• YAG S2 Ep 05 - The god of this World
    Feb 5 2024

    Have you ever heard anyone say, "If God is so loving why is there so much misery in teh world?"

    It's a good question but one that reveals a fundamental misunderstand of Scripture.

    YHWH is the Mighty One in control of every aspect of the Creation. He is also a respecter of our decisions, so when we choose gods other than Him, He allows us experience the fruits of our decision.

    In this episode, we explain from Scripture who is really running this world.

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    35 mins
  • YAG S2 Ep 04 - The Nephilim
    Jan 29 2024

    This week we explore what the Bible teaches us about the Nephilim, the "giants of old". How were they created, their affect on humanity, how they were destroyed and why this is important to understand as the MSM start to promote "alien invasion" stories.

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    32 mins
  • YAG S2 Ep03 - Who is Melchizedek?
    Jan 20 2024

    There is much confusion about the Priesthood of the Order of Melchizedek, but the scripture is evident when you approach the subject without preconceived notions.

    Knowing the truth about the High Priest of the Order of Melchizedek protects you from the lies that the saints of YHWH must submit themselves to the Levitical priesthood and the authority of the Sanhedrin.

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    31 mins
  • YAG S2 Ep 02 - Seven Days of Sanctification
    Jan 20 2024

    Last week, we studied the Biblical calendar, the appointed festivals of YHWH and how they reveal His plan of salvation for all of humanity.

    In this episode, we see the parallels between the 7-Day Feast of Tabernacles and the Eighth Day and the 7-day process of sanctification for those vessels called into the service of YHWH.

    The Bible tells us that we must be sanctified for seven days, and on the Eighth day, YHWH will appear to us. For those who chose to be numbered in the First Resurrection, the sanctification process we complete by observing the fall feast days is an essential element of the journey to be called a saint of the Most High.

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    32 mins
  • YAG S2 Ep 1 - YHWH's Festival dates for 2024
    Jan 6 2024

    YHWH tells us that the sun and moon are for signs and seasons (appointed festivals) in Genesis chapter 1, His calendar is a solar-Lunar calendar.

    Later, in Leviticus chapter 23 we are given the instructions when His appointed festivals are to be observed. So we start every year working out when we are to assemble together to keep His appointed festivals.

    These are the Feast dates for 2024:

    8 Apr - New Moon Day - Biblical New Year

    20 April - Last Supper (evening)

    21 April - Passover Seder (evening)

    22 April - First Day of Unleavened Bread (High Day)

    28 April - Last Day of Unleavened Bread (High Day) / Wavesheaf offering

    16 June - Day of Pentecost (High Day)

    2 October - New Moon Day / Day of Trumpets (High Day)

    11 October - Day of Atonement (High Day)

    16 October - Feast of Tabernacles (High Day)

    23 October - Eighth Day (High Day) Please let me know if you'd like to join us for these celebrations (david@spiritandtruthrevival.org)

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    37 mins
  • YAG Ep 33 - YHWH's Calendar Part 1
    Dec 30 2023

    As we come to the end of 2023, we explore the Bible to discover the calendar that YHWH ordained at the time of creation for His people to know the appointed times when we are to come before Him and celebrate in His blessings.

    In part 2, we will identify the festival dates for 2024 so that we can rejoice before Him and fulfill the ordinance He gave us forever.

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    34 mins
  • YAG Ep 32 - The Millennial Sabbath
    Dec 27 2023

    This episode concludes our series on the Book of Revelation and the Latter Days.

    We discuss the Millennial Sabbath, the 1,000-year reign of Y'ShUA, which prepares the world for the second resurrection, and the Great White's judgment of all mankind who were not eligible for the first resurrection.

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    33 mins
  • YAG Ep 31 - The Xmas Deception
    Dec 23 2023

    At this time of year, most people are turning their thoughts to spending time with their family, remembering the happy days of their childhood and all the sweet memories of Xmas past.
    Due to the grotesque commercialization of this season, many Christians push back with the refrain, “Jesus is the Reason for the Season!” This is a noble position to bring the focus back to the birth of the Messiah. But is it true?

    The Bible does tell us when Y’ShUA was born – if you know where to look!

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    31 mins