
  • >Read From Hook to Table. – Vic Dunaway
    Dec 4 2024

    Read Ebooks From Hook to Table. Here https://myideasee.blogspot.com/?book=0025339001

    Synopsis :

    Whether you catch all the fish that grace your table (or try to, anyway), or whether your fish dinners come from the local market, this book aims to make the handling, cleaning, cold-storing and cooking of your fish easier than it’s ever been before. And the eating of them more delightful.

    Here you’ll find a guide to the table qualities and suggested treatment of all of the popular fish of North America, fresh water and salt–along with more than 100 recipes.

    Perhaps no other food is so dependent on freshness for optimum enjoyment as fish. Beef or game or almost any other type of red meat may be improved by aging–that is, deliberately allowing the meat, under controlled conditions, to develop a flavor which is riper than that of the fresh meat. But with fish, the aim always is to maintain that delicate, fresh-caught taste; to prevent, if at all possible, even the slightest hint of ripeness.

    Many kinds of fish, if properly frozen, can be eaten months after they are caught and still taste perfectly fresh. Yet the very same kinds might just as easily develop a disagreeably strong flavor only a day–even hours–after being pulled from the water. The difference, of course, is in how well they are cared for.

    All too many anglers, whether in haste or ignorance, take proper care of their catch at some stages between hook and table, but not at others. All steps are crucial. A fish that is tainted will not lose its rancidity in the freezer, no matter how well you wrap and store it. Nor will a fish gently handled on the water and lovingly carried home on a dry bed of ice be any more palatable a month later if sloppily frozen.

    Oddly, a lot of fishermen who treat the handling of their fish quite casually show far too much concern about cooking. It’s not unusual for a person to feel that every species of fish has its own special ways of being cooked, and must be prepared just-so. These misguided souls might spend hours looking up a recipe for, say, bluefish, after they have refused to spend five minutes making sure their catch is well-iced and drained for the drive home.

    Anyone who follows the few simple procedures explained in the chapters on cooking should have little trouble making a tasty dish out of any fish he might catch–whether he can or can’t find its name in any of the standard family cookbooks.

    And with the more involved recipes offered here, it’s not the fish that might be challenging to prepare, but what goes on it or in it.

    For maximum usefulness of “From Hook to Table” it is suggested that you first look up your fish in the listing in Chapter Seven. There you will get brief suggestions on how to dress the fish and how best to cook it. Then you can consult Chapter Two for cleaning instructions in step-by-step detail, and from there go to Chapter Four for basic cooking procedures.

    Almost always, there is a wide choice of possibilities for any food fish. It’s up to you to decide whether you want simply fried, broiled or baked fish, or want to try one of the more than 100 recipes in Chapter Six.

    For outdoor cooking, look at Chapter Five.

    But for all that advice, you probably won’t be happy with your meal unless you pay careful attention to the proper handling of your catch, as outlined in Chapters One and Three.

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  • >Read Wild About Mushrooms –
    Dec 4 2024

    Read Ebooks Wild About Mushrooms Here https://myideasee.blogspot.com/?book=0201191881

    Synopsis : A cookbook for feasters and foragers.

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  • >Read A Rocky Mountain Sailor In Teddy Roosevelt’s Navy – Rodney G. Tomlinson
    Dec 4 2024

    Read Ebooks A Rocky Mountain Sailor In Teddy Roosevelt’s Navy Here https://myideasee.blogspot.com/?book=B07VGB2B44

    Synopsis : Array

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  • >Read Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Volume 561: Chemistry and Safety of Acrylamide in Food –
    Dec 4 2024

    Read Ebooks Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Volume 561: Chemistry and Safety of Acrylamide in Food Here https://myideasee.blogspot.com/?book=1441936726

    Synopsis : Reports that heat processing of foods induces the formation of acrylamide heightened interest in the chemistry, biochemistry, and safety of this compound. Acrylamide-induced neurotoxicity, reproductive toxicity, genotoxicity, and carcinogenicity are potential human health risks based on animal studies. Because exposure of humans to acrylamide can come from both external sources and the diet, there exists a need to develop a better understanding of its formation and distribution in food and its role in human health. To contribute to this effort, experts from eight countries have presented data on the chemistry, analysis, metabolism, pharmacology, and toxicology of acrylamide. Specifically covered are the following aspects: exposure from the environment and the diet; biomarkers of exposure; risk assessment; epidemiology; mechanism of formation in food; biological alkylation of amino acids, peptides, proteins, and DNA by acrylamide and its epoxide metabolite glycidamide; neurotoxicity, reproductive toxicity, and carcinogenicity; protection against adverse effects; and possible approaches to reducing levels in food. Cross-fertilization of ideas among several disciplines in which an interest in acrylamide has developed, including food science, pharmacology, toxicology, and medicine, will provide a better understanding of the chemistry and biology of acrylamide in food, and can lead to the development of food processes to decrease the acrylamide content of the diet.

