• Maki - "Itadakimasu"
    May 19 2023

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    Two thin sticks lie horizontally to divide the sacred area and you. When you pick them up and pray, they will be a bridge for you to receive the blessings.


    Every day, many people pray before eating. Prayers before meals vary from culture to culture, but they probably share the same feeling. "Itadakimasu" is something I say before eating, and I don't think I'm crazy to say that this is one of the shortest prayers before meals in the world.

    "Itadakimasu" is sometimes translated into English as "Let's eat." I don't say it's wrong. Mind you, when I say it, I feel much more humbled.

    Itadakimasu literally means "I'll receive." It's a humble form of "moraimasu (/morau)," which also means to receive. We use the word when we partake of something from strangers, elder people, or people with higher positions. So we say it not only before we eat but also when we receive gifts.

    It is said that the phrase came from what ancient people in Japan did when they received gifts. They used to lift gifts above their head to show respect and appreciation to the givers. "Itadaki" means the top of something, and the itadaki of a body is the head -- we don't call the head "itadaki" now, though.

    When we say itasadakimasu before a meal, we think of the blessing of nature. When you have food on the table, it means that the earth and nature didn't get upset. The land gave us valuable gifts: fish, meat, vegetables, fruits, etc. Each has a soul/life, and we take it in to survive. They sacrifice their lives to let us live. How can we not put our hands together and be grateful?

    At the same time, our thoughts go to all the people associated until a meal ends up in front of us. Farmers, fishers, cooks, people who serve the table, etc. There are so many stories behind a single meal. They let us live, too.

    In Japan, we have a custom of sharing food with gods and ancestors. We make offerings to Buddhist altars (or/and) Shinto altars, and then we eat or drink the offerings afterward. The offerings are sanctified. In Japan, sacred things are usually divided from the world we're living in. When you come to Japan, you'll see Shinto entrance gates called Torii and sacred Shinto ropes called Shimenawa. Those show a boundary between the sacred area and the secular area.

    In fact, you'll see a little border on your dining table, too! We place chopsticks horizontally between a meal and us. The side of giving (the sacred area) and receiving (this world). They are divided first, but after you pick up your chopsticks and say itadakimasu, you will be able to cross the boundary and receive the gift, which keeps you alive.

    After itadakimasu has become "Let's eat," we've lost something really big. Japan produces an astronomical amount of food waste every year, and some people argue that they don't have to say itadakimasu because they pay for food. Since the phrase is very implicit -- we don't say what we appreciate but think of it -- I, as a parent, have a responsibility to teach my son what it means.

    Do you pray or do anything before/after eating?

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    4 mins
  • Maki - "Are you go to the beach?"
    May 12 2023

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    "Are you go to the beach?"

    This sentence served as a wake-up call for me. When I went to an English Cafe to practice English, there was a woman who was really engaging in a conversation, and then I heard her say, "Are you go to the beach?"

    I knew she meant, "Did you go to the beach?" because the teacher she was talking to answered, "I didn't." Their conversation flowed nicely, and they were having so much fun. I was there, noticing some of her errors... being silent as the dead. I shut my mouth because I didn't want to make any mistakes in front of those people. Watching them loving their conversation, I asked myself, "What on earth am I doing here, really?"

    She was a great storyteller making some chocolate-covered mistakes. I was just voiceless grammar police giving herself lemons.

    Which person would you want to talk with?

    Now my goal is to become a better communicator. Today, I'm going to share several things to bear in mind.


    1) Don't be your own grammar police all the time.

    Self-correction is wonderful, but I hope, from time to time, you give yourself a break to just have fun talking to your friends in English.

    2)"Fluent?" No, "Whether you were understood or not."

    "Fluent or not" is so vague. Check if you were understood by your partner(s) instead. Find what you can improve for the next time.

    3) Organize your thoughts on various topics.

    You can't say anything about what you don't know. Writing is great to organize your thoughts. Write and see what's in your brain. Make it a habit.

