on by the CIA, NASA, and DARPA for the military industrial complex to usher in what Hitler, Bush, Biden, and UNelected global leaders term New World Order.

    The New World Order by any other name is a slave society agenda, which includes depopulation intended to reduce humanity’s number to a more manageable size.

    How do I know this? I was deep in the Wash DC swamp among this handful of self appointed, self anointed perpeTraitors under their MK Ultra mind control. I was exposed to many government secrets while also gaining insight into knowledge that is our defense against mind control through my personal experience.

    My personal experience began at birth when I was sexually abused by my father who was carrying out multigenerational incest based perversions. Since my mother was also multigenerational incest abused, she could not think to oppose my father substituting his penis for her nipple.

    As an infant, I could not think to judge what my father was doing was wrong. My brain knew and went into defense mode shutting down neuron pathways around the trauma of pain and suffocation I was experiencing. This compartmentalization of traumatic memory is then repressed deep into the subconscious so the rest of the mind can function and develop normally.

    I could not think to bring to mind my father’s sexual abuse until that compartmentalized memory was triggered open to deal with his abuse again and again as needed. That compartmentalized memory only knew my father’s sexual abuse.

    When my father’s sexual abuse extended into child pornography of me, my brain went into defense mode and automatically shut down neuron pathways around that event. Next time I was subjected to child pornography, that repressed memory would trigger open to deal with it again and again as needed. Pornography was all that compartmentalized part of my brain knew.

    When my sexual experience expanded into being trafficked/prostituted to local politicians, law enforcement, and other men of influence at my grandfather’s Blue Masonic Lodge, more neuron pathways shut down in my brain compartmentalizing that event until triggered open again.

    There is no inner-communication between compartmentalizations. Research and logic conclude that shutting down neuron pathways in the brain prior to age 5 inhibits natural brain growth. With the brain failing to fire properly, conscious thought is lost leaving the subconscious mind defenseless and highly suggestible.

    Without a conscious mind filter, the subconscious literally takes information in without reason, question, or critical analysis. Our subconscious drives our thoughts and ultimately actions. Any time any of us experiences trauma, our brains freeze in fright leaving us vulnerable to manipulation. It is imperative we learn to safeguard our free thought when personal, national, or global trauma occurs, imposed or not.

    Reading full article here

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    14 mins
  • Mind Control Spelled Out
    Aug 12 2024

    Once you understand how a magic trick is performed, the spell is broken.

    LikeWise, once you understand mind control, you have defense against it.

    Break mind control’s spell by arming yourself with knowledge. This knowledge has been suppressed for generations by a handful of self appointed, self anointed leaders who lord their ‘superior knowledge’ over humanity through their secret societies, secret meetings, and so-called National Security secrecy.

    Once you know their secret is mind control, you gain truth that makes us free.

    Deep in the Wash DC swamp among these perpeTraitors under their MK Ultra mind control, I experienced and was exposed to their secrets. When intelligence insider Mark Phillips freed me from their enslavement and reminded me that freedom from control is within us all, I began to consciously real-eyes components of mind control. The spell was broken.

    I began writing out by hand what I had witnessed and experienced under mind control. I spelled it out so-to-speak. I’ve been speaking out ever since I regained my free thought, free will, free speech in an effort to remind others that we have all the power within us. This dark, secret cabal in control of our knowledge base only has much power as we give them or let them steal. We stop the steal and stop giving away our freedom when we real-eyes their secret. Secret knowledge equals power.

    The formula for mind control is the same, whether it is of an individual, the nation, or the world. Trauma is the basis of it as it shuts down neuron pathways in the brain, heightening suggestibility. There is no trauma more horrific on the human mind than sexual abuse of a child prior to age 5 while the brain is still forming. Bloody satanic ritual abuse is a primitive trauma that causes the conscious mind to freeze in fright while the subconscious is left wide open to being easily led and manipulated.

    Read the full article on Cathy's website here!

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    10 mins
  • Medicinal Cannabis
    Jun 30 2024

    Marijuana is not conducive to mind control due to its mind expanding properties that open neuron pathways in the brain.

