
  • 465: Due Diligence in Investing and Business
    Sep 29 2024
    Due diligence is certainly something you do when making a big investment or buying a business. But it’s actually something that should apply to all areas of life—whether you’re signing a contract at work, getting involved in a new relationship, or even deciding which dating app bio seems like it won’t end in a true-crime documentary. In the business world, due diligence means doing your homework before diving into any deal. It's checking the financials, understanding the risks, and making sure everything is legit before you sign on the dotted line. Just like you wouldn’t buy a car without checking under the hood (unless you enjoy random roadside adventures), you shouldn’t make decisions at work or in business without getting the full picture. The same goes for your personal life. That new person you just met? It’s worth making sure their story adds up. And let's be honest, these days, doing a bit of digital "due diligence" (a.k.a. light social media stalking) is part of dating etiquette. That said, even the most thorough due diligence can sometimes fall short. Just look at Bernie Madoff. This guy had years of audited financials and still managed to scam investors out of billions. It wasn’t because people weren’t doing their due diligence, but because Madoff was a master manipulator who played the long con. He reminds us that no matter how careful you are, sometimes bad actors can slip through the cracks. All we can do is to know that we did our best. In some cases, that might even involve hiring a third party to dive even deeper. In this week’s episode of Wealth Formula Podcast, we will talk to someone who does that for a living. She provides lots of pearls for you to apply in you everyday life. 05:00 Introduction to OSINT and Its Importance 08:05 Understanding Open Source Intelligence Gathering 11:09 The Role of OSINT in Business 13:54 Digital Vulnerability and Reputation Management 17:04 Red Flag Analysis for Investments 19:54 Cost-Effectiveness of Due Diligence 22:59 The Value of Background Investigations 26:01 Conclusion and Contact Information
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    27 mins
  • Practical Tips for Maximizing Your Day
    Sep 27 2024
    Buck shares insights on how to focus on what truly matters, prioritize tasks, and implement strategies like time blocking and the two-minute rule to enhance productivity. Buck emphasizes the significance of a results-driven mindset and the need to eliminate distractions to achieve goals efficiently. He concludes with the idea that a proactive approach to time management can lead to greater success in both personal and professional endeavors.
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    21 mins
  • 464: News of the Week 09/25/24
    Sep 25 2024
    Buck and Zulfe discuss the recent Federal Reserve rate cuts, their implications for the economy, and how markets are reacting. They explore the rationale behind the Fed's decisions, the expected trajectory of interest rates, and the potential impact on various asset classes, including stocks, gold, and Bitcoin. The conversation also highlights investment opportunities arising from the current economic landscape, particularly for those looking to refinance or invest in distressed assets.
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    20 mins
  • 463: Everything You Need to Know about Asset Protection in 30 Minutes
    Sep 22 2024
    One of the rude awakenings I’ve had about the legal system in our country is that its not really about who is right or wrong. It’s about risk mitigation. In my former life as a practicing surgeon, I saw this in the form of malpractice law suits. Experienced surgeons will tell you that if you have not had some complication during surgery in your career, you simply have not operated enough. That’s why we have robust consent forms and processes making sure that patients are aware that complications are always possible and do occur. I once had a complication in a procedure that was well known. In fact, the consent form specifically named this complication multiple times and even provided the incidence of this specific complication based on published studies. Unfortunately, the patient decided to file a malpractice suit against me even though he recovered fine. Why not I guess? Lawyers will take up just about any case if there is a chance to make a buck. I was appalled and thought for sure it would go away. But, as it turns out, my attorneys felt that it would be smart to have insurance settle the case rather than risk a bigger loss by going in front of a jury. Since then, I have been in multiple business litigation matters. And again, its not about who’s right or wrong. It’s often about calculating how much it would cost to continue with lawyers rather then an evaluation of the merits of the case. Bottom line is, its not about who’s right or wrong. It’s about who’s got the money and who’s willing to spend it. That’s why the best defense against frivolous lawsuits is to turn yourself into a really ugly target. You want lawyers to look at you and realize that trying to get money from you is just not worth their time. And that, my friends, is the basis of asset protection. Sounds cynical I know. But that is the truth. So how do you turn yourself into a skunk that no one wants to get near? That’s what this week’s show is all about. Doug Lodmell, my friend and asset protection attorney will tell you everything you need to know about asset protection in 30 minutes. 06:25 Introduction to Asset Protection 08:32 Understanding the Basics of Asset Protection 12:18 The Importance of LLCs in Asset Protection 16:25 Creating a Holding Company for Investments 20:11 Advanced Asset Protection Strategies 24:34 The Role of Asset Protection Trusts 28:16 Navigating Legal Challenges and Criminal Considerations 32:28 The Bridge Trust: A Hybrid Solution Get a free consultation with Doug Lodmell: https://www.lodmell.com/
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    39 mins
  • Can we see mental illness on brain scans?
    Sep 20 2024
    In this episode of Longevity Junky, Buck and Nikki sit down with renowned psychiatrist and brain disorder specialist, Dr. Daniel Amen, founder of Amen Clinics, to discuss groundbreaking brain imaging techniques like SPECT scans. Dr. Amen shares insights on diagnosing mental health issues through brain mapping and the role of brain health in overall longevity. Dr. Daniel Amen's Free Brain Assessment: Full episode in video available on YouTube: Questions? Send us a message at: Follow us on social media: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: Tiktok:
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    1 hr and 4 mins
  • 462: News of the Week 09/11/24
    Sep 18 2024
    Buck and Zulfi discuss central bank digital currencies, the role of banks, Bitcoin's volatility and market dynamics, and the economic conditions influenced by the Federal Reserve. They explore the implications of these factors on investment strategies and the importance of understanding economic cycles for making informed investment decisions.
