• How to Go Through Gethsemane
    Sep 16 2024

    Have you ever considered whether prayer in your life is more of a spare tire or a steering wheel? In our latest episode, we unravel the profound spiritual insights that emerge from this provocative question. We recount the deeply moving story of a young boy who, in an act of ultimate love, was ready to give his life to save his sister, echoing the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Explore Jesus' agonizing moments in the Garden of Gethsemane, where He confirmed His decision to shed His blood for humanity. Join us as we reflect on His distress, His guidance to His disciples to pray against temptation, and the crucial importance of spiritual readiness.

    We dive into the heartfelt narrative of Peggy and Joey Woodson's battle with cystic fibrosis, emphasizing the transformative power of faith and surrender. Their story exemplifies how turning hardships into testimonies of God's glory can bring about a profound change. Through powerful anecdotes and biblical insights, we uncover the mysteries of Jesus' struggle with God's will and draw parallels to our own journey. Discover how aligning our will with God's can turn our challenges into victories that glorify Him, and learn the true power of surrender through both ancient and contemporary stories of faith. Join us for an episode that promises to deepen your understanding of sacrifice, prayer, and the unparalleled power of surrender.

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    33 mins
  • Promises of Danger and Development
    Sep 9 2024

    In the final moments before His arrest, Jesus had a profound conversation with Peter and His disciples, preparing them for the challenges they were about to face. Luke 22:31-38 reveals not only the promise of danger but also the assurance of supernatural defense and spiritual development. As Jesus told Peter that Satan sought to sift him like wheat, He didn’t leave Peter in despair. Instead, He promised that He had already prayed for Peter and that Peter’s failure wouldn’t be the end of his story—it would be part of his development.

    This message explores how Jesus equips His followers for the inevitable trials of life. Through Peter’s impending denial, we see the humanity of failure and the divine power of restoration. Jesus reminds His disciples—and us—that we have an Advocate who intercedes for us even when we stumble. This conversation serves as a reminder that our failures aren’t fatal, and God’s grace is more than enough to carry us through our struggles. Join us as we unpack how Jesus' promises of danger, defense, and development remain just as relevant for believers today.

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    25 mins
  • Surprised by True Greatness
    Jun 2 2024

    What defines true greatness? Explore Jesus' radical teachings on leadership and humility as we unpack the pivotal moments of the Last Supper. Witness how a dispute among the disciples about who is the greatest led Jesus to challenge their worldly views with a transformative lesson on servant leadership. Luke 22 is our guide as Jesus juxtaposes earthly authority with heavenly values, teaching that true greatness lies not in being served but in serving others.

    Journey with us as we delve into the profound act of Jesus washing His disciples’ feet, even those of His betrayer, Judas Iscariot. Discover the cultural significance and timeless spiritual lessons behind this act of humility. Reflect on the promises Jesus made to His disciples and Peter’s later teachings on humility. Learn how to embrace servant leadership in your own life, following Jesus' example of daily fellowship through confession and humble service to others. This episode is a call to embody true greatness through humility and servanthood.

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    28 mins
  • The Last Supper
    May 27 2024

    In our journey through the scriptures today, we delve into the profound significance of the Lord's Supper, a divinely ordained memorial that Jesus instituted for His followers. This sacred ordinance, often referred to as Communion, is a simple yet powerful act of remembrance. Unlike grand monuments such as the Lincoln Memorial or the Washington Monument, which stand as towering testaments to historical figures, Jesus chose humble elements—a piece of bread and the juice from a crushed grape—to serve as the enduring symbols of His sacrifice.

    The Lord's Supper is a call to remember Jesus, to recover from our spiritual amnesia, and to reflect on the immense cost of our freedom. The bread symbolizes His body given for us, and the juice represents His blood shed to establish a new covenant. This act of remembrance is not just a ritual; it is a profound spiritual exercise that reconnects us with the core of our faith. Every time we partake in this ordinance, we are reminded of the One who gave everything for our redemption.

    Memorials have always played a significant role in human history, serving as reminders of important events and individuals. Memorial Day, for instance, was established to honor soldiers who died in the American Civil War and later expanded to include all military personnel who have served the country. Similarly, ancient cultures, like the Vikings, had their own memorial ceremonies to honor fallen warriors. These acts of remembrance are deeply ingrained in our collective consciousness.

    The Lincoln Memorial, with its 29-foot-tall statue of Abraham Lincoln and inscriptions of his Gettysburg Address and inaugural addresses, serves as a powerful reminder of his legacy. The Washington Monument, with its 897 steps and various memorial stones, including one inscribed with "Laus Deo" (Praise be to God), stands as a testament to the nation's first president. These monuments are designed to be permanent, etched in stone, so that future generations can remember the sacrifices and contributions of these great leaders.

