Judson Somerville MD

Judson Somerville MD

Fitness, Diet & Nutrition Aging & Longevity Alternative & Complementary Medicine
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Judson Somerville, MD first book The Optimal dose was written to help you save yourself. Ask yourself these questions. Once you stopped, receiving the same level of sun exposure as you did when you were younger, did you notice the following. You started gaining weight yet you were still constantly hungry? Did you do what everyone else has done and failed? That is trying to self treat yourself with every fad diet from Keto to plant based and still din;t loss weight, couldn't stay on the diet and also didn't feel you should be healthier? I say self treating because that is what a diet is all about. Where you were trying to treat a hormone deficiency (vitamin D3 is actually a hormone) by treating the symptoms. See being overweight is the most socially noxious of the symptoms of vitamin D3 deficiency. I call the symptoms the winter syndrome. The key to starting your journey to heal your body starts like loosing weight is with obtaining adequate vitamin D3 levels. The majority of people don't have vitamin D3 levels close to optimal, That is a big reason why they are overweight, and that during the time they do sleep they don't achieve deep restorative sleep. Also why they are more prone to cancer, infections like the "flu" and developing inflammatory diseases. Inflammatory disease like atherosclerosis, diabetes and dementia. no it won;t cure you of everything every time, but if you don;t have adequate levels you certainly will not be as healthy as you could be. See health care costs per person are skyrocketing, lost time from work and family due to illness is a killer and if you were healthier by making a few changes that don;t involve starving yourself wouldn't that be great? Vitamin D3 isn't the whole answer but it is a big part of it. In my book I explain this in detail and give you the doses I used to save my life and improve that of thousands of others. Concerning the book it received a 2019 Eric Hoffer Book Award for health books and finished in the top 10 of the books in the health book section. Dr. Somerville is a lifelong advocate for patients’ health. His controversial approach to healthcare has been featured on the Today Show, MSNBC, in People magazine, US News and World Report and hundreds of newspapers around the world. He was also featured in a BBC special about his involvement in the cloning of his cells. Which was the first time it had been done. He had practiced in the field of interventional pain management for more than two decades, treating thousands of patients. He authored and coauthored a dozen peer-reviewed articles in that field. He contributed a chapter on spine disc disease a major textbook in the field, Practical Pain Management, edited by Tollison, Satterthwaite and Tollison. Dr. Somerville is constantly looking to improve his knowledge. To find the most effective, safest and most natural means to improve his and your health. To those ends he was frankly shocked to discover how important vitamin D3 was and how many systems in the body it effected. He was also amazed to learn how the required dose to see these effects was so out of line with recommendations. Recommended doses by doctors and major health organizations. Then how many suffered from a deficiency of vitamin D3 even based on the absurdly low blood levels recommended by the majority of the medical community. How if and when prescribed by medical doctors who are almost always not aware that the prescription dose of 50,000 IU/week was vitamin D2 not the mammalian form D3. Vitamin D2 a form of vitamin D that is not as well absorbed or as compatible with our bodies as vitamin D3. See vitamin D2 is for plants and mushrooms. How these doctors and groups were either ignorance or intentionally ignorant of vitamin D3’s many beneficial effects. Effects that required significantly higher blood levels than recommend by medical doctors and major health organizations. How the medical industry was advocating avoiding our main source of vitamin D3, the sun. How the amount of it our foods was grossly inadequate and prejudiced. Prejudiced in that those who are lactose intolerant, mainly minority’s in US, had even less opportunity to acquire it. As the current main source of vitamin D3 for the majority is from our diets in the form of milk products containing lactose. So, Dr. Somerville after learning it took much higher doses to activate all the positive effects of vitamin D3, set out to better understand and find the most effective, the optimal dose, he gradually began experimenting with dosing on himself. Gradually using larger daily doses. Doses significantly above the recommended daily allowance recommended by most major health organizations. To finally after over a year of experimenting he was able to determine the optimal dose and blood level. Then he recommended it to thousands of his patients. Those who began using it confirmed that the optimal dose and blood level he developed were truly what was needed. As those following his dosing regimen saw, like he had, significant improvements: in sleep quality, immune