• Thu Sep 19th, '24 - Daily Weather for West Palm Beach
    Sep 19 2024
    Good morning! This is your weather for Thursday, September 19th, 2024, for sunny West Palm Beach, Florida. - Morning temperature around 76 degrees, humidity at 49 percent - Afternoon high of 91 degrees with nearly clear skies (3 percent cloudiness) - Moderate rain expected in the afternoon (0.7 inches) - Evening temperature settles down to around 83 degrees, with south winds at 6 mph, gusting up to 8 mph, and continued rain - Night low of 78 degrees with rain tapering off West Palm Beach has so much to offer, even when it’s a bit rainy. Enjoy a cozy walk along Clematis Street or explore the Norton Museum of Art. Thanks for tuning in today. Don't forget to check in with me tomorrow; I’ll be right here with your latest weather update. Stay dry out there and have a fantastic day!
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    2 mins
  • Wed Sep 18th, '24 - Daily Weather for West Palm Beach
    Sep 18 2024
    Good morning and welcome! This is your weather for Wednesday, September 18th, 2024, for beautiful West Palm Beach. - Morning temperature around 78 degrees with light rain (three-tenths of an inch) - Skies mostly clear with a touch of cloudiness - Daytime high of 89 degrees with comfortable humidity at 49 percent - Light rain might continue on and off but shouldn’t affect your plans - Gentle east wind at 4 mph, providing a nice breeze - Evening temperature around 85 degrees, mostly clear skies - Overnight low of 78 degrees, great for open windows Thanks for tuning in today. Make sure to check back in tomorrow for your latest weather update. Have a fantastic day!
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    2 mins
  • Tue Sep 17th, '24 - Daily Weather for West Palm Beach
    Sep 17 2024
    Good morning! This is your weather for Tuesday, September 17th, 2024, for West Palm Beach. - Early morning: Moderate rain, 83 degrees, 67% humidity - Daytime: High of 87 degrees, rain continues, south-southwest wind at 4 mph with gusts up to 6 mph - Evening: Temperatures around 80 degrees, rain persists - Night: Steady at 80 degrees, rain tapers off slightly, total rainfall around 0.3 inches - Great day for indoor activities or visiting local museums Thanks for tuning in, and remember to check back in tomorrow for your daily weather update. Have a fantastic day!
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    2 mins
  • Mon Sep 16th, '24 - Daily Weather for West Palm Beach
    Sep 16 2024
    Good morning! This is your weather for Monday, September 16th, 2024, for beautiful West Palm Beach. - Morning temperature around 81 degrees with 54% humidity - Moderate rain, with southeast wind gusts up to 3 mph - Daytime high of 91 degrees, staying cloudy with continuous rain - Evening temperature dropping to 84 degrees, rain continuing - Night temperature again around 84 degrees, rain persisting - Perfect day for indoor activities or unwinding with a book or movie Thanks for tuning in today! Don’t forget to check back in tomorrow for your next weather update. Have a great day!
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    2 mins
  • Sun Sep 15th, '24 - Daily Weather for West Palm Beach
    Sep 15 2024
    Good morning! Hope you're having a fantastic day so far. This is your weather for Sunday, September 15th, 2024, for beautiful West Palm Beach. - Morning temperature around 80 degrees with 53% humidity - Expect moderate rain throughout the day - Mostly cloudy skies with 82% cloud cover - Daytime high around 91 degrees - North-east winds at 4 mph - Evening temperature around 83 degrees with persistent rain - Night temperature cooling to about 80 degrees, rain likely to continue Thanks for tuning in, and don't forget to check back tomorrow for your next weather update. Have a great day!
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    2 mins
  • Sat Sep 14th, '24 - Daily Weather for West Palm Beach
    Sep 14 2024
    Good morning and happy Saturday! This is your weather for September 14th, 2024, for beautiful West Palm Beach. - Morning temperature: around 80 degrees, a bit humid - Winds: gentle breeze from the east-northeast - Daytime high: 90 degrees, mostly sunny with 16% cloud cover - Expected rain: moderate, about half an inch throughout the day - Evening temperature: cooling to around 86 degrees, light rain might continue - Night temperature: around 82 degrees, rain easing off Enjoy the sounds of the rain and take in the tropical atmosphere. Have a fantastic Saturday!
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    2 mins
  • Fri Sep 13th, '24 - Daily Weather for West Palm Beach
    Sep 13 2024
    Here is your weather for Friday, September 13th, 2024, for West Palm Beach. - Morning temperature around 82 degrees with 56 percent humidity - Moderate rain expected throughout the day - Daytime high of 91 degrees; light clothing and an umbrella recommended - 98 percent cloudiness with minimal sunshine expected - Evening temperature around 86 degrees with continued rain - Night temperature settling at around 84 degrees - Light southeast wind at 3.1 mph with gusts up to 3.9 mph - Perfect for indoor activities like a movie night or good book Enjoy the rhythm of the rain and take the chance for some indoor relaxation. Tune in again tomorrow for more updates!
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    2 mins
  • Thu Sep 12th, '24 - Daily Weather for West Palm Beach
    Sep 12 2024
    Good morning! Today is Thursday, September 12th, 2024, and this is your weather for West Palm Beach. - Warm morning at around 80 degrees with 57% humidity - Daytime high of 90 degrees; a hot day, stay hydrated - Rain predicted with over one tenth of an inch of light rain showers - 100% cloud cover, limited sun exposure - Southeast wind at 3 mph, gusts up to 5 mph - Evening will be about 85 degrees with tapering rain - Nighttime temperatures settling around 84 degrees - Remember your umbrella or rain jacket; drive carefully on slick roads - Take a moment to enjoy the sound of the rain if you can Thanks for tuning in today. Be sure to check back in tomorrow for your latest weather update. Have a great day!
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    2 mins