    However, the most enduring memorial of all is the one instituted by Jesus during the Last Supper. As we read in Luke 22:14-23, Jesus gathered His disciples for a final meal before His crucifixion. He took bread, gave thanks, broke it, and gave it to them, saying, "This is my body, which is given for you. Do this in remembrance of me." He then took a cup of wine and said, "This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood." These simple elements—bread and wine—carry profound spiritual significance.

    Jesus' choice of these elements is deeply symbolic. The bread, representing His body, signifies the affliction and suffering He endured for our sake. The wine, symbolizing His blood, points to the new covenant that offers eternal atonement for sin. This new covenant, unlike the old one established through the blood of sacrificial animals, is based entirely on Jesus' sacrifice. It is a covenant of grace, dependent solely on Christ's finished work on the cross.

    The Lord's Supper is not a re-sacrificing of Jesus, as some traditions might suggest. It is an ordinance of remembrance, a way for believers to continually recall the sacrifice that secured their redemption. By partaking in this meal, we are reminded of our union with Christ and our communion with one another. It is a time to give thanks, to reflect on the cost of our freedom, and to renew our commitment to follow Jesus.

    The Lord's Supper is a divinely ordained memorial that transcends time and space. It is a simple yet profound act that calls us to remember Jesus, to reflect on His sacrifice, and to give thanks for the redemption He secured for us. As we partake in this sacred ordinance, let us do so with hearts full of gratitude, minds focused on His sacrifice, and spirits renewed in our commitment to follow Him.

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    28 mins
  • A Commencement Address for Anxious Disciples
    May 20 2024

    In this message, Stephen Davey draws an intriguing parallel between commencement exercises and the last supper Jesus had with His disciples before His crucifixion. Stephen highlights how the Upper Room discourse in Luke 22:7-14 can be seen as a commencement address for the disciples, preparing them for the transition from followers to leaders of the New Testament church. As Jesus orchestrates the final details of this significant meal, He delivers profound truths to calm their anxious hearts, truths that remain relevant for us today.

    Jesus has been preparing His disciples over three and a half years, and now, at this critical juncture, He provides them with essential truths to hold onto as they face uncertainty and fear. Stephen emphasizes the importance of trusting in Jesus, the promise of our heavenly home, the guarantee of our future, and Jesus as our guide.

    Explore these comforting and empowering truths that Jesus imparted to His disciples in their moment of anxiety and how they can help you navigate your own challenges and transitions in life. Discover how these timeless principles can uproot anxiety and provide a sense of peace and direction, reassuring you that while the journey may be tumultuous, the destination is secure in Christ.

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    29 mins
  • Judas and Us!
    May 12 2024

    The first scene in Luke 22 sets the stage for the rest of the chapter, detailing Judas's conspiracy to betray Jesus during the Passover. The Jewish leaders wanted to kill Jesus, but feared the people's reaction. However, Jesus knew the details of His death, as foretold in the Old Testament.

    Judas, one of the twelve disciples, is portrayed as a thief with an unrestrained attraction to money and a nationalistic obsession for Israel. He betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver, agreeing to become a witness against Christ in court.

    The story of Judas serves as a mirror to our own lives, reminding us that it's possible to appear to walk with Christ while concealing secret sin, to associate with Christians without accepting Christ, and to withdraw from fellowship with God because of what He's withholding.

    We have two options: follow Judas's path of betrayal, or trust in God's promises and seek forgiveness for our sins. The problem isn't just Judas; it's Judas and us.

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    37 mins
  • Prophecy Matter!
    Apr 28 2024

    Does Prophecy Matter? Absolutely! Why Jesus' Warnings Still Impact Us Today

    In this message, Stephen unpacks Jesus' prophetic warnings from Luke 21. Discover how end-times prophecies from the Bible aren't just meant to frighten, but to shape how we live right now. Explore how Jesus' words promote purity, create comfort, and reveal the ultimate victory of Christ. If you long to live wholeheartedly for God, this message is for you!

    Key Takeaway: Prophecy isn't just about far-off events, it's about how we live today. Understanding God's plans for the future motivates us to live for Him with purpose and joy.

    Want to learn more? Head over to Wisdom Online (https://www.wisdomonline.org) for additional resources and deeper exploration into the wisdom of Scripture.

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    32 mins
  • Doomsday!
    Apr 22 2024

    Stephen Davey probes Luke 21, where Jesus predicts terrifying end-times events. Though councils fear man-made doom, Christ warns of divinely orchestrated judgment. Cosmic disruption and earthly chaos will precede His return, yet believers are secure. Learn more and access additional resources at Wisdom Online website: https://www.wisdomonline.org.

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    38 mins