• Embracing the Summer Solstice and rare Full Moon Energies
    Jun 21 2024

    Join ‪Sue Brayne and Michelle Cheyne from the Wisdom Seekers Society in this insightful episode of The Cosmic Echoes, recorded on a beautiful Summer Solstice morning. We explore the cosmic significance of the rare double full moon in Capricorn, discussing the dynamic energies at play and how they impact our sense of safety, belonging, and personal growth. We also dive into deep reflections on parenting, inner authority, and navigating retrogrades to harness the transformative power of this unique celestial period. Embrace the journey towards self-nurturing and authentic living with cosmic wisdom and practical advice.

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    33 mins
  • Surfing Time in the Cosmic Ocean
    May 31 2024

    Get your surfboards out and get ready to ride the waves of time in the cosmic ocean... time has been moving differently in our world.

    Has time been bending or is it just our perception of it? Father Time (Saturn) is sending us messages through the cosmos. Are we ready to hear and communicate to the best of our ability? Sue Brayne guides us through what we can expect in June and we explore a little more around time, parallel universes and the (possible) different roles of masculine and feminine energy. We take an in-depth look at what the New Moon on the 6th of June brings and how the planets Mercury, Neptune and Saturn (Father Time) might be affecting our experience of the 3-dimensional world. As always, we'd love to hear your feedback, so let us know your thoughts. You can find more about Sue's amazing work on her website - www.suebrayne.co.uk


    Join the Wisdom Seekers at https://wisdomtree.instinctive-living.com/wisdom-seekers-society

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    35 mins
  • Cosmic Echoes - Exploring Celestial Significance and Inner Growth
    May 8 2024

    In this engaging dialogue, two astrology enthusiasts delve into the broader implications of astrological events and their resonance with personal and collective experiences. With a blend of humour and insight, they reflect on the cyclical nature of celestial phenomena and their potential impact on human lives.

    From discussions on resilience and spiritual connection to the pursuit of individual talents and the quest for hope, they offer a holistic perspective on navigating life's complexities.

    As they anticipate future cosmic alignments and delve into the mysteries of time, they invite listeners on a journey of self-discovery and cosmic exploration.

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    34 mins
  • Astrology in April - Eclipse Season giving way fro the Uranus Jupiter Conjunction
    Apr 9 2024

    Welcome back to Cosmic Echoes, where each month, we embark on a journey of wonder and discovery into the depths of the cosmos and beyond. I'm Michelle Cheyne, founder of the Wisdom Seekers Society, and I'm thrilled to be joined once again by the insightful Sue Brayne, astrologer, author, and podcaster extraordinaire.

    As we gather under the cosmic canopy of the New Moon, Sue and I are eager to dive deep into the mysteries of the universe and share our insights with you. Our conversations are not just about scratching the surface; they're about delving into the heart of existence, pondering the questions that have baffled humanity for centuries, and opening our minds to the infinite possibilities that lie beyond.

    This month, our cosmic journey takes us on a quest to explore the profound interconnectedness of all things. From the dance of the planets to the synchronicities woven into the fabric of our lives, we'll unravel the cosmic tapestry that binds us together in a web of cosmic unity. Join us as we ponder the significance of these cosmic connections and how they shape our understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

    But our exploration doesn't stop there. No, dear seeker, we're just getting started. In our quest to embrace the wonder of existence, we'll also venture beyond the confines of our earthly realm to gaze upon the vast expanse of outer space. Together, we'll marvel at the beauty of distant galaxies, ponder the possibility of extraterrestrial life, and contemplate our place in the grand scheme of the cosmos.

    As we journey through the cosmic wilderness, we'll draw upon the wisdom of ancient traditions and modern science alike. From the timeless teachings of astrology to the cutting-edge discoveries of astrophysics, we'll seek to uncover the threads that connect the past to the present and illuminate the path to a deeper understanding of the universe.

