• There is a Better Way
    Feb 2 2025

    "There is a Better Way" -If you're a Christian, how well to adapt to change? As change affects your life and challenges you, do you respond in prayer or do you complain? We must be careful when change disrupts our life that we take our concerns to the Lord in prayer. It is possible that the Lord is behind the new things affecting your life to change you. Even though you may have walked with the Lord in faith for many decades, God will always be working in you to transform you. There is always room for improvement in us and we must be open to the Lord to grow us in our faith.

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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • Pushed to the Limit
    Jan 29 2025

    "Pushed to the Limit" -There are two spiritual forces in the world. There is God and there is Satan. As Christians, we can be influenced by both. When the Lord commands us to obey Him and it places us in dangerous situations, we have to choose if we will obey Him or rebel. It is during these times, when we're led to face persecution that we will feel great pressure within our beings. Perhaps, you have experienced times of great pressure in your spirit that pushed you to the limit. When Christians are oppressed by the forces of darkness, we must remember that the greater One lives in us. The Holy Spirit will empower us to push back against the enemy so that we can endure the attack and be victorious.

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    44 mins
  • Ready or Not
    Jan 26 2025

    "Ready or Not" -When the Lord is performing a new work in a generation, He will begin speaking differently toward us as His children in the earth. it's not that the Lord has changed, but it's that He is changing things in the realm of the Spirit concerning us. Those who have been faithful to the Lord in the past seasons will be prepared for the new changes. However, not everyone will be open or even receive the new direction or the new things that God is revealing to them. Getting ready for the Lord to return is our personal responsibility. Ready or not, the Lord will return on clouds of glory one day. If today is the day that Jesus returns, will you rejoice to see Him or will you be ashamed to stand in His presence?

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    45 mins
  • Let the Righteous be Glad
    Jan 22 2025

    "Let the Righteous be Glad" -When Christians do not know God as we should, it can open us up to doubt, fear, and unbelief that can cause us to think wrong thoughts about Him. God is good, but if we do not know that in our hearts, we can misjudge His actions. Sinners who become saved do not know that they have been living in rebellion. Therefore, the Father has to reveal this truth to them and He does this by correcting and punishing them when they do wrong. If we endure the seasons of correction from the Father in the way that He intends, and we allow Him to change our heart and ways, God is able to bring peace, joy, and blessings on our lives. God has always intended to bless His people and His children in Christ, but He has to teach us His ways so that when He blesses us, we won't abuse or misuse the goodness of God.

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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • Trust God With the Process
    Jan 19 2025

    "Trust God With the Process" -If there is one thing that Satan and demons enjoy doing to Christians, it would have to be applying pressure to our lives and faith through afflictions. If there is one thing that God wants us to do when pressures start building is trust Him to get us through the afflictions. If there is one thing that our flesh nature and self wants us to do as Christians when under extreme pressure, it would be to help God to help us get the pressure off of us. When we try to help God to help us, we frustrate God's grace and plan for us spiritually and could cause the process to take longer than intended by the Father. Every Christian needs this message from the Lord.

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    54 mins
  • Joy Comes to Those Who Sorrow
    Jan 8 2025

    "Joy Comes to Those Who Sorrow" -As humans, who are also Christians, we can see things of this world differently than God sees them to be. For this reason, we tend to shy away from things that look bad or may cause us to suffer. Anytime, we are serving God and we encounter suffering or persecution, we ought to view it as good, not evil. Since Christians are reluctant, many times, to view something that appears bad as good or to see something that hurts as being good, we draw back instead of stand in faith. Since we may choose to draw back or walk away from the Lord because of suffering, we need spiritual understanding to empower us to stand and not run. Here's your word from the Lord!

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    55 mins
  • Operating in the Authority of God
    Jan 5 2025

    "Operating in the Authority of God" -Do Christians really need to know the truth written in the Word of God? If Christians listen to someone that does not declare the Word of God correctly, those who hear what is being spoken won't have confidence to obey God. Anytime that the truth is declared truthfully, the Holy Spirit will confirm the truth as the truth of God. Once the Holy Spirit bears witness of the truth with our spirit, His witness will give us confidence to speak it and obey it in our lives. God won't confirm man's opinions or beliefs as truth. Therefore, man cannot take glory for anything that God has revealed or fulfilled in us as Christians.

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    54 mins
  • A New Year and a New Perspective
    Jan 1 2025

    "A New Year and a New Perspective" -How Christians perceive God and the trials of this life to be could be the one thing that holds a lot of believers back in their faith. It is essential that we take the time to learn God's Word and His ways so that our minds can be renewed. Many Christians live their lives being frustrated and unfulfilled because they do not clearly see as God sees. Instead of giving into defeat and allowing the enemy to gain control over us, we have to train ourselves to live for God whole-heartedly for the Lord by dying to self. If something is good in the Spirit but we perceive it as bad in our carnal mind, to us, it will be bad. Yes, you need this word from the Lord.-How Christians perceive God and the trials of this life to be could be the one thing that holds a lot of believers back in their faith. It is essential that we take the time to learn God's Word and His ways so that our minds can be renewed. Many Christians live their lives being frustrated and unfulfilled because they do not clearly see as God sees. Instead of giving into defeat and allowing the enemy to gain control over us, we have to train ourselves to live for God whole-heartedly for the Lord by dying to self. If something is good in the Spirit but we perceive it as bad in our carnal mind, to us, it will be bad. Yes, you need this word from the Lord.

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    1 hr and 4 mins