    MK Ultra mind control requires shutting down neuron pathways in the brain to heighten suggestibility.

    Since mind control is being used to usher in a slave society agenda some term New World Order, the cannabis herb continues to be demonized through strategic misinformation. Intelligence insider Mark Phillips, who was working the highest levels of intelligence mind sciences for the sole/soul purpose of preserving the sanctity of free thought, was outraged to see pertinent medical information on benefits of cannabis suppressed under National Security.

    Mark also found other birthright information that is our defense against mind control buried under secrecy along with effective methods to heal from traumatic repressed memory. Thanks to Mark reminding me that it is within us all to heal from trauma, I reclaimed my free thought free will after decades of MK Ultra mind control. In turn, I detailed these healing methods I successfully used in PTSD: Time to Heal.

    Now people all over the world are using these methods to heal from varying levels of trauma, abuse, indoctrination, and/or control! It astounds me how many people I hear from who ask how to use medicinal cannabis for healing. Since medical information on how to use this natural herb has been buried under National Security, misinformation, misdirection, and Big Pharma diversions for so long, I am compelled to detail what worked for me and share it with you here now.

    Mark had taken my daughter and me to the safety and serenity of Alaska for healing, and cannabis is legal there. It was 1988, and since then varying levels of legalization have swept the nation. Check your state laws on cannabis/CBDs.

    Since cannabis use had been strictly forbidden under MK Ultra mind control, I deprogrammed the program first by writing it out. I found my programming against the herb even extended into media’s repetitive narrative and cult/occult religions hellbent on controlling their tithing followers.

    I strongly recommend that you, too, write out any programming and conditioning against marijuana you may have experienced. This will diffuse any apprehensions or paranoia, allowing deeper relaxation while freeing you to receive the medicinal benefits. Not everyone responds the same to cannabis, so be sure to listen to your body.

    I listened to my body while using medicinal cannabis for numerous physical needs including the opening of neuron pathways.

    Need for restful sleep was crucial, so I used cannabis at night to help me relax my over-active adrenal system, stop night terrors, and improve digestion. Memories began flashing due to neuron pathways opening up around repressed memory from the herb. Mark cautioned me to make note of the flashes to write out further with a clear mind in the morning.

    I kept a notebook and pen within reach to write out what I saw in the flashes of memory. If there was an obvious trigger attached to it, I made note of it as well. Repressed memory flashing is akin to an alarm system demanding attention. By making note, the alarm system was deactivated so my past could no longer intrude on my present.

    The next morning, I would look at my notes which were now in themselves triggers to re-access those memories that were attempting to surface while smoking cannabis. With a clear mind and paper and pen in hand, I would begin asking myself questions as suggested in PTSD: Time to Heal to write out my memory in full photographic detail.

    Read the full article on Cathy's website here!

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    8 mins
  • InfilTraitors
    Jun 30 2024

    “The more you complain about harassment, the more harassment the feds are going to impose,” Mark wisely advised. “They want us to discourage others from speaking out. When you ignore them, they go away.”

    Mark and I lived by this premise for decades, quietly enduring FBI raids, confiscation of our mail (before internet and cell phones), threats to our lives and well being, and any other injustice and violation of law those who fear truth imposed on us.

    35 years later, these same PerpeTraitors who are actively undermining our Constitutional values of freedom and justice for all to usher in their globalist slave society agenda are still using these tactics. Unfortunately, social media has become a psyop forum for their harassment, fear mongering, and mass manipulation of information intended to discourage activism and silence voices.

    Survivors of MK Ultra mind control and those advocating for them are under attack. Like wolves in sheep’s clothing, infilTraitors commonly masquerade as abuse victims and survivors to divert and dilute truth.

    Victims seeking help, survivors speaking out, and those actively exposing the pervasiveness of child sex trafficking become targets of a ‘satanic reversal’ psyop that accuses the accuser of crimes they are reporting. Survivors of abuse struggling to learn to trust anyone become lost in the deliberate scheme to discourage others from speaking out.