    4) Be a good listener.

    Listening is important to become a good communicator. I love watching interviews because I can learn how hosts respond to guests. Carefully listen to your conversation partner.

    5) Recharge your energy in your comfort zone!

    I replenish my energy in a safe place to get out of my comfort zone. Get ready for challenges with the right people. Visit a place where you feel comfortable talking in English. Find someone who always makes you feel good about yourself.

    6) Learn from your favorite speaker.

    Think about what makes you like him/her and add it to your speech.


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    3 mins
  • Maki - "Gratitude"
    May 6 2023

    This is what I wrote two years ago. Today's my husband's birthday. Happy birthday, Hide.

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    I've been staring at my laptop screen for about 30 minutes while listening to my son saying random things. But finally, my fingers have decided to type.

    I found it so hard to write about my husband. Is it because I'm afraid of sounding cheesy? Or, maybe because there are no amount of words that could accurately describe how grateful I am to him.

    Dear Hide,

    I clearly remember when we first met. I don't care about whether or not destiny is true in love, but strangely, I remember the day.

    You were freakin' weird.

    But I knew we'd be friends, and we've become best friends.

    Earthquakes often remind me of the time when you bought and relished a roasted sweet potato during the aftermath of 3.11. I got so annoyed at that time, but, in retrospect, we needed that little comfort food back then, and thank you for giving me half.

    I know you've taught silly things to Haru, and now I have to worry that he might do or say those things in kindergarten. He enjoys seeing me upset when he does what you taught. It's your fault, and I hate that those things make me laugh.

    While you were away for the whole week a few weeks ago, Haru woke up and screamed, "Daddy! Daddy!" every morning. He always wonders if he can take a bath with you. You're his hero and mine.

    Lying on the floor, we giggle together: our stupid jokes and songs are what my happiness looks like.

    Your letter got me out of the darkest time, and I'm thankful that I spend every day with you and our boy.

    I'm grateful for the countless things that you've done for me. Without you, I'd stay still, and no growth would happen. You're the only one that I can show the little Darth Vader in me --"Little?" you may wonder.

    I asked you, "Do you remember when we first met?"

    You said no.


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    2 mins
  • Maki - "Dad"
    Jan 28 2023

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    When I was little, I'd often find myself in front of a calendar. I counted how many days there were left until my dad came back home.

    My dad is a farmer, so he always worked outside, but I always knew where I had to go to find him. Expect for winter. At that time, I didn't know why he was not around in winter. I cannot recall how he left home. He was gone without me realizing it.

    I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth. It wasn't until much much later that I found out that he went away to do construction work because he was the only breadwinner in my family and tried to make ends meet. In my hometown, we have a lot of snow in winter, and everything freezes. Most farmers take a break, but he couldn't afford one.

    I was a daddy girl; I counted days every day, wishing he could have come back home after finishing counting. My mum was beside me, smiling, but I don't know how she really felt beside me at that time.

    I grew up without worrying about anything thanks to my parents. I’m as old as they were. I’m trying my best, but I always wonder if I’m doing well like them. They are my heroes.

    And today is a special day. Happy birthday, Dad.

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    2 mins
  • Alisson - "What a homeless guy taught me at the square."
    Jan 24 2023

    Living among the hustle and bustle of the world, we overlook a lot of things. It isn't until when we come across some life-changing moments that we realize how much we take for granted.  Epiphanies that we come upon will stay with us and help us to navigate our ways. 

    Today, Alisson shared one of the inspirational moments in his life, which opened up his eyes and encouraged him to reflect on what he was doing back then. I'm sure you'll be inspired by it, too.


    Connect with Alisson!

    Instagram: @alissoneudes

    Alisson is one of the admins of the English Takeover Facebook Community!

    Join the community

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    4 mins
  • Maki - “Get a good sleep, and do it already.”
    Dec 30 2022

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    New things are scariest before you start them. Changes are so loud, especially when you care about them. So, you might end up covering your ears and getting away. Can you relate?