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  • >Read Cocoa and Chocolate, 1765-1914 –
    Dec 4 2024

    Read Ebooks Cocoa and Chocolate, 1765-1914 Here https://myideasee.blogspot.com/?book=B000P0JN6W

    Synopsis :

    This pioneering study examines all aspects of the history of cocoa and chocolate and the effect of these commodities globally. William Gervase Clarence-Smith looks at the effects of increased production of cocoa on the environment and on land distribution, at the coercion of labor to work the plantations, at the manufacture of chocolate, at taxation, and at consumption.

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  • >Read Edible Art – David Paul Larousse
    Dec 4 2024

    Read Ebooks Edible Art Here https://myideasee.blogspot.com/?book=0471289353

    Synopsis : From the front and back endpapers of the dustjacket:

    “Garnishing – the final step in creating dishes that please the eye as well as the palate – is one of the most important aspects of fine cooking. In this handsomely illustrated volume, chef de cuisine David Paul Larousse demonstrates how to prepare forty-eight elegant fruit and vegetable garnishes, ranging from a single tomato rose to a sophisticated bouquet composed of several dozen individual pieces. The garnishes are the product of Larousse’s distinctive culinary style, which he calls ‘California mukimono’ – an approach based on Japanese aesthetics of food presentation that he developed while living and working in San Francisco.

    The techniques required to produce the garnishes progress from the simple to the complex, allowing you to acquire a basic repertoire of artistic culinary garnishes as you gain expertise. The step-by-step instructions are accompanied by explanatory line drawings and the results are lavishly illustrated in the colour section of the book. All preparations have been tested in the pressure-filled environment of the professional kitchen and reflect the highest standards of modern culinary practice.

    You’ll find such attractive garnishes as:

    Spiky leek leaves, radish feathers, chili-pepper buds, white turnip calla lilies, cucumber timbales, tomato blossoms, celery sea anemones, spider chrysanthemums, apple doves and much more.

    Whether you are a professional chef or an aspiring gourmet, you will be delighted by these appealing and exotic garnishes.”

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  • >Read The Noodle Narratives: The Global Rise of an Industrial Food into the Twenty-First Century – Frederick K. Errington
    Dec 4 2024

    Read Ebooks The Noodle Narratives: The Global Rise of an Industrial Food into the Twenty-First Century Here https://myideasee.blogspot.com/?book=B00EDKFNRS

    Synopsis : Tasty, convenient, and cheap, instant noodles are one of the most remarkable industrial foods ever. Consumed around the world by millions, they appeal to young and old, affluent and impoverished alike. The authors examine the history, manufacturing, marketing, and consumption of instant noodles. By focusing on three specific markets, they reveal various ways in which these noodles enable diverse populations to manage their lives.

    The first market is in Japan, where instant noodles have facilitated a major transformation of post-war society, while undergoing a seemingly endless tweaking in flavors, toppings, and packaging in order to entice consumers.

    The second is in the United States, where instant noodles have become important to many groups including college students, their nostalgic parents, and prison inmates. The authors also take note of “heavy users,” a category of the chronically hard-pressed targeted by U.S. purveyors.

    The third is in Papua New Guinea, where instant noodles arrived only recently and are providing cheap food options to the urban poor, all the while transforming them into aspiring consumers. Finally, this study examines the global “Big Food” industry. As one of the food system’s singular achievements, the phenomenon of instant noodles provides insight into the pros and cons of global capitalist provisioning.

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  • >Read Vegetable Diet: As Sanctioned by Medical Men, and by Experience in All Ages Including a System of Vegetable Cookery – William A. Al...
    Dec 4 2024

    Read Ebooks Vegetable Diet: As Sanctioned by Medical Men, and by Experience in All Ages Including a System of Vegetable Cookery Here https://myideasee.blogspot.com/?book=B0039GL21S

    Synopsis : This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.

    This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.

    As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

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