    “You need to know your own truth before you can discern truth in others,” Mark wisely advised.

    Knowing my own truth came with full healing from within myself, free of outside input. I am fortunate to have had Mark remind me that it is within us all to heal ourselves. Now I freely share these easy to self apply methods in PTSD: Time to Heal so everyone everywhere can heal themselves and reclaim discernment.

    When survivors of traumatic abuse look outside themselves for help, validation, or understanding before they know who or how to trust, they are vulnerable to being misled. When they turn to social media’s network of survivors, they become prey to the increasing number of predators and infilTraitors seeking to manipulate the highly suggestible.

    I am seeing an alarming trend toward survivors being triggered back into abuse bases only to turn on those very networks offering genuine support. This makes it very difficult for victims to become survivors, and survivors to thrive and make a positive difference in light of their own truth.

    It is imperative that networks offering genuine support, safe houses, and an opportunity to heal recognize the pervasiveness of infilTraitors.

    Survivors who have healed recognize other survivors and their level of vulnerability. We can best help each other to stay safe, with tips such as those offered in “Fake It Til You Make It”.

    On social media, survivors who appear out of nowhere with a seemingly established voice dominating everyone’s feed should be scrutinized before all podcasters join the promotion. Especially when that survivor’s focus is on tearing down prominent individuals and organizations with a history of exposing abuse, corruption, and child sex trafficking.

    At the same time, why are high profile survivors like the daughter of a President who leaves her diary open to the public not on every podcast out there? Consider who is being given voice, and who struggles to be heard.

    I am no stranger to censorship and diversion from truth. My 1995 testimony for Congress TRANCE Formation of America has been pirated and posted as free eBooks all over the internet with the information altered to promote the slave society agenda I’ve exposed for 35 years!

    Read the full article on Cathy's website here!

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    6 mins
  • Fake It' Til You Make It
    Jun 19 2024

    “Fake it til you make it, “ Mark advised soon after rescuing me from the Wash DC human trafficking swamp. “Predators, abusers, and puppet-tears know exactly what signs of heightened suggestibility to look for. CIA and FBI are trained to look for those specific traits. Hell, even cult leaders are savvy to signs of heightened suggestibility resultant from abuse these ‘daze’ so be aware of the signs they are looking for and fake it til you make it.”

    I do not know how I could have survived those first months and even years of healing from MK Ultra mind control had I not heeded Mark’s wise advice. Today I see numerous survivors ignorantly displaying neon signs of abuse and ultimately being triggered back into abuse bases and under mind control.

    It is easy for survivors to recognize other survivors, telepathically, energetically and through physical signs. Those of us who have healed from within our selves to reclaim self control and inner peace need to alert other survivors to their signs of vulnerability so they, too, can ‘fake it til they make it’.

    Depersonalization results from extreme dissociation to the point victims do not consciously see themselves in a mirror. This results in displays of extreme appearance in a subconscious effort to assert pleas for help that victims struggling to become survivors cannot think to voice.

    Depersonalization can become so extreme from unspeakable trauma that victims lose their ability to feel or register pain anymore. Often this is displayed in excessive piercings and tattoos in sensitive areas.

    Subconscious displays of abuse can also double as asserted effort to offend or repel others when in fact it also invites more abuse from predators looking for those signs.

    My experience under MK Ultra mind control on a White House/Pentagon level included control of my appearance. How I walked, when I talked, and how I was dressed were all controlled through programming.

    I deprogrammed the program first, writing out detailed instruction of my programmers. I even heard their voices in my head saying, “walk this way” until I wrote it out. By activating the logic part of my brain through moving a pen, neuron pathways in my brain re-opened, freeing compartmentalized memory and allowing for my own natural physical expression of walking. My gait changed once and for all, never reverting back to programmed mannerisms.

    Mannerisms that are recognizable even in children include a fixed gaze on genital areas. This is often a defense mechanism of ‘sizing up’ abuse that also reflects heightened sexuality obsession. In a silent plea for help, the fixed gaze may also be a pleading look at passerbys, into cars, or staring at the ground avoiding eye contact. Be mindful of your gaze, while understanding extended gaze without blinking indicates dissociation and ultimately vulnerability.