    But perhaps most importantly, dear seeker, we invite you to join us in embracing the awe and wonder of existence. For in the vastness of the cosmos, we find not just answers, but a profound sense of belonging and purpose. So let us journey together, hand in hand, as we navigate the unknown and bask in the cosmic echoes that resonate within us all. @suebrayne

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    37 mins
  • Introducing Cosmic Echoes - Encounters of the Curious Kind
    Mar 10 2024

    Welcome to the inaugural episode of Cosmic Echoes: Encounters of the Curious Kind! In this special debut, join hosts Michelle Cheyne and Sue Brayne as we embark on a journey into the depths of the cosmos and the mysteries of existence. We'll begin by sharing the inspiration behind the creation of this podcast, delving into our shared passion for exploring the unknown and our desire to invite others to join us on this cosmic adventure. Sue will bravely open up about her near-death experience and unrelated, profound mystical encounter on a train ride to Dorset, providing a deeply personal insight into the transformative power of such encounters and how they shape our understanding of life and the universe. Additionally, we'll explore the significance of the New Moon in March and what celestial energies it brings to our journey. From cosmic alignments to astrological forecasts, we'll uncover the hidden messages and opportunities that await us as we navigate the cosmic currents together. So come, take a seat, and prepare to be captivated by our cosmic echoes. Let's embark on this extraordinary voyage of discovery, curiosity, and awe together. Welcome to Cosmic Echoes! You can find out more and connect with Sue on her website If you want to learn more about Michelle's work, visit www.instinctive-living.com or join the Wisdom Seekers Society.

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    31 mins
  • Being Space for the World with Johann Botha
    Sep 20 2023

    Welcome to a truly special episode of the Instinctive Living podcast! Today, we have a remarkable guest joining us for a prerecorded live conversation. He's no stranger to the world of wisdom, dialogue, and storytelling, and this month, he's taking the reins as our host for Wisdom Whispers in the Wisdom Seekers Society, our exclusive members platform.

    I am delighted to introduce Johann Botha, a seasoned practitioner in integrity assessment and a master of dialogue. Johann's journey into the depths of wisdom, his background in filmmaking, and his pursuit of practical wisdom will leave you inspired. So, don't miss out on this enlightening conversation, and if you haven't already, consider joining the Wisdom Seekers Society to be part of our vibrant community of wisdom enthusiasts!

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    40 mins
  • Empowerment Alchemy: Unleashing Self-Love & Desires with Nicole Majik
    Aug 16 2023

    In this captivating episode of "Empowerment Alchemy," join host, Michelle Cheyne as she chats to Nicole Majik, a mother of four who transformed her life after surviving Mercury poisoning during her 16-year career as a chemist. With a remarkable journey from scientist to Empowerment Alchemist, Nicole shares her insights and wisdom on unleashing the transformative power of self-love and defining your deepest desires. Join us as we explore Nicole's mission to empower and inspire, uncovering the alchemical process that leads to personal empowerment and fulfillment.

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    46 mins
  • Inking the Path to Mastery: Conversations with Dr. Octopus
    Jul 28 2023

    In this captivating episode of the Instinctive Living podcast, host Michelle engages in a thought-provoking conversation about mastery from a nonlinear perspective with the brilliant Perry Knoppert, the visionary founder of the Octopus movement - a global mycelium of nonlinear thinkers.

    Exploring the uncharted territory of embracing a diverse range of passions and interests, Michelle and Perry delve into the concept of mastery beyond conventional norms. They draw inspiration from Barbara Sher's compelling book 'Refuse to Choose,' which celebrates the power of multipotentialites and how their varied interests can lead to a unique and fulfilling life path.

    Emilie Wapnick's inspiring TED Talk on "multipotentialites" also finds its place in the discussion, igniting a deeper understanding of how individuals with multiple passions can integrate their diverse skills to make meaningful contributions.

    One intriguing aspect tackled during their conversation is the misrepresentation of the age-old saying, "Jack of all trades, master of none." Michelle and Perry unravel the truth behind this phrase, highlighting its often overlooked wisdom and challenging the traditional notion of single-minded specialization.

    As the episode unfolds, listeners are invited to explore the fascinating world of nonlinear thinking and how embracing a diverse range of interests can lead to profound personal growth, creativity, and mastery in unexpected ways. Michelle and Perry leave no stone unturned as they inspire their audience to celebrate their uniqueness and unlock the true potential of living an instinctive, authentic life.

    Why not join The Octopus Movement and the Wisdom Seekers Society.

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    55 mins