function and restoring body weight to its ideal amount. To protect his patients while dosing the, which was critically important to him, he was also monitoring their blood levels of vitamin D and calcium. As the “feared” negative side effect is hypercalcemia (high blood calcium). He never had one patient develop hypercalcemia. In his research of vitamin D3 what he found amazed him. For example, despite all the current talk by the media and certain experts as to safe doses (really blood levels as that is the most accurate way to track it) he found in an old research article how they came to determine what they consider the “safe” upper normal blood level limit of vitamin D3. A "safe" limit which unfortunately most, including medical doctors, take as the highest safe limit. Which it is not. In determining this limit those researchers discussed in that article how the real upper safe blood levels limits of vitamin D3 was at least three times higher than the upper limit they settled on. Finally settling as they discussed in that article, on a blood level of a from of vitamin D3 they would recommend to be the “safe". So they settled on the much lower and current upper limit of 100 ng/ml. A limit that is the current highest “normal”, recommended safe blood level. Unfortunately this level is focused solely on vitamin D3 effects on calcium metabolism. Totally ignoring, like I discussed above and in my book its other important effects on the body. As these experts and most others up until recently had little or no understanding of the other the other, what I call Madison-HannaH effects of vitamin D3. These effects only start at much higher doses and blood levels than these “experts” currently recommended. That vitamin D3 effects so much more than manage calcium metabolism, which only need lower blood levels to initiate but not optimize and their focus was to prevent the childhood disease called rickets. A childhood disease mainly due to lack of vitamin D3 resulting in inadequate absorption of calcium. This lack of enough vitamin D3 leading to inadequate calcium absorption during major bone growth period in young children leading to malformed and painful bones. A disease that only requires very low blood levels of vitamin D3 to prevent. Unfortunately, due to multiple factors including sun avoidance a disease that is becoming more common again. Thus, those who established that low and “safe” limit did not understand that much higher doses and blood levels of vitamin D3 are required to initiate the Madison-HannaH effects. Blood levels required to and resulting in vitamin D3 initiating the Madison-HannaH effects of boosting our immune system, metabolism and sleep among other effects. If you’re not already taking the optimal dose, then you probably have felt similar effects after you had a long day or two of sun exposure. Exposure without caking on sunscreen. If not then, then when you were a child, though you may have forgotten how it felt. How you after significant sun exposure for at least a day or two slept so much better, you had a less ravenous appetite, and wounds heal faster. Even with all the sun avoidance and sunscreen you still feel better in the summer then winter. As, it isn’t only the cold but the decrease sunlight such producing less or no vitamin D3 that results in your winter issues of mood, weight gain and immune issues like “catching” the flu. In the end frankly the results of taking optimal dosing would not be so amazing if you hadn’t been so deficient and for so long. He also has an ongoing blog where he shares his most recent research and the newest findings on vitamin D3 and related subjects. In his blog he also debunks recent criticism of vitamin D3. As it almost seems like there are those out there who don't want you healthy but to be dependent on the current medical system. A system where the only solutions appear to be pharmaceuticals or surgery. Forget expecting most medical professional discussing nutrition, other than tell you eat less to lose weight! No, prevention is not sexy, but it is the best way to stay healthy. That is Dr. Somerville’s goal for you. As your body is an amazing machine. The problem is we are what we eat. If we and our foods weren’t as deficient in vitamins and minerals as they are, we would not need to read my book or supplement. You wouldn’t have the significant improvements like you will for example when you take vitamin D3 at optimal doses. That and add in our bad behavior as well as antibiotics, pesticides and herbicides that our foods may contain. It’s amazing we don’t need to take more prescription medications to treat more diseases, then we already do. The problem is in our current world we are becoming sicker and sicker. Though there are no easy answers and a complex area. He wrote this book to help you begin your journey to health by explaining how this amazing substance vitamin D3 a hormone not a vitamin can start you one your journey to health. To accomplish this, he presents the information in a clear, concise and easy to understand manner. He is after the truth no matter where it leads and wants to share it with you. Our lives depend on it!
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