    Stun guns were commonly used for mind control back when I endured MK Ultra programming. Resultant stun gun electric prod ‘burns’ were strategically left as indicators on strategic parts of my body as a signifier to those in the know what I was programmed to do. These stun gun burns turned into ‘beauty mark’ moles signifying message delivery, oral sex, and more. I had those moles removed since they were a trigger to me and signifier to abusers.

    I did not have visible rose or monarch tattoos as many other MK Ultra victims did since my decorative signifiers were usually displayed in jewelry, which ultimately was easy to remove!

    Read the full article on Cathy's website here!

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    11 mins
  • Voice To Skull vs Program
    Jun 17 2024

    Whenever I would deliver a message to and from government leaders, I would deliver it verbatim, using the voice inflections of my programmers.

    As a CIA MK Ultra mind control slave working White House/Pentagon level operations, I was programmed on various military, NASA, and DARPA installations. Our brains photographically record events surrounding trauma as part of our innate defense mechanism.

    This photographic memory is how Manchurian Candidate presidents, for example, can deliver a speech perfectly despite being unable to articulately respond to spontaneous questioning (think George Bush, Jr.) Likewise, a lifetime of torture and conditioning rendered my photographic memory easily accessible and programmable. Therefore, I was used as a messenger in conjunction with Black Ops I was programmed to work.

    When I delivered messages, my voice photographically parroted my programmers. I used their inflections and could parrot messages in any programmed language with no capacity to interpret or understand. I could not think to answer any questions yet could receive photographically recorded response to take back and deliver to those who had the codes, keys, and triggers to access it.

    Consider how amazing our brains are to have such capability!

    Consider, too, how this parallels many reported voice-to-skull experiences.

    After Intelligence Insider Mark Phillips rescued me in 1988 and I began remembering my MK Ultra mind control experience, I remembered it in photographic detail. By writing out memory by hand, I was able to write out memory in photographic detail the way it had recorded in my brain.

    As I wrote, I could hear my programmer’s voice in my head verbatim exactly as the MK Ultra programs were instilled.

    This photographic recording made it easier to accurately remember my tortured past through deprogramming the program first. This helped me see through deliberate scrambles and false implanted diversionary memory and access the reality of government secrets I was exposed to for decades.

    When photographic memory first surfaced and I heard voices of my programmers in my head, I did not understand what was going on. Had I sought help outside myself rather than go within to find my answers, I would likely have been misdiagnosed as schizophrenic. If I had gone online (which was not available to me in 1988) like many survivors do today seeking answers outside themselves while highly suggestible, I would have gravitated to reports of Voice to Skull programming.

    Fortunately, that was not the case for me. Mark Phillips reminded me my answers are within and to ask myself, “whose voice is that?” and write it out. “What is that voice saying?” Write it out. “How did you get there?” Write it out. “Where did you go after” Write it out.

    Since the act of moving a pen requires the logic part of the brain, repressed traumatic memory was switched over to critical analysis where it was then consciously viewed in front of me on paper. This allows for healing on many levels at once. Most importantly, it opens neuron pathways in the brain freeing up compartmentalized repressed memory. By opening those neuron pathways by writing rather than vocalizing, the information does not re-compartmentalize.

    Using a pen to write out memory is an amazing brain trick we all need to use to expand our thought. Typing does not do the same thing, leaving the programming vulnerable to triggering.

    I hear from many Targeted Individuals (TIs) who reclaim and retain self control and free thought through writing out what they hear.

    Voice to Skull programming can be a perceptual distortion of repressed memory. When reports of Voice to Skull abuse include repetitious phrases an abusive parent would use, for example “you are worthless and no good” “you can’t do anything right” etc.

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    6 mins
  • Handwriting Analysis
    Jun 17 2024

    Writing by hand has numerous benefits for reclaiming and retaining free thought, overcoming grief, fear, or trauma, and stimulating expanded thought as I’m sure many of you have heard me mention by now.