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    30 mins
  • 461: Bitcoin and Central Bank Digital Currencies
    Sep 15 2024
    In 2014, like most people, I was skeptical and largely uninformed about Bitcoin. At the time, it seemed like a quirky internet fad, reminiscent of the infamous Dutch tulip mania from the 17th century—something bound to disappear as quickly as it had come. Unfortunately, I was listening to the likes of Peter Schiff at the time who convinced me that bitcoin was just a speculative bubble, a digital Ponzi scheme waiting to implode. So, I didn’t question it. I dismissed Bitcoin, just like most people did. By 2016, however, I decided to take a deeper dive. What I found captivated me. Bitcoin isn’t just a speculative investment; it is a revolutionary form of money, designed to withstand the economic pressures that have eroded every fiat currency in history. In 2018 Saifedean Ammous published The Bitcoin Standard where he argued for the importance of sound money. History is littered with examples of societies that debased their currency and paid the price for it. From the fall of the Roman Empire to the collapse of the Weimar Republic, excessive money printing always leads to inflation, erosion of wealth, and ultimately, economic ruin. Bitcoin solves this problem with a hard cap of 21 million coins. It’s decentralized and cannot be manipulated by governments or central banks. In a world where the Federal Reserve can print trillions of dollars overnight, Bitcoin’s scarcity and resistance to inflation are revolutionary. Ammous makes it clear that Bitcoin, much like gold in centuries past, is a form of "hard money" that can store value over the long term, immune from the whims of political agendas. Unlike gold, though, Bitcoin is more efficient. It’s easily divisible, transferable across borders, and secured by an immutable blockchain. No middlemen, no gatekeepers, just a decentralized network verifying and recording every transaction. This creates an incorruptible store of value, something that’s sorely needed in today’s financial system. Back in 2017, Bitcoin exploded from under $1,000 to nearly $20,000 in just 12 months. Some called it a bubble, but I saw it differently. The institutional adoption was beginning. Fast forward to today, and Bitcoin isn’t just a fringe asset—it’s gaining legitimacy among the world’s biggest financial players. Names like BlackRock, Fidelity, and Grayscale have built massive infrastructure around Bitcoin. BlackRock, with nearly $10 trillion under management, launched a Bitcoin ETF. And when Larry Fink, the CEO of BlackRock, begins referring to Bitcoin as "digital gold," you know the asset has reached a new level of mainstream credibility. It’s a reflection of Bitcoin’s maturation as an asset class. Even on the political front, Bitcoin is making waves. Figures like Donald Trump and Robert Kennedy Jr. have publicly stated their intent to hold Bitcoin as part of treasury reserves. At the same time, demand for Bitcoin is rising. Millennials and Gen Z increasingly see Bitcoin as a more reliable store of value than traditional investments like stocks or bonds. A recent survey found that nearly 50% of Millennials trust cryptocurrency more than they trust the stock market. As these generations accumulate more wealth, their preference for Bitcoin will only accelerate, driving demand higher. And with Bitcoin’s supply fixed, the inevitable consequence is upward price pressure. When I first started seriously looking at Bitcoin in 2016, it was trading between $600 and $700. Today, Bitcoin hovers between $50,000 and $60,000. That’s an astonishing 80x return. If someone had invested $100,000 in Bitcoin back then, they’d be sitting on $8 million today. These numbers aren’t just hypothetical—they’re a real testament to Bitcoin’s growth and future potential. A common critique of Bitcoin is its volatility. There’s no denying that Bitcoin has seen wild price swings, such as the rapid ascent to $69,000 in 2021 followed by a steep correction. But here’s the crucial point: volatility is not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, in Bitcoin’s case, it’s an opportunity. As Ammous explains in The Bitcoin Standard, volatility is an expected feature of any emerging asset class. Bitcoin is still in its price discovery phase. As adoption increases and market capitalization grows, the volatility will decrease, much like what we’ve seen with gold. Right now, Bitcoin’s volatility provides an entry point for those looking to benefit from its long-term trajectory. In a few years, when Bitcoin reaches the market cap of gold—currently around $12 trillion—it will likely stabilize, and the wild price fluctuations we see today will diminish. So, while volatility may scare off some investors, for those who believe in Bitcoin’s long-term potential, it’s a gift. It creates buying opportunities in a market that is steadily trending upward over time. If I had to choose one asset to double in value over the next two to three years, it would undoubtedly be ...
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    40 mins
  • Has the first person to live to 500 already been born?
    Sep 13 2024
    Buck introduces his brand new health and longevity podcast, Longevity Junky. Longevity Junky is a compelling and accessible new podcast that works for all longevity enthusiasts, whether you’re a hardened scholar who craves detailed science or a relative newcomer to this fascinating and quickly evolving world. Dr. Buck Joffrey, MD, is a former neurosurgeon, successful entrepreneur, and self-described health-conscious hedonist. Nikki Leigh is a jet-setting actress influencer with 6M followers and is the OG Longevity Junky. They’re good friends and willing guinea pigs for all longevity-related experiments. From hallucinogens to full body MRIs, micro-dosing Cialis to tech, exercise, and diet to mindfulness, they’re on a voyage of discovery, meeting the best experts in each space, learning and sharing their experiences, and giving listeners actionable tips on how to live a longer, happier life.
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    57 mins