
  • 8. Dawn with Podcast
    May 23 2024
    The birth of the podcast is a mystical, magical and perhaps even unconscious moment. Because the podcast was invented by Samuel Beckett in the 1950s, he invented it and left it available to those capable of noticing it.
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    7 mins
  • 7. From Whom the Radio Calls
    May 17 2024
    It all started in January 1969, 7 January to be precise. When Franco Mocagatta, Teodora Taddei and Gianni Boncompagni opened the radio to calls from the public, live. Without censorship or prejudice. The idea is to offer listeners a trusted space where they can ask questions, and express their doubts. The relationship between the audience and presenters will no longer be the same.
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    5 mins
  • 6. Free 2 Air
    May 16 2024
    A revolution was needed and the revolution for radio began in 1976, when the government broadcasting monopoly ended.Already in 1976, there were many private broadcasters, up to then illegal. Still, from the end of the monopoly onwards, radio stations began to spring up in every town, neighbourhood, and building. The 100-flower season began.
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    7 mins
  • 5. Poveri Cristi
    May 15 2024
    Danilo Dolci and his fraternal friends founded Radio Sicilia Libera in 1970 and in 1970 the radio station was shut by the police. In reality, their broadcast lasted a mere 26 hours, but it was perhaps the most explosive and powerful 26 hours in history.
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    7 mins
  • 4. London Calling...Italy
    May 14 2024
    Sending an audio signal can also become a vital need, especially if the communication could save lives and change the fate of a conflict.During the Second World War a rebel radio broadcast news, instilled courage and organised resistance from the English Channel. During the Second World War, the voice of freedom was Radio London.
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    6 mins
  • 3. The Roof Crazies
    May 12 2024
    It is from the rooftops that most radio stations in history were born, and it is from the rooftops of Buenos Aires that the broadcasting of voices over the airwaves first took shape.Enrique Telemaco Susini is a visionary and a forerunner, the human being who can be referred to as the first radio speaker, and by extension the first podcaster. This is his story.
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    5 mins
  • 2. The Radio Man
    May 11 2024
    Franco Moretti is a fundamental figure in the history of radio, a point of reference for every radio enthusiast in the city of Ferrara first and all of Italy later.Thanks to his passion and genius, he was able to use the power of radio as never before, not only to communicate but to save thousands of lives
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    6 mins
  • 1. Down with Titanic
    May 10 2024
    The history of distance and real-time communication began on a very famous ship in April 1912, a ship so innovative that it even had a Marconi radiotelegraph on board, installed on the ship by the scientist himself.From that night on, the term “distance” would take on a whole new meaning.
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    4 mins