    Did you know you can improve your physical health by consciously altering your handwriting? I learned this and other positive aspects of handwriting while under MK Ultra mind control working for the CIA as a Handwriting Analyst.

    Lecturing on Graphology was my cover on NCL Cruise lines while working CIA cocaine and heroin ops as detailed in TRANCE Formation of America. With my photographic memory activated through imposed trauma, I gained much insight and knowledge into the science of graphology while analyzing thousands of handwriting samples. Coupled with my telepathic intuitive senses, my pinpoint accuracy and knowledge earned me respect as one of the best experts on graphology in the nation.

    What I learned then and retain now is comprehensive understanding of the crucial need to get writing by hand back into the school system. Typing does not access and activate neuron pathways in our brain the same way writing by hand does, which compounds computerization’s capacity for indoctrinating our children.

    I hear parents complain that cursive writing has been eliminated in many of our nation’s schools, leaving the reading and interpretation of our Constitution and other sacred documents to outsiders who may not care to uphold our values.
    What if the power grid does go down as so many fear? Twiddling thumbs will replace texting thumbs unless we wise up and re-evaluate the value of writing by hand and knowing how to read it!
    Moving a pen is an integral part of mind body function. Different physical strokes of the pen can reflect inner attitudes and health. A tense, aggressive person is more apt to push the pen into the paper harder than a peaceful, gentle person would. A gregarious public figure may write much larger than a shy person with low self esteem. See the logic of this science?
    Cursive writing allows for fluidity of thought that is expressed in the fluidity of movement. If there is a hiccup in the middle of smooth flow, why is it there? A catch at the top an otherwise round “o”, for example, may indicate irregularity in heartbeat. If you notice it in your own writing, practice consciously making that “o” smooth and round. This can actually train your brain to regulate your heartbeat! When you real-eyes this power you have over your own mind-body function, you gain insight into the ins and outs of your brains capacity.

    I often speak out on the resiliency of body, mind and spirit that we have within us. Yet after decades of conditioning to look outside ourselves to self appointed authority, we forgot that we have the ability to heal ourselves. One little handwriting exercise can refamiliarize you with the power you have within.

    If MK Ultra mind control programmers can program a military special forces soldier to take a bullet and not bleed by tapping into the part of their brain that regulates blood flow, imagine what we can do from within ourselves using the strength of the human spirit and infinite power of love driven by our own free will! It’s a matter of knowing the ins and outs of our own brain capability. Again, writing by hand can reMind us where this brain path is through conscious awareness of it!

    Exercise is key. Just because you decide you are going to run a marathon does not mean you will win it first try. Practice, exercise, conscious determination, focus, and persistence win!

    Read the full article on Cathy's website here!

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    8 mins
  • All Together Now
    Jun 17 2024

    Change happens, is the only constant, and is ever-evolving with or without our conscious awareness. Amidst life’s kaleidoscope of change is a higher vibration path of synchronicity, purpose, harmony, and flow.

    We reach this higher vibrational space when we interal-eyes knowledge that is our defense against mind control and consciously choose to think free. It’s the way humanity used to live. Life’s changes become choices on how we perceive, participate, and positively affect outcomes when we re-align with our nature.

    Awake and aware, many have embraced the harsh reality that there are those among us who seek to manipulate our life’s experience through imposed traumatic changes. Trauma is the basis of mind control.

    Fear, negativity, division, grief, and hatred are being deliberately used to keep us in a lower vibration and out of flow with life’s higher purpose. My daughter Kelly and I were exposed to this dark plan while deep in the Wash DC swamp among global perpeTraitors under their MK Ultra mind control...

    Read the full article here!

    Wisely knowing we can only help those who are willing to help themselves, Kelly chose to stay out of the public eye and turbulent current until humanity chose to join that higher path that comes with awareness. Clearly collective consciousness is rising- as is Kelly’s voice and presence. Reconnecting in a Disconnected World. Reconnecting in a Disconnected World.

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    8 mins