    I'm a huge worrier, so preparation’s been my bestie. I never started something new when I felt unprepared. That's me. But I came to realize that this trait has a drawback in some way.

    In the last two years, I launched some projects. Although these were hobby projects, I've learned something significant: the more you wait to start, the more you get worried and the longer you worry. I was terrified before launching my projects, but I could manage them. It took some time to get used to the new rides, but I was alright. That realization helped me stop prolonging my worry time.

    At the end of last year, I started tutoring some Japanese learners and English learners. Before I did it, I was in two minds. Am I ready for this? I felt so unprepared and inexperienced, so I gravitated towards my bestie, "preparation." With hindsight, I was daunted because, in the back of my mind, I felt teaching was the shoes I was meant to wear. I was prolonging the fear of starting something new by messing around with courses and books. But the thing was: however many courses I took, however many books I read, nothing gave me enough confidence to start. Then I noticed. Four years of education, teacher's license, TESOL training, two years of teaching experience... None of them made me feel ready. Am I ever going to feel ready?

    My husband once told me, “Get a good sleep, and do it already.” I’m no longer sure why he said it to me, and I’m 100% sure that he doesn’t remember it either. I was probably putting off something important back then, and he was sick of it. But I was empowered by that mantra no one remembered. Also, my hobby projects assured me that if I start something, I’ll be able to manage. Confidence comes after you try your best.

    Lessons never fail to make me nervous, but I've been gaining confidence in teaching by teaching and overcoming challenges every day. I hit 500 lessons at the beginning of this month, and I teach every weekday. I've never felt satisfied like this with what I do.

    Preparation is crucial. I don’t say, “Do it now, forget preparation.” NO. I have faith in prep time. But if you keep pushing back something important for a long time that is more than necessary, do it already. We can't take tomorrow for granted. You don't have to get to where you want to be with one huge step. Take a small step towards it and see what will happen. I’m sure the small step won't kill you. And it's alright if you don’t excel at something right off the bat.

    Changes are intimidating, and your mind sometimes underestimates your skills and knowledge. You might worry that you're still not good enough. If that’s happening to you, find a mentor, friend, teacher, or whoever can guide you until you start what you care about and talk to them.

    After that, get a good sleep, and do it already. Everything, everything will be alright.

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    4 mins
  • Daniel - “Reasons why I wanted to become fluent in English as an introverts”
    Dec 10 2022

    I’ve talked to hundreds of language learners since 2020. Believe it or not, most of them have told me that they are introverts.

    Speaking a foreign language makes you extremely vulnerable, and I must admit, it probably takes more effort for introverts to overcome emotional barriers to speak up. But don’t let your introversion fool you. You just need a good outlet.

    Today’s story reminds me of what Tetsuko Kyoroyanagi, a Japanese TV presenter, once said. She said: “I think even someone who hates talking surely has stories to tell. "

    Today’s storyteller has found a great creative out and environment for him to keep learning English.

    This is Daniel.

    Get in touch with Daniel!

    Instagram: @myfluentpodcast

    Podcast: My Fluent Podcast Website 

    🎵Fog Lake - Spectrogram

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    8 mins
  • Crystal - "My Journey of Learning Japanese & English."
    Dec 10 2022

    I came across one quote the other day. It goes like this.

    "To learn a language is to have one more window from which to look at the world."

    Seems like it’s a Chinese proverb, and I agree with it. I learn English and Indonesian, and I feel like my world is brighter and I’ve had a wider view. But the window is just a window. The thing is: Would you get out of the window and get what you want?

    Today’s contributing writer has shared her language learning journey. She depicted her mindset shift and discovery. I’m sure you can relate to her story.

    This is Crystal.

    Get in touch with Crystal!

    Instagram: @crystal860806 --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/writerscarvings/message
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    5 mins